; ‘. OFFICE OF ‘I-NE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAR I b AUSTIN 0-O.L(uuc 'Ytn+.lettero? Soptanber 10th advifbeethat thara madned an Ma8@enbd belanee in this had an August Sl* lW& and auk8 the optiion of this Departf#ent an $0 whatbar this balahoe,,Pndertbs q'idbroxiths..ourmntapin'o~rlatlon to your dopa%?Qner&t, may be ecf,Pended duringctho ourrant fisoal year to dafrap oxpaneer ineu?md in admiaisterl~ the Vital StatietioeAOt. Your quoutlon i8 uuwored lo.tho *imlativ~r mo 1