Dear bvsr~or: Ret The authorityto give pemia~loa to 011%jo m&m a nproduotlon of "Dawa 012tll%Aluno," a pdntin(snow Ia tti Sonata Obmnbor. web eto g lo h o wledg r ea .r of 1 pyour t letter of July 16, 1941, making thefollDwlllginquIryr "The questloaartmthe ourtody aad oontml of @mtinga ia the soaat4irem quently m,rbsr, aad I mu parbloukrly mmindod oi mmerout inquirea ati re- quertawhloh oar@ totb Uenteennial WmIrrIon of Controlduring ltr oxI&- en00* "1 have R requwmtnow for pelmirrlonto III&Oa rsproduotlon-of the *m On the ALarno,"which burgs in the Senate Chawker,aad I whall appreolitean opiniw from you as to Mm properperroa or perrorPm~authorised to give aaoh perluisrion.” Artiols 665 of the Revbed Civil Statutea,1926, deolare8: "The State Boardof Controlshallhavo ohargoaad oontrol . . . of all publlo personalproperky,and la ohargedwiththe reapon8iblllty to properlyoara loraad proteotmmhproper@ fromdamaga,iatruelon01 improperuaaga, . . .” ‘m pre not advisedaa to the nmtwr of aoqulaitlonti the State o? this OanvwIl-- that In, whetherBy donatioaor by pumbaae# neitherare we advisedaB ta whether tha State was nominaldome or pnrohaserof the pointingor whether the apparenttitle,whether by donationor purohaae, wan to the Senate. Howwwr them thIngsmyr be, in awy evwat the paintiag1% public propertis- the propertyof the State - evea thoughIt 1s dentined+a u%e by the ssnate. 1 The fngislatureis authorleadto oreateand to reorePtaor oha8ge trmtesw, fiduoiariesor oustodirnsof State pperby. (tinderP. Vioto- rla County,131 S& 821). HonorableCoke Stevenson- page 2 (O-3768) YOG are, therefore, respectfillyadvisedIt is the opinionof this DepPrtmentthat permissionto reproduoethe pPinting"Dawn on the Alem* now in the &mats Chambershould be obtainedfromthe Board of Control. m might add of oouree If the &mats were Ia s-wsion,even the Board of Controlwould have no authorIty,'aogwxld it attemptto oWoi89 &uoh kuth- orlty,to gIm pemdeeion to do naythingin fhle oonneotlonthatwould in my- tins interferewith tb Senate In its superiorrights d enjoymentto the uee of the SenateChmber cuadIfs rppurtenpnoee~ IFaneed hardlyto add that if the pDintingis copyrighted,the omer of the rights;would not lm prejudioedby any mnsent given by the Board. Trustingthat this will be sufficientemwer to your inquiry,- are Very truly yours AZ- QENEML OF 'ZUS By /s/ Oole Sp-aer Ooie Spear Amistalrt AFFRovEDJULY 22, 1941 /s/Grover Soilers FIR8T A8SISWLBT ATl' ORIBY GEM- APPROVED OPINIOIJ COMMITTEE BYBWB. CHAm
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion