: . Honorable John Q. iihA&ms ColiIIlztssionor, Deyu.t~~On~or^Banking Austin, Toscs ,~ ‘. : o? such dd.inqucnt t-+Os. . . . . a. i . : _. l!hCboa3 of tkc Act, therefore, purporte .toa&o ' ' such notes or certi.Xcat~s elPgible:for the purpose mm- izhnti by you, but we arc constraiuafi to hold thqt guch is not the lCen1 erfect Or th3 Act. Jt is a cOnStitufiOna1 rcr,uircrz?nt, in the procces OP legislation; thnt *iZobiil, (except g:eneralc~popria';lon bflls, ahioh my ezibrrce thz various su3jects an3 aocounts) ‘.i for oncion aocount 02 Ishiohnorsys arq opgro?riatea)shall cont2i.n more than me s~i5jcct , C-hi& shall 35 Cspeooe'd in itstitle. But if my f+~i, joct. slx~ll be cdwaceri~ in cm act, : :. thioh shall not be esprcsscil2x1tlr=.-CI title, Such crot.sha&l~be ,’ void only as to so ~zmh thereo^L es shall not be so ~erprosscil.a -- ffeotidn 35, Article III, Constitutioi3 of Texa,s. The tit1o to s. B. HO...~QxJ,'6. as:f011me~ ":,.. ‘: z i "An Act conferriag~M.%Ltional pomps on -, bohool cUsti%~ts 11avi11~~ a relatively large pcro3ntage~of&linquent tizxes, incl~.&Ug.pomr to bcrrm noncy an& : issue?'0bligatLons +.o-ur~~ by SUOh tax- es sn.3to a5e su~3~msioitcry pibag& 02 taxeo hsF,eaTtsrbrootin=;dcliaquent to.seoys the rolcaso OF fun&s ploilgeil for fzuc~3 oblrl~at%onc;gsoviG12g t&t _'the yovis5.obs of tk.s A&t ncy bo CII&& : : lativc cc all OAthOrlms., but that in . - ~the eveut of conPlLct, the ~rcvisLons hereof ehzll prcva.i.1;excting p%vi.s- ions inoklent to mx2 mlⅈ?= to'th'c . subject;"an3 ilcolrrringen em?r&?ncy.(I The subject. OT St&to &qositorios or eli,giblc seour- ,&ties f&&posits ther~in.5 s .not codai,neA in t?ie t%tle, and . p?L3r t3e .ipovisions of the Constitution abo?e.cuoted, Sub- sootion 9 of the Act is void. Very truly yours ATTGi2~~~'G~:PZZIAL05'TZSAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion