Honorable Judson Balch county Attorney Baylor County Seymour, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-3665 Ret Does the Commissioners' Court have the authority to order an election in Baylor County to vote bonds to acquire lands and provide neaassary improvements for.an aviation trsinifig school and lease the same to a private concen for operations? Your telegram of August 8, 1941, requesting BR opinion of this department upon the above stated question has been reaeived. Section 1 of Article 1269h, as amended by the 47th Legisla- ture, 1941, reads 8s follows: '"Seotion1. A - That the governing body of any incorporated city in this State may receive through gift or dedication,,and is hereby empowered to acquire, by purchase without condemnation or by purchase through condemnation proceedings, and thereafter maizztainand operate as an airport, or lease, or sell, to the Federal Government, tracts of land either within or without the corporate limits of such city and within the county in which such oity is situated, and the Commissioners' Court of any county may likewise acquire, maintain and operate for like purpose tracts of land within the limits of the courty. "3 - That the governicg body of any incorporated city in this State may receive through gift or dedioa- tion. and is heroby empowered to eoqulrs by purchase without condemnation, and thereafter maintain end operate as an airport. or lease, or sell.to the Federal Govern- ment, tracts of land without ti:eoounty in which such city is situated, provided said tracts are not within five (5) miles of another incorporated city that has a population of more than fifteen hundred (1500) people, according to the last preceding Federal Censusa Honorable Judson Salah, page 2 O-3865 ”c - That the governing body of any incorporated city in this State may, and is hereby empowered, to acquire through oondamnation proceedings, tracts of land located without the county in which said city is looated, provided said tracts of land are within six (6) miles of the county boundary of the county in which said city is looated, end ere not within five (5) miles of another incorporated city having a population in excess of fifteen hundred (1500) people, acoording to the lest preceding Federal Census; end that said city may thereafter maintain end operate es en eirport.,or lease, or sell, said tracts to the Federal Government; provided, however, that the grant herein made to acquire land through condemnation proceedings, mithout the county in which said city is located, shell expire on December 51, 1942, but that tracts of lend acquired prior to that date, end under authority of this Act, may continue to be opereted, leased, or sold, as provided in this Act. I' D - In eddition to the power herein granted, the Commissioners' Courts of the several counties of this State are hereby authorized to lease any airport that may be aoquired by the eounty, es herein provided to any incorporated city or municipality within suoh county, or to the Federal Government, for the purpose of maintaining and operating en airport; and provided further that any incorporated city having acquired land for an eirport, or en airport, under the authority of this Act, shell have the right to lease said land or said airport to the county in which said incorporated city is located. "E - In e addition to the power which it may now have, the governing body of an incorporeted city shell have the power to sell, convey, or lease, sll or any portions of any airports heretofore sstahlished or that mey be hereefter established, or eny lend acquired under the provisions of this Act, to the United States of America for any purpose deemed by the Government of the United States necessary for National Dsfensa, or for air mail purposes, or any other public purpose, or to the State of Texas, or any branch of the State Government, or to any other person, firm, or corporation, to carry out any purpose necessary or incidental to National Defense or training incidental thereto; end that suoh governing body shall provide rules and regulations for the proper use of eny such airports in connection with the purposes stated herein." Section 2 of Article 1269h, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutss, provides: Honorable Judson E&oh, pege 3 O-3666 "For the purpose of condemning or purchasing either o,rboth lends to be used and,maintained es provided in S,eotion1 hereof, end imprwing end equipping the same for suoh use, the governing body of any city or the Com- missioners' Court of any oounty, felling within the terms of such Section, may issue negotiable bonds of the city or of the oounty, as the cesa may be, and levy taxes to provide for the interest end sinking funds of any such bonds so issued, the authority hereby given for the is- suance of suoh bonds end levy end collection of such taxes to be exercised in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1 of Title 22 of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1925*" Section 4 of Article 1269h, supra, provides; “Sec. 4. That in addition to end exclusive of any taxes which may be levied for the interest end sinking fund of any bonds issued under the authority of this Act. (Art. 1269h) the governing body of any city or the Com- missioners' Court of any county, felling within the terms hereof, may end is hereby empowered to levy and c,olleot 8 special tax not to exceed for,any one year five cents on each One Hundred Dollars for the purpose of improving, oper- ating, maintaining end conducting any Air Port whioh such city or county may acquire under the provision of this Act (Art. 126911)end to provide all suitable structures, end facilities therein. Provided that nothing in this Act (Art. 1269h) shell be construed as authorizing any city or county to exceed the limits of indebtedness placed upon it under the Constitution." It will be noted that Section 2 of Article 1269h, supra, specifically provides for condemning or purchasing either or both, lands to be used end maintained as provided in Se&ion 1 of the abwe mentioned statute and in improving end equipping the same for such use, and that the cormnissioners'Court is authorized to issue negotiable bonds of the county end levy taxes to provide for the interest end sinking funds of any such bonds so issued, such authority to be exar- cised in accordance widththe provisions of Chepter 1, Title 22 of the Revised Civil Statutes of 1926. We think that this provision of the statute authorize'sthe county to issue negotiable bonds end to levy and collect taxes to provide for the interest and sinking funds of any such bonds so issued for the purpose of securing land end improving the sama and providing equipment to be used fortha purpose of en air- port, as provided in Section 1 of said statute es quoted above. It is ~11 established that statutory authorization is essentiel to the issuance of obligations by .a county in the form or nature of bonds: and whore porvcrto issue bonds has bean conferred it must be exercised in the manner prescribed by lam. Honorable Judson Salch, page 4 O-3866 . Paragraph Trof'Section 1 authorizes the Ccmmi~ssioners’ Court to lease any airport that may be aoquired hy the county as provided hy statute, to any inaorporated city or municipality within said county, or to the Federal Government, for the purpose of maintaining and oper- ating an airport. This section of the statute also further provides that any incorporated city having acquired land for an airport, or an airport, under the authority of the Act, shall have the right to lease said land or said airport to the aounty in which said incorporated city is located. It is well established in this State that the Commissioners' Court.=have limited jurisdiction in that their authority extends only to matters pertaining to the general welfare of their respective counties, and that their powers are only those expressly or impliedly conferred upon them by law, that is, by the Constitution and statutes of the1State. It is our opinion that the Commissioners' Court has no authority to lease an airport to any party except those set out in paragraph C of Section 1, Article 1269h. Therefore, in view of ths foregoing statutes the above stated question is respectfMly answered in the negative. Trusting that the foregoing fully answer8 your inquiry, we are YOUI-S VW)' tNly ATTORNEY GNBRAL OF TEXAS Sy s/Ardell Will.iams Ardell Williams Aeeistant AYI:GO:wc APPROWD AIJG.15, 1941 s/Ro.bertE. Kepke ATTORNEY GI3NEW.LOF T'EXAS (acting) Appro-rodOpinion Committee Sy CCC Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion