OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN Honorable Charlss I. Hmtphlll county M&¶ttor Upton aountf &@d.n, Texne bar 8f.m Oplnloa x0* ROI Urdor t th4 aw to FeoeitB any wlouatr provided to bs paid theat? ir\Fel*teu QtlestioM. atlng the opinion ted therein ir aa tin& or the Cod- hold on ifooday, ordorll, wioll$st ommfiirion4r 3, 0. Ourrio, tlnly onor Burfry XoCulloa that Dal, Offf4ial.~ 119 f&B* b4 B fOF the fWF 19491 8hOFtff- OtOr OOltntf AttOFmf; OOwty t Alt CIonetablor; Al.1Jwtloos 0r tb ~4044~. a!%4t.la5 by Oomlwliowr Y. R, fatea, 6uly reoonded by CorPnJssi4n4r f. 0, Currio that th4 t0110whg Upton cotmty otrioill1 Sal..arf*csb4 rot @On thim l.lU %a of Janua~ 1953, them oamo on ier oondhm t Ion eaoae oha rttorr tha Xr Offlo 44hsl4e d thr Ooudy tM5q 0owt.y AndIGtrlot Olork and sh~F%ff, ArnM6aox and Collootor, and lt be&q Uw iosh oi Bae Qoart tba0 raid offloerr be Cslmrd te aaL0 tk4 mui- mum relaFiu auewe4 by aar, am4 Lo OF&r for thAr to'do #I, LI ir n#oMaFy w allow #i% Offioo~s ~sOffisio rwlulor Oar BJTIfll by Oam- laissionu w. 1. T4toa 444&d bJ QonmiASiOWF ;r. 0. ourrio, the st.lubs WD sAbFirs to b4 o%rJAed by the oouaty Clerk, utd ShoFiif %a& dxll a00 om3oed the Skrtotory Mh it14Jl&Ag AU f4W Wd Aad bat tha 4wftioiO llAr y o ?tb bo fired at #)&%vOa aad 8hAt the wlary or the Oounty rad Matriot Glerk be Sixed A$ $~ooo,oo par y4at ANI t&t tha n;-0iri0io Salary or the 3heriri , Asrrrun md be rirr(L at $3000.00, for the mu- 19 b4 pat4 la tw42+4 oqwl pnywntr’. ‘By Or&F OntOrod p0040d ~8~4 O&OF06 th4 lame , bO-Wi%t “Ii&ion by CO1Ud44ioliOF J. 0. Crrlie 8aly woaade4 by OORI~A~~O~~F Barley Xo%ollu t&t the eiaximm sot ral~ry to bo 4emm4 by tho Atterrrep,John A. U4not44, rhall not 1800.00 p6P YeAT, itlOludill5 til f4A8 IM A l6 X-oifi4iO Oalq, pad th ox-ortlaio wl6ry for the County Attomoy ,mablo Chtzrlw I. Hemphill, Paga S $6 bomb ihed ‘t ~1600.00, ia the ywr 1943, Do bo peI 6 ~JI krelro .qual ~yments’. %y oonstruotion of tkm spplloablo lub dlvi- ‘iOfi6 Of btlOl# )%%8f 1A that th4 AiAXhl%U AiaAoatr @A cow Jpbgo, Oountq Attonmy Sherlrf- Assorsor 3 ollooter sad Uouaty-Wshst Clerk (Uptar Ooamty &vhg hss t&a 20,000 &ntmb;turts) my ro~l~6 u&d be ~3,00%00~ da& An Offs- aeat i9.l~~ Fun4 WAS pro+ltlod ?OF by the Owdo- 4iowrrt Oowt prior to thh year* What I *m ia l qUM&LFy AbOUt 16 OFllOt ths ~d‘doa- WhSthOl’ WI)' Qour8 of 0 Oon Qounsy, by t&41? M l& lo:1on tokrn on the aa t 0 of their fhst n@rr mot* in J-w, 19b31 ll. Whotko the Uemby Job 4, Qounty A%t~r- ney Sheriff-Asseobot iad 001106tet an8 Ooanty- Dlrkriot no* UOTO laasd lepon8 salart or r44 baois for the ysar 18 43 as4 wh4thor t&et AGO 0ntLtWl te r4041*4 LIWO tdlsn th4 %tleunts prevido6 by t&4 oourl‘70 be paid thm in th4 above OPdeTs. ROAOFAbl4 CbrrloA F. Ruaphlll, PA@ & OfCloars' S414rf Pun& ot ths oowty, or should thr &U&t AttorMJ SlOn4 A0 60 iSB6~0h as th4 OE~OF ‘uthoriri~ 947a46t tb the others dO4A Rot A&y thAt ‘uoh ‘AlOFj @boll 14014d4 All fM6 %Ad 4Ic O??iOiO ‘AlSFJf.- &MllAtbf8 Of u9tOQ aOUt i8 4,297 bhrbit4txt4 444ording go :i?'t a 1940 ?edmsl 04os\u. 4h l 44*4aA44 trr Vrlu- 4S14m Or Wi6 404SSy fOF th. -OF 19b2 WA‘ #l&298,OO(s.O& &&ion 2 Of rrti41. 39120, f4?Aon“ hUlOtAt4d Clvll st‘*uto‘ nsds in VW8 ‘6 f011On: Is 4outir‘ hnla S,RUU~FU&~~’ 14“ :;A: &Oat, thotuwd (20 too 4400rd16~ to the 1ASt pno.d& hbrsl Oeams, it BhAll ffkWi6, b4 th* bty Of the Commlwion- OF“ GOart, b it‘ Ol’dO? dtif BAd4 4d OAte?O& of rooor& et 11 $6 first FO~lOF nrtily is Jnp~4pJ of 440h l614adar y44t, t0 dotamino WhOthaF 400~ ty OffiOOtr Of Ullah 6OWut~ (4SOhdiU6 4OUAty ‘WVd Qrll, FO~St?AF‘ Ot Vital ‘thi‘tiO8 lnd notar i46 pabllol~rSsl1 b4 racpraAat6d rot tb4 fiWA1 FOAF 08 th b%‘tr Of ‘A 4AAAA1 AOlAFy et whrther thy *hall bo oatprnutad on the bar;‘ of foes omw? by t&m in thr perfom~n44 of their oitioial dutfor, wd it shall al80 k th4 duty oi thr ooonty rlrrk to torpard to tb0 C06ip. tt0iier 0r PAbli0 r48owi8 or th4 stat4 OS 94~46, OA or bdor4 the flrt 44 or Yanuary, 4 04rtiriO4 00~~ 0r SAid OFdOP Of 64 f d d00t~httO~ftr8’ cOUFt.* Tt14 motiaas 604 otdsrs of the Oommlrsiosrrr~ Court A‘ h4F4totO?0 qUOt0d 43'4#&'#@#$%2,BOAtFAdi4tOFy 4Ad i5dOfiAit4, ~4 0Annot ortegorloally srf uhthcr the oowty 0rfh4818 or Upton OOWty 43-4t0 b4 OCN946AOtOb M A r4@ bMi8 O? %A SQBU& 66lrrf b6rlr ior tb4 To*? 1943. Thlr doprrtmat Pm F6p46tdly hold tbC t&4 Ca!f818r!I9ners' Court in oountire hatin l populAtbA Of 148‘ than 20,ooO iAhAbi- $a‘,tAA4oordlng $0 the 1Ast pr*roding ?rdsrol Cenoua, iA aotsr- Boaorrble Cbrtrler1. tlm~phlll,Pagr 5 Boaorablr CharlO y. iimphill, P880 6 Ot 8dd di8triOt 806 OOUdy OffiCU8 i.~ IIDB~ 8II 8MUel 881S?y ti tWOlV0 (12) 8aU81 iBStr J- agEt8 O? a6t 1088 thaa the tOtO1 8011 l8rnM 88 Isore thrm tb rtulmun allonQ rmk offloO? undu law8 ed8tin& Aagsat 24, 1935, l l ' px'ov~da4, that h OOUDtk8 h8Via L pO&Ud8thS d 1.88 t&B tWOA* thOU8Md ( 20,005) sBhbitMt8 WO?&ing to the 188t pr@OOdtS~ yOdOr81 COXWILI, O&d hwirq ea users4d ralortlm 5.a lf0W8 or toe Blll.iM @.~ooo,o~) dO118r8 MMtrbin~ t0 th0 h8t PI’+ M ~8~1W,d%8%~~~~t 8DSfiOOMt~,tb -ZbUm W-t 8t3@nd 8Udl OtiiUX’8 88 8ahrio ary k 1Ml'OciSd On0 (1) $W~Uit iOr OOOh 0aO rillfo0 (@,f%i,o@) dOll8r8 V8bli!tbIb, O? t?W- Uo B a l p ia r t th o no r , in lxmm of nl4 tan dl- LioD (#.o,~o 000) 601blr8 V8h8tiM QIOY 8rd lb o r o t& &&tfror)~idd 8rd UllW9a 8W&Ot- ffOO?8 under 18WS SLi8tiEg 011 Awlt ah, 1935; prmfdd, hOUTO?, 110 8daFie8 OoVOnd by tfi8 8OOt$On 8hlhn lXOWd tha 8tkRl Of fOU? tbUSMd fire hundnd (~.500,00) dO~1lF8-IyM?(u4488 Of the prorntag, o iIW'Wi8~ tIl pOp&th8 Ut aad ih0 rrluatfoa * . a tbr WUt th0 OOtKity Of?bi@i8 Of uptU cWEIty lO to b OOZb~O~88t.8605 8ll 8MH81 88lOry b9d8, thd? 881- ;;f;; Wt b9 ihd hi Oo&~l18R08 rim 88OtbJI 15, Adi0h On the other hrnd, if thO Oounty O~fiOi.&18 ot u%d OoilRt; 8rCtO b8 OOm~Mat~d OB the bari8 Of SO88 OU8.6 by tha18 in theperfarmrMO of their offiolrl (Lutbie3,an&or Ohe 8ppllrrblO pl'Olt18iOlUOf AYtiOlO8 3663 8B4 3891, vOZlLOn'8 MiWt8tUd civil %etutU8, tb MXhttm rmual to.8 th8t My be ntrinat by tha aGang or~iof8l8 watlond la Adole 3883 oannot rxoe.4 thmo thOU88Ild ($3,000.00) dale8 Orah. ti OOUQtbS Whhm the OOUUty OifiOid8 w OCIEpOU8t~d 011 8O 8mtl81 8818ry b8818, the OCUd8dOn*r8' lMYt hu IW 8b thorlty to allow 8111 a-offioio omiprnratloo. (P8rrgrgh (b) & Saotion 6, Artiole f9lS3, Vernon'8 Anmtatod Uidl sktUte8). Bonorabla Oharlsa P,.Iioniphill, Page 7 ArtlOla 389 0? ~0?~00'0 AnnOtOtod Clril !?tatuha prahiblta thr oomla sl onarm’ oourt treorlllovla~ larpearatlon sor lbOfrloiO l4nlooa ta 0ouJlty otflolala rbero the oaq*n- r a tiolnad 0x04~8 foao ahloh t&ag lro llSuwod to ntala ahall rosob tbo maxl~~~improtidrd ior, but provldoa that, where th oompansatlon end oxcoaa ioao do not naoh au& rnaximua tb oourt rho11 allow ox-offiolo oompensatlon if in their Jude& it 18 noe4rrary. In otbar uarda, tNa statute lnthotlroa tho 00d08i004r0~ 00u-t to ruow aa orfi00r oo~a44tioa to? ox-oitloio ssnlooa provld8d that auob ooq4nartim t ethar 1th the foe0 ntalnod by him uudor Artlols38d) and 381 doca not amountto m0r4 than tho Malt flxod by th4m. Th4 aakfn& or tho al.loranoo for or-offieie oampeaaatloa is dls- orotloaary v!th th4 oow&lsaloa4ra court, vlthla tho llmltr prauorlbd. the 4omnla(llon4~ei~aowt oaa allov ox-offlalo oompensatloa only to the ortont that auob ooapenrstloa togathar with the foor ntalnad by soah of tho offl4arr horatoioro rentlonsd prcnlf!od tha amount dooo not rmeont to 43~~4 than the linft ‘itred by Artlole3883 sad 3891. Tha sherlfi oi Upton COuntf rlro tho dntlup8~f0rml of tar lsoossor-601140Woc for oald oountr. Thla 64pertmut haa npaatrdlf hold that uhero th8 dutlea ot th8 tax lmebaaor- oollo4tor ar4 lapos4d U~OQ the Shrrifi tinEar tbo law8 of t&lo Stete, the S∨H hold6 Only 0x18offtoo, thnt 18 th4 otti ai f?lmrlfi,a~4 partoma tho a44ltloaal dutloa of tax l4e404or- oollootor. Ia a0 rront oan tho oc4mla8ian4rs~ astzrtallow the Shsrltf 4x-Of210io OOntp eXWOtiOAh lfO000 Of Oa4 thousand 4oll8ra prr (IIWNE. (3.0 Art1018 3934, v4Pti0at4 AMOtotOd 01~11 f%ettrt40). Apparootly th8 oocimlaslo~ora’4ourt in 8ttsaptlo& to $1x oh4 4x90tr1010 4oEfp4noetlcaof tJ34CcuatY JuQ*, tfJ0 Sh4plff Ameeeor sad Collrotcr of tax88 aaB She Uounty Clerk, *ho 0180. psrftms the .dutt4a of dlatrlot 016rk at tha naxlmum of thrro thousand (#gOOO.OO) dollarr l44h p4r rear upon the beala that none a? tboro oiilolah would earn ant foa8,:2#S&t- lo4tar . The saw oar k aold with r0f4~000 to tha COOE~~ Attorool, axeapt that blr ax-of'flolo oomxmnaatloa wan lialt44 to li&toao hundrrd (#ll$OO.OO)6ollerS F4r Y4er. It 14 *l*O lppar4nt that th4 4ommlaaionora * oourt att4mptbd to llalt tha Honombh ,Charlm t; EmpUll, Pago 6 mapwaatlgn of tbo Oeratl Attorney to tho 8~8 of of&ban hunea4 (#l8co.o0) Dollam. Wboro the 04unty otiirlo1~ or0 rapen8atod oa 8 ?W brria, the oomlaalo~~ra~ sow$ hag no uthorltr ov rigs@ to tlmlt their toeo that may b le g a ll larn84 by looh o?tioiala In t&4 psrtormeara of th4ir ~?tio~b3. iut1.a. The rktutar (Artiol403483 *a4 3691) tir~c the aari8ua a...~~; 00 aO@t~Oa that MY k oamad and ntainad by auoh . W Yr th mfareaoo to bx-afiiolowbmp6nratlcnthe law ~n0orlbsa a6 tiu whoa the ooa8ia8lonor** oowt may ii% t& 4x0Ottioio lOmQoaratien lOuatT oftio~ala; aor la thoro 41 the ml inhibition to tbo ohrn@.ia( tha amount t&woo? wheaetrr tta ldOSlM 8r ~’ UU?~ omaludas, ior my raason, that ruoh rllmnrer or9 tao ga8! or tfd uall. Thor &we t&o right an4 powor, at oar t ,o baforo tho sonay ir astually pai4 orrt to tho o?flo4r,bo rhea@, moditf, or o-411 8atlraIy nprrl or nvoLo tha ordor llloul~ ox-att1elo ooqaneatltm providad tba rapaautla oi ox-oftiolo ranlur allowd abali not la- oraau the wmpaaratica or the oitiolal baton4 the mrimrm O? th e o a ep enr a tlo aa nd lx o o a a fr o 8 allovrd to b -sm$ a lne& b y ;Fsbg I:%, (Pa0 the oau of CoUilywortb Ooyty v. &~?a, . . . Ia rlow of the tongoing you are raapaottul~ ad- iiad that lt ir our opfaion t&et tbo lmaiasl~ara* oaurt ua logally tix t& ox-oftioio oonpoluation o? ths Couatr tadgo, Cow&r Olwk, and tbh,aomty Attoraat in oasp~lrruo with and aa luthorltod by Arti@ 3695 at any amtint mo long as the anoaat of ax-offlol!Jaompsneation allowed to@tbar rltb the ?aar mtalned by 8aah $Kioer under the rbmo mentiorm4 atatataa door not wont to mtw4 than tha liklt tire4 by 7 than. Tbo ord4r of tbo awmlit0lon4ra' oourt raflootr that the rrlrrr of tbo Counts noditor wae flrand at tba sum of 8ightr4A bwdrod (&@?j.oO) dollsra per par. aotontptin for t& porporo of t&la o &ion we eaaumo 8014 ooapanaatlon that we8 t&x04 la omapllaa~e vf Ih ai& a8 authorize4 by Artlao l&5, fornoa’r &~netr~o4 tJivl1Sta$a$o,r as aeea4Od, and Qhat t&o ralery o? the Oouty Auditorwa8 iire by tha Slstrlot Judge and lpprovO4 b thr be?aiD~ial4rO' OOUrt tn loa liMO0 with ~14 &61010 A8 45, proridod tke f*4t@ nquir*d & e lp p r o 7 01 of the 01mua141110n4~8* OQW# on&e? aaid ltatuto. Honorrblo Charler t. RanPhil& P.&a 9 18 Ir Ilo: that ia w* or the oraarr ;&a; tb, 8aami88fOWrlr Wplrt hOmtOfOZ8 WtOU tlb8b th0 lo*pnaat~~ of the count ~awrar n8 I1 J 8999.92 par war drtiahs 39u and ,9&i, Vaxnce’. A..n.tatd & Jt.tut.8 pr...;ma tb maxlrun ooami88ioa8 ior the Coentr Treaaerar la raoolr!.ng ad Q.d out funda. the' Wart may not aham8 tbs Plan "f;or OOapen8at the tr~emrer tro. a r88 to ralrry b88i8, rnd ant attempt tu % x l deilnito 8818rY lB lieu a? 8Qmi88loa# 18 void. (broer v. Eplt Cotmts, 2b9 2.W. 631; tat@ t, Ierdoa, 26 3.1. (2$) 1231# Tax Jwl8p?sidoner, Yel. 11, p. 600 aa& 80- thoritier eltrd thewia). dth l prorl80 ;ha;,uth*ladrf. 8odrriln¶a amaa;;ola8. than the 8ala~y, Ire rhall rwailo rra ~?a then his lidul oommi8alen8, th. d.? ir..ft.ot flxo. 4 &.rioua da1.h my be aamod a* 0onnlrdoM. plaoe the wuatY +mk-ourer 011a ..lary baal8. The only au- thorltl ;&a ~Olllrfsafenere’ 8~1-4 Baa in thfa fnstanaa ia to fir the ret* OS a~~iuianr within tbr 8tatutor~ Ihit. The oOIIILla8lwor~’ wolittuy rix thr treasurer's ~OIEE~S~~OR at eny rate, not go asrod the statutory rote, an4 may al80 reduoa the maria- w 80 b. en tho ret8 as fix.6 00 a4 anouat la88 than the StatutoW u-=. fr the oommleaionara’ oour; baa no; rlmd the oQly8aii, by order of said txmrtt, the 00utf WOW-r ir rntlthd to rateire the urlnen ra.8 o r r a th l e r oraelulou I@ fixed by tha 888fut8#.(Baxter v. Ruak County, 11 2.V. (24) WI. 454 HoeorSblS %rl~g I, Hemphtll, PSgO 10
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion