OFFICE OF THE An’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN RonoralileWY,C. Ruffakor county Attoraof Lynn ccnmty Tahoka, %xa# Daar srr Oplnlon No. O-3912 Ror When l parson rlor to Juno, was aoav!oted or &it- 19.941, lng a motorrrhiolouadertbb lafluanooof lataloatlng llpuorand thhrroaitsr and alao prior to Juuo, 19941 om- Bitted the offense of Crjrinl a mtor t~hlolo under the Iaflueaoa 0r Intoxloetlng ' lIc;uor, mar ho now ba ladlot- 04 a n l idon 6nd tried In the dlstrlot oourt? ma 18 to 130kmil0dg0 rmipt 0r 00~ r800nt ta- graE! In uhloh you propouml the puestlon stated abae. Tha rtatutaIn &foot k!mdIatolypriorto tho errootlve date or Bouse Bill No. 73 or the Fmty-•eteath tcgi810tm ~08 mi0i0 802 or the Ptrm cod0 0r m~08 aa amandod by the Aot8 OS the Yorty-,-iitth Legislature, 1937, Chapter60, p. 108, rhloh boome lffo o tlva on Varoh 22, 1937. 'Ibisstatute read as r0u03m *Arti. 802. .4ny prrrop who drlres or operates an lutcanobila or a4 other motor rehiole upon any rtreetor alley, or an7 other phoo wlthla the llmlta 0r 04 Inoorporeto4 oltf town or villago, or upon8x1~ puhllo road or h&m, In thir Statewhile suoh !mroa 18 Iatox3oata6, or In my dagnr uador the‘ln- rlueaao or intorioating Liquor shall upou boa- rlotlon b6 001Uined12 the pdtentiar, rcr. not,mom then two (2) years or be oanfinod in the oamty jailr0r not ieats than rive (5) H~& U. C. BiUS&ar, Pega 2 I .: cam nor core than Ilbatx (900) 6aya end rh0d not leaa than Ylrt Dollars ($W) nor mora than Fir0 Huadrd Lara ($500).* PO proaume the abwr la tha atatutaundo]: wbioh the coatlotion refemb to by you was obtained. Xi oarlicr.thrm liaroh 22, 1937, offrotirodate of the e-8 quoted atp.tute, the lo@ questIonaralaad herein nalfi ba the aaaa,alnoe all statutoryoondrmtlon or thm orbs mdo the o ir ma e l roloa rroa the earllost 1ogIal~tlan on the sub oat. Tee Aota I 935, 44th Lag., lat C. C. ch. 426, 0. 1634; Art. 002, 1925 F?wIa~d Pinal Cod.; A&a 1423, 38th Log., 2nd C. -., Ch. 23, pa 56. FUSS MU ~0. 73 or the 47th Lcgmt3t~ti, RS~U- 1U ~eaaI~t ~WIU# OfrOOtiW 011JUJO 17, 1961. Attorno~ tW~ral*a OpInlanNo. O-3740. By ltr prwlaiona, Artlob 802, Penal Coda, supra, was amended to read ati followat ~ArtIol* 802. “Auy person who drltaa or oparataa an 8uttnaobIle or any other motor rehioleupon any puU10 road or highway In this 'tats, or upon any street or a 'log wlthln the 1kIta or an lnoorporated olty,town or tlllab, ~Mla such parson is IntoxIorto4 or unCar t!m Influonae OS intorloatlng liquor, shell be 6uilty Or 0 -Iademtanor, Slid UpOn OOWiO- tlon, ahall ba pamiabed by oonflnoment In the County Jail ror not lea8 thsn tan (10) days nor core than, two (2) pars, or by l flno or not less than Fifty Dollars ($50) nor mre than pin Rundrrd Dollara (SWO), or by both suoh tins aa6 ImprIaommnt.w Soctlon2 of said Houav Bill Ho. 73 oroatada new irtlole of the Penal Code, and reads as iollowar "!?oo.2. The4PM01 cod* or Toxaa or 1925 is amoad~d harrbr by midin a sow aeo- ~f~o~~,knowa as Astlola802b and nadlng “‘ArtloU 802b. @J*Anyperron who has been oontlotad or th6 mladamoanor ofrena* or drlvbg or operat- Eonorabla tl. C. Nuffakar, Paga 3 lng an lutmoblla or other motor rahlola uporr any publlo road or hlghua la this Cyata or upon any rtroat ae al f.8 y dthln an Inwrpuratad altf, town or rlllaga, uh:la lntaalortad or u&or the lnfluonoa or lntoxloating liquor, and who ahhill thare- ll’tar drlva*or operate aa lutmoblle or o.thor motor tahlola upon auy pub110 road or highway la thir rtata or upon say street or ll1e.y ulthln tha liorita or UI Inoorpoxmtad oltr, town or vlllaga, uhllr auoh parson Ia'IntoxIoakd or underthe Influano@ of In+&xIoatlag ‘Liquor, shall be gulltr of~a felony, and upon oonvlotlon ba punI8hod by oonflmmant In the paaltantIary ror an7 tam of years not loam than one (11 nor more thau rlw (51.'" (Emphaaiaours) ha hanlnabova pointed out, the offanaa of 6rIitIng a motor vahlola wer and .upon ~8 pub110 hi&my, or atrmt or an Inoorporatad olty or town, while under the Inrluanoa or IntorioatIng liquor, has alwnya bean a felony in Texas fzysm the tiria or the tlrat lagIalatIonon the subject until the passage of Iiousa Bill Ko. 73, aupra. Artlole 802 as It now stands beoauaa of the ameudmnt Inoorporated In liouaa Bill No. 73, aupra, makes the oiianaa a nladaaraanor.ArtI- olr 802b, lupra, does not ohanga thfa, but oreataa a naw offsame, making it a felony to drive and operate a motor +ahIola rhlla iatoxloatad, ato . , lpplloabla only to.8 ear- son who has bean oontlotad oi the mIadmaanor oitanaa of drlring and operating suoh vahIole uhlla lntosloataif, ato. hm the aooond ottann ~rarrad to In yourbcio- gram was apparently otxmlttad prior to June 17, 1941, tha defendant would hava an llaotlon whether tc be triad under A$t~la 802. as the artiols stood on the data or the of- *aa our opinion Ho. O-3760, lnoloaed herewith. ‘b bella~a that opinion will an8wer your questions In avant auoh lxpraaa alaotlon should be tada by the :;urty War IutaatlgatIon. Iu this opieion wa hold that the new Artlola 802b wculd bwa no appllaatlon to one gcnrictad under the felony atatutaa oondamnlng drunk drivers. III thb 8Vbnt Oi Honorable :i . C. Nutfaker, Paf5a 4 an lx p r a a lalaotlon, we oan oonoalva (but la ianoy only) or a oaatlotlun under &tlala 62 0r tha Penal Coda tides la@aaaodpuulahmant ror ao?ond oonviotion8tar 0 hlca%~, but auoli lppaara 80 rezzoqe m till. pratarmit a dla- iuaalon or sama. Tour question -10 lpaolflca1ly enawcrad that a parson who, prior to &u&a 17, 19W. WI oonrlotad oi drlv- lag a rotor vahlolauhlka under the Influanoa0r Intorl- ootlng liquor and thcrcaftar and alao prior to June 17, 194l, cazultted the orrena@ of drlvlng a motor vehlola whlla under the .lnrluanoa of intoxloatlng liquor, mcly ba Indiotad by the grand jury; but ha niap be triad for a .ralony in the dlctriot court only upon Cl6 llaotlon se provided by Article13 or 15 or the ?onal Code, asi polntad out In our rormur opInion,No. O-3710. I$ oonnaotlonwith the ganaral aubjbot matter Cc thla No. O-3740, w ;ilah to dlraot opinlun,and .oplniolr lttantlon to the root thut while in aoct coutti88 the GIstriot oourt has original trial jurladlotlonof telonlaa only and the ocunty court has original trial jur$adIotloa In rdadansanor caaaa, the Constitution authorize8 the LtgIalaturc to dlruat 8 county court 0r its crlmlnal @rLa- . d&t:m-r,d to ooarar the aaxe upon the dlatrlct~ courtior Tar Art1018 5, taotlolrs 8, 16, 22, Constltu- tlm ot &caag Yore T. Xata, 9 Tax. Cr. Fr. 4061 Johaaon v. Cteta, 26 Tax. Cr. ii. 395, 9 f. Y. 611. This hes bean ‘done lr aovaral. inetanC88; acd In oountlaa where the dla- trlot court has had mIsCameanor JurIadIotIon duly oonferred ’ upon it, ttw ranwal or IndIctxcanta or treixter of the casts would not only be unnaoaaaary but improper. It hem. k:an suggested that the alaotlon or the accuaod ahould be obtained, where oaac8 sre ~anaiamd, rrar the dlatrlct oourt to the oounty court, before tha order of transfer Is nada. In other wor’ds, that the dia- trlet judge, barort transferring the ccac to the count8 oou&, should the accused to atste whether ha w$mhad to be triad under the old law as pmvlded in Artl- 018 13, Penal Coda, aupra. 3’8 bUli@V@ this would be not only perminalble, but the praferabla pmCtIO@~ It would enable the dlstrlct court tc pro0606 st Cnoe ‘to trbi, in tht event aOCUS0d O.K. *.R.X.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion