c 204 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN i:‘.‘. : IQO,8hall wlataln 0~ 0rr~ r0s, 8d0, asuit 0r ahi ait~ 2~0 0r bttm088 28 ::, ,‘: ,, . t.. <:I i, :. $. i: !.‘. :,- :.. . I;, ‘1.. 207 1, !i. : tiM W6OWt in dQlbtP8 Md dOkIt.to POFO than the 8ti@ Wbltt Of fOOd and 0th.r Oamraoditi88 tOP human oonsumption 0614 by 8Uob llOtma60 during such hours, be ontitled vlthout being required to Jttiy lnt it80 t.h 6M iW, t06 8Up JdfB S6Slt6 Ii- FJ QWI88 aUthOFikLng hln t0 8e11 @U&3 bOVOP~O# -- dur- fng any hour af any day. . ..'w8i$ aura) The first part of the fokgoing pxwlalon (In the rb- IO&W3 ai CL 8U~bl!Wt~ ~OOd-h6ll&OX’*~ liMUUC#) foFbi68 the sale oi beer bbtwebn l2100 oQ&ook mldal~bt and 7100 A.M. and Op %lZltt6~ the 86l4N Wt.hUOC +ht th0 8a1e Of ~QtOl- (Vbioh br dQfl.nLtionino1UdO8 alo aad Uine) $8 forbidden by SeCtloo a5 or Artiols I. Theip~ovlro oonlMn6d in Seotion lOe, hov- OlTOP,perarit8 th0 &iOldel Of Q ~U@OYWA%U-]~ f6cnt-htUldbP’S li- oenae to sell at all ti.nW uhauvor bevoragee ha is authorlrod.. t0 SO= Ut8d.Whi8 beSi0 liOCUl80. Ii’ th6 b68f0 license be 8 Rotall (bm) Dealbr@~cJLtaen88,the holdor inay 0641 beer at all tfnos; ii th6 bWlO~lb%UlS6 be a3Uins Mb %o* Ret8lhiw't Poe- -t, th6 holt%rmag ml1 at.e3.lt-8 tha b8vwa60n inalu&ed io 8UOh mt %.O., btmr, taleend wine certtabing not mar6 tbn fourteen [X4$) p8r 06nt of oloohol by voluw. That the 8~1saantal lloense eppues to al6 MA vine eo wall ar bOO2'Is . ln&i&d by th6 undersmamd Vocd8 in hOtl6n 10 (a) qited . Ths rfghtr oonferred by a mipplomental food-handloz?#8 lloense to me11 8t lU hOuC8, 18 rubjoot t0 OUFtoi~Sit, how- Wor,%y z'OEi8WUlblOlaOa1 regulation@ e~p~'oa8lyauthorized by 8OdiOB m$, 8UpP8. In othw vomls, the rfgbt conferred by a Y. bt86Zltdku&WtnSQ i8 0 6OBd.itiOMl d.&ht UhiCh WIRYbe liEdt- 86ct1on 1 of the coFpwa Chrirti 0 dinartce prohibits thtxaiale ot beor vithln t$aooity 1-W botvmen the hotwe OS. i :. trw A.& asnoo A.#. Thlo qpero to be a reamnab exer- !'~, aim or the authority espronolygmnted to the City by so&ion loa, rupra. Thotruahaa arUfwnce la valid under the olrQ=- 8tAilQ98 i8 nipported by the t i. 1 Of ooume, a0 ho stat0 llc~s.utes pot31 1; and d.l;ah balls, if a city should sock, by tbie s ,.. i) :. .. 212 awatlola .y.’ .. usbouto;ttheaemt3ma pl@Qbfbitiag t&eaalba6Bll elwhouo . &LIaadbytw8aQAateafo4ouatorCf?ll or OW emm Oi7 , at peg03478 145 8. u. 34 f* Roll0&,Raelhom8t, T Fwft aeruue 215 . .-. 2% .&DtloP6: .. c’:. ‘2 y,;.;,., ::\
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion