OFFICE OF THE A’lTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GcluIC.MIllll mlvmmT.a- roooodla(p or the county, ?8za8, @as, la rouaa ala od 8nd 08rrtod for th8 first 81% ' aad thee0 hrlprrr ~ math0 or the yo8r.Q . *c- 'Dow tba Coanimioao~~ Court kvo the authority to make l $mp au8 8&f~FO&JriOtioA to UL orrio ror thputy hisa u34 not 8plry th0 8mmmt to b 8p a id l8oh deputy? Do08 tbr Co uAty hA4itGF b sV0 llth Q Pt0it~ 188Ue monthly wW- MIltO t0 dO~U8hO mds? the &k08m1 t O21118 Or the rbova rt*trd rlaute of the Coml~~ianrrs~ courw- &rtiClO civil b@o@, y8PCiCiA'cl Stntti88, prOYid88, la part, m8 rallow8t %h’brneVrr eaj distrlet, 0aon8y or pr8ciact 0fri00r 8baU roqalra thr,senlc48 of dspuSio8, a86i88nn8e M obrk8 ib th+ pWfOmnDUa Of him dutiO8 tie 8hal1 8p3ly to ti4 COWty COcPmiS8~O&erS' 'CotM or Dir county tar euthoriby tc aypelat aaah dOQ,oticSS88iSt~Ultt8 Or dhrks, 8tatin6 by IWO~D a~pl&Aor~ tbs na?nbr neohl, the position to be fill& and t&b &SOUDt to ba imid. ;6sib applloatlen shall be la~oapanled by a ctotment rhowin& th8 probable rearigto rx0i8 rQO8, ~aai6#i01%~Mid eOUp@58tktiWI80 be Ool- loot.4by 8ai6 of%or U\lrt&g th4 firs&l.Y.&i- aa4 the probable di8barreiwat@WdGh still Lx- 01~64 sill salariss and espouses of said.asrice; court or coy mmber th4-0r 4 ttampt to ior2usaee t&8 a y p OiDtM O &f tl4 wr8Or, tS dE+lt~, PeSti- tmat or alsrk In say 0fricO. Upon ths entry or 0troh order the offiasrr ap9lyfn~s tar 6uah l88~tWt8, dOji,ati@8 0%’OlO*S Oh@11 ?‘@,8PthOP- 80 eppefM fbra; provid8d that enid eom- paasttian rball not sxs4ed ths wmxb~wa emunt8 ~roinbrter oat* The ou5p6oatlom wblah 8ot my br SC@th4 dWptii38, 484i4ttICt6Or Cu@YWd .' akpk6 tiborenaw4d for their 84PVl408 *Fall be I rba8aeable oaq, 00% to 4seead the roimh , iOg ~Uao~n.tlr “, -~ ”. . . (1 Prior tc th6 lnaotnest of ArtioLs 39O!:,.augm, tb8 OOUJAt~ Olorks d&erAbOd fOZ tbWWaVO8 tki4 qUWti0n Of 85. ,, and radr contxauts for their orwpsn- Tharo 18 a0 lsagumga urafiin Artiols SBOP: i4diaatln8 florronble Loo Pro660~1, Pyr 3 that ‘tha86larlor‘of rueh d6putl66, rrrslrtaats and olarkr rry be fixad by ldVat6 a@%omont botwoon thr oounty olerk and him doputler. Ontho other h6nd, by tho axpro pro- vialon at 6814 lrtiolo, tho ooun~ olork is ropuftod to aaalcs application to tb6 oomty eoauda6loarr8~court of his oounty iOr cothority to appoint 8ueh dqmtloo, aoslrta6t6 6nd Olork6, 6ktUag by 6vroral p p llOi% tl the lthorlz$ag r o n madad, au&m the pouftlon to be iillod aad the smount to bo paid, 6614 6ourt 8b611 me& it6 a r do the a ol~taont -end Oi’6UOb d6DUtiO6, 666i6t66t6 6nd ClsNt6 and fir t r6 oouipea- 66tlon to be paid th6a dthla ths llnititious heroin pro- larlbod 6nd dotrrmino tb6 numbor to bo rppofntod 6s in th6 dl8orotlon OS said oourt my bo ppopor.m Tho Su;~rom6Court oi Tans6 lntha ea60 of El116 Count*_r. Thomprcn, 66 S. W. 43, ha6 unequlvooallyi3oadeumod a8 ~ooafrwy to public polloy the fixlxg or deputies’ ra~6rloo by prlvatm s~reoablltrAl60 6be YarylmS Casualty Compeny v. W&o~~;O' S. I?.fr?ad) Ξ ~h;auarar V. Uullipps, 107 3. ". . ThO Qoprsf66lon~r6'6OWt ha6 linrit6d&!?ludlOtloa, and when otrtutory.arttbotlty16 given for the 6xsralo6 of oartnin powarr and the porlonm66u of c6rtaln dutlok tho8s detail~psrforaod thorlt~,bmaer an provided * rogtiramntr mqet br ltrlotly to U6wed~a s d every lsaential l&i ths 6tatute. Tho only au- whlOh 6 s&~srihmrr~ aourt aould arrlrt in the lppaintmnt or th6 deputlss nam6d in Artlcls 390& le th6 authority owlerrsd thorala and could be oxoout6d 06ly in tho Illlimtlr ~rascribed in the s&t&6. btcte P. Joh13600,&E 8. Y. (al) 110. In view or t&o roregolnffauthorltirr,it 16 tho oplnioo of this d@p&rtMnt that mur fist qUtb8tlOa6hould br anewred In the negatlir. Your 6.8OOfid quimtibn shotid llk6wi66 be rnrwarsd in the nogatlrs. A6 ~lr66dp pointed out, tbo oommlr610ner6c court ie glr6n tull authority ovmf the csr~ndituroof &and6 for oounty olmrkr to be psi8 4ol;Qltp 16y666 la Cb6~Offi66 of oounty alerk within tho aaxl?&u 1~3 ta tired by k.w..~The appolatlrentbr 6pgUo6tlon to ati alth th6 eo66eat of-tbo a6annl6sloneF6oourt la only to b6 o~foob6d nrter 6 proper order authorlzlq mim 1s lakQ@by the 006md~6iOn~r6~' eb~ft. &r said uourt, under thha tacta rslattrd by you, $16 a& apealfy Ronemblo ko Proud& Aar 4 tho cocqoruatlon to be pal4 oaoh deputy oounty olak, a6 r* qQir@l by ArtlCl6 8002, the Or86r 6UthOPiSirrg SUOh 4pgOLPt- and wnt 16 not tha pmpar OMIr, 66d la thwetaro of no Imoo atfoot and t&r county quditor Co48 not hto tho wWbor;ty to 1**ue monthly salary Warl’tmtS w&or the tOZm6 tb6,;rsOf. T%usth& that bhe 6bbYo 6n6w6rS yJclxp inquirl66, ~6 rueth Your* Tory truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion