OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable John W. CrudlnEton county Auditor potter county Amarillo, Texas Dear Sir: , requesting the ove question Lhasbeen oertain funds has been ex- ssioners' Court in certain d in aonferring this author- s named the character of the securities y be invested. The Commissioners* Court power and unless the authoritg to in- is conferred by law, the court is.wfth- investment. Howard vs. Henderson County, allacs vs. Commisslonersf Court of Hadieon co., 15 9. w. (2d) 536. No authority has been conferred upon Conmkssioners~ Courts to invest the money in the .7oadand Bridge fund and therefore the court is without power to invest such funds in Defense Bonds or in any other securities. We think your question has been answered by the Attorney 286 Honorable John Pd.Crudington, pqe #2 General in Opinions Ros. 04906 and O-5223, and we are en- closbg copies of these opinions. APPROt=JiD~~ 3, 1943 very 'truly yours /g/&&g--J ATTORM GENSRAL OF TEXBS . ATTCREX GENERAL OF TEXAS 8s /h-+@L C. F. Gibson Assistant Cpo-S Encls.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion