. . . .. %..:r.* OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF T’EXAS AUSTIN Honorable%* E, Elliott,P.&. ) judgew atlol1.h.thtloffWe. Xt is obtiouo that the l~~irlatur.cti.lgwdLy p1m.A th olp~lntiry, p a woin r th edietriatju4 x&her a a th winthe so * o r o t Lik 4 wl ml~o lo a aourt. EM w p o wo to x dlo R o n- tfnus the sarrloer or t&a auditin- was *issly pIme with auah jud@ rsthni t&m wiul t&e oourt. The ofrloeof mudltarhas tba moot Irrtlsmtordatlm to tbe aotionaof the .odsslonero~ oorirtand th. oomalrolworo 8homoolveo. It lo of Oh* highoat pall. OOaQm timt 4u4h en 02210.rbo left .atlr.- ty in4 tram the eontraL of then oSSlO.ra,mm tc the eotont of a poeoiblcrwov%l by th. Aloeon- tlnuanao of the Authr or his ftmu. h lcilithn it Is of gmrt ;&tlioieportenoetE6t e lkUleu d experl~n.eQarfioeraf thlo klad, 8lred7 halkr dth the finsno~al.onution8 of t&o oouat7as& it. Euolnooo,rhooldnot be #bJaet*a to t&o podblo reoultrof raoh biennial.lootlon, tt IO our 07i.n. loa that WEen the .owi.oriau4ro'oouro owe tRk.0 aotloswhleh 10.6. to tho rypolntmmt of an aoditor GOT a 04uat7, owh 00 10 retems to ia Artlab 1646, 8UOh OOwty, a@ for 80 th0 0#100 IO OQ~O~H&OA, we th6 rppolntaont of Ott*.&&.ntthw..i10 ow- owned btmmee uwtLy like ooantieo AeaQpatrteA in Artf.1.1665; subjest to tho porrsr of the Ai* tr io sjudgl el~no to ~lowntinuo i&o aorrio*o Qz euoh wAltor in the wuin.r.. pr0vid.Uin Artfel. 1646.” In do* of th. fo ofa& it lo bho opialoaoi thle 4epRraunt that tho 41otr T et judeo ~Qmo ho tb #ow4r Do Alooontlauo the sonioeo OX owk auditor In the mnn1op as ia trtloloIti& Tesnb~~ebnstatod provi.doA Gtvil -?ktateot Tmaoting th%t the Soreuol4q SULLY awworo Jour in- &.r7, we are Yvu?. YeFy tstl1y
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion