.... i OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Kmarrblo 8. %po ~tt.M’iJold, 9060 8 be & voluaboorSireua *Itb no l&l&ry,t&o 8moOot 80 orduo p&lU lhell oat be 1008 tk& %mntf-flte Dollon ($Eb]par R o & th )6roh lVOI- 580 wmthly arlbry to be beoea oli the aonthlq mrongo OS ht&~n*lu~ for the Slvr (8) yo6r $ior$o&, of 60 n&i?:, thmool ~6 he may h&ro &WV- ?rwuw6 my br propu Mu rom*u&ute0. witli ths dogno OS dl&&bULty; provld&dSoethos,that ii rnd when rue& dl88blltty6Wt o&&&o suoh rotlromat ot $loabtUty dhsonoe Wi bo ata- Sad owh ~brWOA ehell b. XW&t@F&d to OO~GtlrUred motive &OrY%60 et A& hM& %hWL.t&O Sew .&8&nTy ho roooltod lt tlu tiw OS hte rotlr&uoat So? ai6aimr. "Sue+ 8. Wmsr+u 64 la r o lloaamber du3.f d of ary regularlyorginiaod *atire Six% doprrtwat ai mry city or tan sow oDda& witua ot that ry Lo ms~Sser lua dud8 t& 6providuaa o f oh16 Aae a6 horbfnlkalhod, 011aeoouat of bwldwt or otht aqmwry 4lubflftr oerrredvt rustale= rd while ia, mad/or in oan&&wuaao OS the prrtoru- au&o ef hi6 dtiti~,be ooaflnad to &ny horpl%sl et 00 h&a bbd r&d/or &hell roqtim tha proSo&&loa- 4.l *sniew oi a phmfair,a rotgeoa or nurse, u&d Beed OS m&too; ohail 0.OILprooostatloa OS praprrlj i~uis*tIand +*rlftad bills Wu*Sor, urdu paid srra me Fbmoa*8 Bell6S *ad Botlm- Ik5d or met elty 02 tQwn 811 ao6*066Fy horpital, k ioion'*,lur o *o o li6 *ad/or, mrnt aur8o'o n8dirlo*bPily 10 vr srpnoso aad not 1066 thaa File Dollar& ($8,aor zu6YOthlm nrt40a Dblltl6 (I)ra) 908 WUk t0lOh iiF.WM 4Wiq OUOh trqtomv dtaabblityzpmP2dod howoror,tD*t ia Mb 0**0 ohm11 the aroautaQT amounta w gmld SOP owh bill. and 6xpsaoe6 moo69 tha odwqga%o w eS C&o Wan- &012 Pollee (#lOO) in 64 oao &oath: lad wwldod ftM&or, that tba bonofitopmridrd bY tbi6 W*- tion lhsll not tkpplytv *flyaitr or tovm b&*156 6 fully pclidrim doprftmat~ I.--- L Sonorablo8. Bqna Sattuiislb, Page 8 Th. right Of . fix-em. to raaeite dlmblllty be.... S&C. .itrr he4vl.gleft the ..nloo or 8 r 1 alo4 w 6o~rtiacmtomslngwithin th. pr.vi.2.~: :br& :. determinedby Seotiolu, 7 end 8 of the Aat. Both seatinns olearlriadiaate that a person is not entitledto raooive bissbllltybenefit.us&r the Aat anlas.ha bwtnnos ~&is- ablod while in ln!l/or in consogusnas of the p-riomanos of his dutleewhllo seiringas an sotive flreaanin a regularly active flxe departmentin a eitr or tsws csuiw with1.n the ~r.rl.io.. of tha Aat. 6hen a personbsooma.dirbld r\ut&la the 8eniou of such dspartmont,olaarlyho will not be on- tttlsdto rrosirabenefitsmndor the hot. A penoa nhe has qnmltffod madu t&o lot In a departmentoomiag within ths pr.ri.1o.8of th. Act, and who ha. msd. eontributlon. to the flpndof l partisul8rdaputaant, dll not be entitledto ro- omlr. 4l..bilit]rbttnafit@ fraa the fun& after hwia lsft said dqmrtaent, unlooeha shall hsr. booone dlmblad Wile in and/or in oorrmsquence or the psrforsaaarof tb astp a. s member of tha 4apertsaatin rhlab ho ww ~aelifled. What are the rightsOS a firemanafter &ring 1Oft tdm suvloo of a regularly or~ixed tin depertmont to per- tieipato in retlraauat bumfits? It 16 our opinion that 9wtlon 11l ol tbo Aot tuber .on.l&.r.tlon al.8 not Qi8tlAgui.b t&l.stat00 of. fira who ra.l~.Q ir.m 0.6 rho take.. 108~0 of lb sa no m.Than- for*, whom s rlraroan rssigs~, or se~urss s Iran oi absssae for tha purposeof ontaringthe armed torow of the Ietfoa durlsgwar or Nationalemergency .a4 does 8. ontu the lmeb ported of foxoes,the time ha aorvesin the an;l during sctoh nr or Jktlonal smergbnoy ia oon8llored eontinsou8 ssrvlos ror rOtir0mOntpurporss. The faeti that ho bu boon dstsilsil to the flro department18 l!mb3teFlal. Xii88orvloa la eny ether eapaoltyin the army wma.ldba oonnftlsreda6 continnous servlccifor rstlrsment pur~~esr)s. The status of a fireman who rs8ignd and oar) who take. a laava of abssneoan4 estan tha serr1a11 of aaynyenO crampas (Lcirlliaafireman ara tho suao. Ia 80 far as length of aervicsfor rrtiramentpurposesIs oowarsa~, they will bo ~orornc& by the lengthof time thq are out sf the .Wvfoo of the departmentthey leta, aad, or 0ourae. depmidsnt upon tbair return to said department. The faot that they mewed bs atvtlim firemrn In any axmy 4amp OF d0r.n..tin dopart- rseatdoe. not mdce thee “ihw~n”, 8. that tU% fB d.ftA64 iI3 fhroonblo X. Fayne Sattarfisld, Pa@ b Yootiaa 8b of the Aot. The statum of 8 fitoaaa who ha boss diaobargad and enter8 the rwvlooa of on army camp or defense plant fir8 department ia the maw 86 that of a fireman rha ha@ re- 8Lgood or taken a leave of abmaoa. Xlr olalm for rattim- mont bonrflt~ will dep0na upon hir rrkn8tstemeat 1ri the do- partmont frctm rhLah he -8 dfeohar@d aad the loagth of tlao ho we1 out of emnice. Tho 8tatua. of a firoman who loft the 8ervicr of a rawarlp orgeaissd fire department throPgh no fault of hlr own and eatorm the 8emiee8 of aa anrp eaa or dofenmo fire ‘d~partmant dependa ugen hi8 reia8taterwnt Pa the (Lopartmoat from which be wa8 d h Oh a r 8.dlnd hi8 ltatM fo r r8tiromont purpo@oa fill be govammd by the provimiolu of Beetion 81. Your@ rarytrul~
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion