h b b i OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN C Qu&la G MhNN *-au- Honorable Coke Starewon owernor OT Texas AUatin, ?atPs DearOWeraort uo~elmoel*er 0 on oettutnrullyg cI? vLlst&tute8,in la fm follora~ earn0r, and the third e a p r a 0tlalto lttg r ttq ability, and shall aot legal sdriner to tlou to hle oth0r rthwmf,auIbe ehsirman oi stxLdboard.* *In view or th8 worcung OF the secowl requiremnt that *one &a11 be emplwec¶ in swae buainesr ixxiustrf as a wage earnar,~ roula au oPflcer of a bank be aligibl+a Par lbppolntlnentt In your o#on was it the mnorable Coke Stwenmm - Bye 8 intent Of theLegislrturetolllolude fho bttdneoa of bu\lrinr am a budmae lxulm- try and is tub oiliaer of a bank who re- ae.trea a regular oalar7, a wage earner KithiB the meanfag Qf t&O SktUt&8t* It is the Opinionot th%~ Dopaz'tmsmtthat]ram %BQItit-Jshould be 911sllWsd in the nS&yatire. 1s bMe this aQBOlUSiOB UpOIl the fQllOWh& QOEdii6F~tiQB#, iSI- rslving a8 they d0 an origtnal determitation of the que8- tioa propounded. Pour letter doss not biaeloae what pariAeu10 offiocrr of the bask is iaolvsd, and what his dfltlu are, but,invlw of theteuoxuhemlnaft8~ ud&mdfor our an8wer abate, thlo a8a mm&eno di??umtoo. -- le will umtme that t&e offlorrris 8 *wage cam- or., and that the bank, of ‘whiohhe is a twsdmr, 18 an :zGwdP, dpin thetmaning e;rArtiole8)09 of t&e . seetiaB a, of Pt%ele 88w Quoted by 7om eT%- dmmoe, retbin&,are~ deiinite purpose on the part of the Le~alature that the msmbertip of the8oar4*ould aetmi8tof oreprowtttative of emplojsrs ofl&er, a rep38cantatire of labor, who hUmelf im a age earner, and, last4, oi a luger. In psecrrlbial; tlw el%gibil- it7 of the representrtlrsal labor, the statute retptirem thathebe~employed in s~ambusimb88111&1st~. We think thinis a sigxdfloaatlisdtatlanuponthe eligibil- ity of such mmber. It is not amugh to meet the req~~Im- ment of the statute that he be an empl~es at" scme bald- nom, or ol soae itadwtry . semtstbe employedin llw wbudness industry.. Itor, the wwde, Vttsined and %3dtt8t.~*, are very broad terms, when standing alQne, but when eolBin@id, as in the st8tut8, they hat0 a msre reetri0tedmeanhag. 8tme~10 Cok4 S~W*B*~B - popa S bank8 a8 iniluetrlal aonoerns. InduatrialeeBeemw,in the popularundentandlng, are aema&ateadth thebud- BOltS OT trade, ll!aBustacture, and the 11k0. eardner T. Truetees Qf Mnin Street M. E. Church Or 0ttumwa, Iw8, 244 H. X. 667; Dessen r. I)ey.rtmmt of Labor an6 Ix&m- tries Of Oasha~ton, 66 Pac. (3) 867; People x3xrel. Pullamr. kelly (a. S*) 1715w. 8. ma. A&B, 10 thak, an osfloar O? 8 bank, whiah butk,re hare roe& irran omplger within the mmtuhg ot' the statute, ltamareaearl alleoable to the mplu71~. olese, so far DP ellgS.billt7 Is eeneerne&, then he &a to the wage-earnerclam. With groat ru)oct, we 0rtt ver7ttml77ew6 08-m ATTORIJEY GENERAL OF !fmS