OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN -0aM1m -- sonorable Wllllam J. Lawson ?*~rettuy of Ztate huetin, Texas httention: Hr. Yill NM Rlohrrdaon A sting an oplaion stlon reads 8~8 stion w011grantietla 08~ olaues providlqg r0mied under ibti0i6 non'8 Sayles' ~Terre Oltil 8 purpon or ocmduotlng 8 etorage a? produot8 has now submitted an applloa- e for an amenhent atwndlng it8 IS Andy stating that ita purposs 1s ision 80 or Artlolo 1902 Seotionr (d) and (01. The oorporatlon is doin a were- house business end wl.shes to do a trannportatlon bueineae in conneotlorvwlth Its warehouse business. This Department was of the opinion that the amend- ment would change the purpofB9 0r the oorparatlon from On6 6uMi~iLlt0n to another aubdlvis%on Of poporable William 3. Lawson, Psge 2 Artlole 1302 and dsolined to approve tha amendmeat, as a ololetion of the last aentenee of Artisle lJll+. *Attorneys for thv aorporation eontend tha.t this 1s not (I change of the original puxpose, but an adoption of bddltional powers granted by "rub- dfrluion 80. 'Q:ewould apptsolats an aplnlon from your Da- pwtsmnt as to whether an amsntlmsnt ohaxqgla the purpose of the corporation frim that nsntlonad above to that set out in "eotlons (a) and (0) of SWmIlrl- slon 80 of Artia1e 1302 may tm spgrotoa by this Departmnt.W Artiale 1121 of Vernon*6 Saylea* Texas Civil Ctat- o$eo of 191k reeds in pert as tallousz "I0* + 28. The cvnstrustlon or puroha8e and nraintenanae or x03.116,gins, ootton ocmpre66a6, win elevators, uharma, and publio warahousas fir tho storage or produots SE& ofmsmdltf6e. and the purehasa, sale rnd storage or produots ad eesmodlties by grain elevator and pub110 rsn- hous+ cogpanics, end the laan of smag br auoh ~#sratti or pub110 uara&+m6e oawpanlas. + + .a Ssotlon 28 or Artlale 112l as oimtalnsd in Vermm*~ ~ox$om~~ll and Crltinal Stetutes, 1922 stlpplsment, rewls 86 "28. The oonatruotlen or purehaae and main- telmloe Of mills, &x4, a~ott~onqJQp2186.6, grain awi~ff, orhil~~6, aad prtbliq r~rcih0~806 ror the stor6ge or produats and eennedlities, and the pur- obese, sale and storage 0r produsts and oosmoditles by grain elevator and publIar warehouse bmapsnies, and the loan of money Of saoh elatator and publlo rsrahonse oonpanlesl, and to eot as general acmsar- ala1 brokers and as (oustom brokers in the Ikited Statse and r0wgn oounttlea. (huts 1920, 96th hi; 3rd C.3., ch. 17 330. 1, ammdlng Artlola , ?%a. 28, R.C.S.I b "That all eorgoratlons heretorim oxganlsad under seld 3aotlon 28, krtfsle 13.21, of the Revisad civil Ftatutas or ths State or Texas be and thay ara hereby vestad with tha addltioaal ptmar pro-. tldad b$ this Aot. (cots 1920, 36th Leg., 3rd U.S., Ch. 17, 9eo. 2)" ~ubd%tlsloa 80 or Art2cl.e 1302, v49r2ien*6 dnntma0d civil sfhtutea, rsada as rolgms: *so. To do bus:.neas In any state or rarelSp uoustry; (a) the e6tabli6hiuant of land oampsrii~ to buy, own, sail a&d oonrey zeal entote and nlm- .Mti, am? eR@~go in @ifd.Rg, a(CliUUltUMl md StOak ralalng. *(b) Do a general buainesa in marahaadlsa (md MllUfMtUPSS. *(a) The a~.rpqai6ltlon, sonatlw6loE, wila- tmama, oparetlon asd oreisg af power and Xllwa- inattng planta, end ayatiams of every ohaiaahr. *.(dj %!hO eOqU%SitfOa, aQCi&rWttiOa, M&U- tensa.* operation and owning of urban Snd etbet Uses '&railway and all other kinds or truuporta- urn s&h. g-esbiw. *(8) Tit+ imprOVM.Zit 01 h6rbWS ti riW@rS, “aa tk iaqula$4doa, wmitmetian, oqerah$p and opnti@n of U6M16, lxrl@aloa UePk, whamp aa& masahauaa8, and .sUi klnds 0s msohlnar~, ?io~Ls and 6mterlal6 ii666 for all the pnrpowa8 snuaemm4a ls Wile aubdtriWn. wny oorpo?mtfan orgflniaea here- under shall 0lil.yowa suoh real as8ak Sa tkla stat6 66~3my ba neoessary for its of?loa. Every ahartar gnnkd hanundar whiah may laolude suma purpo666 than axe ocmtalnad in,anf Oats paragraph or this 6tiMlrlaloa, a aoperate fraoohisa fee or tax shall 384 paid to this atata r0r the additlanal. pupows tof whlah SU& OoFpOr6tlQn i6 02'#Bli~6&" Them 16 8tatutwy plW161OX3 ?Sr the aaUadmatkt ai the o&m-tar t@th where the in~oxporatioa is untierthe getMra1 law &d uhem the eorporaticm has bean oxeakd by Sp60&61 lt at tha Laglslatwe. mtialo Ul4, Vernon*a Annatatad 0fVi-lRtatates, pmmldesr *Any private aorporatlon or&eniz*8 er ia- cwporated ror any wrpase maatlanad la thla mreble 'iFllllaa J. LII~~OLI, Page 4 title, kar amend 01~ohangs lta oharter or a@$ of inoorporatlon by IlUng, authenbloated In the sake Ammer as the ozlglnsl charter, auah amndmtm or ohanges with the Seoretary of Ctate. A QOT- pamtion crertsd by a ~peolel set of the Legis- lature shall ala0 file with said oftloer Its orl- &ml oharter and suoh ewndmant thereto or abaAgeA thsmin, Ii aw, as hare been made by spealal aof OS the I.eglslatttre~ end the some shall be reeopdad by the Seoretarp of State, followed by tha pre- posed amendmnt or oJmnge6 there@. Zuoh tmend- ments or chengee shall take aitaot end be LA tome Smm the date of tha tillag themof. !Fhe aertlfl- eat0 0s the Seoretsrp or State ahal be widenoe QS such flllog; No amendment or oha~ge rlohtfre ,of the oonstltutlon or laws of thls State or enl prevlalon or this tltla or whloh no ohanprs the original purpose of suah sorporatioa es to prevent tha 6SeOU%i0n thsF0Of, 6hali be Or a~ sOrCrr 02 l?Ssst.” Undertb5 pmeant charter or ths Texarr Stan* aompaay, msld mmpany, Is Incrorporetetl*For the purpose oi publio narebouass tar the storage of produetA ootrlluot,tiag and eomamdities~. saotlon (a) et %dalrlaloA so, drO$~e l)O2, Qer~oA'a AMotated Clrll StatAtee, authorlAeA ram- paaies inoorporated theraunber to aoqtira, oon8truot. uin- t&k, aparete and own urban SBd othec 11-8 a? railay and all other klnde of transportation aad ommu~lea~bon. Boa- tlon (e) of eeld ~ubAlv%olon80 authorlee omqmnlee in- oorpwated under said Subdirlrlon and aeotion to lnprwe karktrs and rivers and aoqtire, aonehrutrt, om am!? operete eraalA, irrigation mark, whams and wambouae8, and all kiAdl er lpaohlnarp, tools UAd niaterialm used r0r all the purpcmm enmeraksd in the attMltia$on. You18 t&w proposed amendment so ahengr the ori- ed&pypoas Or tha oorporatioA as to preven$ the sxwutlon ":ethirik it uauld. Under the arlgln81 oherter the eorporatlon ie inaerporated ror the purpose of conducting publlo warehouses ror the atoraga of produats amI aDmmditles -I. Et would 8eeA apparent that a pemicsn sAbsaribf.Aglto the oapitsl stook in the mrporaClOp baring, a8 Ite puPpose the oonduatlng of publio warchouaes for the atorage ot pro- dust0 and 0cawroaltia8 weda not 0onteAplate tbsrt mob aer- paration would aoqulmm, eonatruot, Aaaaintaln,opsrete and woreble ~llllem J. Xmwaax, Pegs 5 ~~urban end ether lines Ol'relluay sud all other kinds 0f transport&ion @nU 0oBtrmnlbatlon,Or l~prove harbor8 qnd rirero, end esquire, ooastruot, onn tmd operate oanalm, etg. ,aseat Portb in Teation (8) of Subdirfaion 80, supre. *a proposed nztenUwnt being a tundemental rnd nst0r101 &mge In the purpose of the oorporatlon it should AOt page 664; P~etchsr~sCyolopedla ~&SE:: X~-pi;*iso,. LildhfeuL Ardell Willlen AmlstaAt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion