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Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1941-07-02
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        OFFICE   OF THE A7TORNEY         GENERAL       OF   TEXAS

Eonorab3.e I(ira L. Bennett,   Jr.
Distriut  Attorney
lWm8ngee, Texas

Dear Slrr                      Opinlaa Ho. o-
                               Rer Did t&e

                                                      the hereimbbove
                                                      quote fra8 hour

                                               ed 8tatemat       6f faute   m-

                       alatoP viPgl1 Bovnd8 wa8 oeorioted
                      6f burglary ln the or-1        tlL8tPlot
                           Connty,Texm,    aud tk@taa the
                          c, 19X, was rentaeed     to four
     yewe oaaflameat      ia the state pcmitmtiaa-y of Tex-
     a8 ad was mmived In the rrtatb pslastent5rrg at
     Xuiztsville,  Texas, 011.Juwwy   s'; 193& that there-
     after ua Ray 1, 1939, the relate,      VWg!ll Bounds,
     bg Px'oo~tlca     So, 3E558 af the oovbzmor of the
     State of %WM VIE gcoted       r oaPtdit%ml
      ocmditiared tb8t ha aooept        the   jsb   off exwE2L
Be&umtmt,Taxas,andmka         acme provlsica   fw
his nottier; t&et be totrllr    4bslmIn fmm the u8e
of latoxluatiag'Uquorm     of eve+ry kind and ebar-
aoter and that the aelrtor     aaoept tke @aLid oop-
dltlonalpudm~       tbatthmwafter    ~1 the 20thday
of Jwm,    1940, bJ ProolMltfim    No. 1603 the am-
ditianrl   pu?don hereinbeftmo ref4x4rQd to @ented
to the celator va8 revokcrd by W. Lee O'Daniel,
Gw4Pn6r oi the stat4 of ~oxaa, for the reeSQ8
ret out them4n and cm ffla in the office         of the
Seamtaryof     Sute~ tbtca      Septe@er?6,1940,
the m?lator vaa reoeired at the eats        penitatlrr~
at Eunt~vllZe, Texas, 8a a oonditional pardrza
riolrtor   and that at muoh th4 wostlm amI
oammutrtlm tim4 tbrt tilt8 IzIlStop ha6 oUma6 pior
to l&by 1. 1939, vu     by the auth~ibioo     of   the   Texas
Ptirrm SyatamfWfblt66~
wall   be dlrohqpd    m or &out 6;lu fisrt &T o?
A-t,      l!#lj  t&t  hat swh ot4rtfae    &ad oeta-
tiaa   tjlPs not been farfeitod t&4 relrfoz   vould b4
Olltithd   t0 hia didlRl'@il    f!PQS th0 TO%88 8trt4
Prritmttimy at tlm       the;    ft ia further agmetl
that a Soptoaber    26;, 1940, Hien the mlatar     vaa
rwtwaodtotbFua8          State Prirakl1~mtha        ad
2 daya voro forieited~ t&at at rnab t&w l.acmth
and 13 day8 oamutatian     time vba foa'folted;   It ti
further agrood that 0. J. 8. l!lli.n$son    aad Y. Y.
Wlrid, the rcwpondats herein, aam rertrUMn$          the
Ubwt;r   of the ved.ator, YirgU   Bcwnde, by vl.rtua
otandtmderthe     authority of the Judan\tmd
samtsaae nrde aud mtaed       in Jofrwaao   ootaty,
Toxam, an or about Aovember 9, 1937, m6 mder and
br r&r&e of the rwouatiar of the atmlltloa*l           plzl-
dm *II hersintwfozle eat 6ut~ it 18 furthor shovn
end egxwod horein that e vr%t OS Waeaa ~orpu8 vp8
diilr imwd   by tha Dletrfot    Olosrk of SfSlk4P &nasty,
Texas, tmdor direaticm of the Olrtrict Judge of rr;ld
county, cm th4 third dar of Xey, 1941, ad vaa @azved
thereafter  cm the 4th tix of rta;rr, 1941, by C. L.
Idltohell, Sberlff' of WIulcrr Qomty, Tsw,     ad that
in axuwer to the nit    of btmuw ooxrgur rerved th4
reupandenteW.W.WaidMQ0.J.           S.~lSngsoah.~e
nov pi+duuo the relator   %IZand to raid Omrtra
&no~Poble Mac L. Bennett,     Jr.,   Page 3

          Ax+icle 6166~ and 6166x-1. of Veraan* Annotated
@iv11 Statutes of T4xa.a provide aa iollowa:

            “Article   6166~. In order to encourage prison
     dlsoip~lne,     a dlst     ctlm my be msde in the treat-
     mt     of prlsontea 80 ks to extend to c;ll such as
     are om%mly, lndustrlotm and obedleat,            comt’orta and
     prlvll4gs      waording      to their deaerta.     ?%e reward
     to be bestowed a~ priaonera for gooU amduet shall
     cmmiat of aueh relaxation          of strict   p~lsm rules
     and extension of aooisl pltlleges            8s may be oai-
     slateslt   vlth proper &pisc1plllle,     commltat1on of time
     for good cam&metaball be granted by the saw%@?,
     and the following        deduct&m shall be made f5oa1 the
     t%rm 0)’ terma of aentenaea vhen no @lame Of IklLaom-
     duct MaS been auatained Against          % ~~BORol', viz *
                            th off of the first    yearfa sent&e3
     tgee    &ys per month off of the seecod year of am-
     taae~     four days pep raatih off of the thiml yea2 of
     stintmce3 rive d~ya per wth           off of the rourth pisr
     of segtance3 air daye per maktb off or the tlfth
     yeer 6f aaittmce; 8ev4n dspa per aw21t-hofl of tke
     alxth year of acmteme; eight d8ys per mcmth off of
     the aw5lthy68ror            amlt4n44~ ah4day4      perrcmth ofr
     of the eighth year of ae5tace;t.a             dayI permaal
     off of the ninth y4A.r of ae&t4mz43 ?u%3en &8ya par
     maNi ofr      of the tea&h gear, and all aaaaeediag years
     of asarttmce. A pzrlsonsr        mder tva or more oumlatlve
     ssaterwea al11811      be tilowed eoawtrtian     &a if they

     ttiFns ulthout exgense to the-stAte,  euak forfblture
     my be set aside by the mawkger. For extra m%?it-
     orlous conduct on the part of any prisoner,    he aball
     be reoormended to the favorable ccaaldepation     of the
     Govemmr fir increased cozmutrtion or p&Ma~, and in
     case of ang yxlscaer who shall have esoaped md been
     captured, part oz all of him good tleie th-areby fer-
     felt&   my be restored by the VF,        ii in his je-
     laanthUi subsequent canduot asltltlss hia thweto,*
m2wWabl4   Xae L. Bmanett* Jr.,      P8ge 4

           "artitde    6166x-1.     Prismor      amfined in the
     StatePadtaotlary        ahsllbe    k4ptrtr+'kwider         such
     rulea rsd regdatiara       As rsybs      preacribedbythe
     gmmral rraager,wlthtbe           camant 4ndrppmvalof
     the hiaon Fioard,provGI4dthatno              px'faarer shall
     bemquIredtororkmr4              thantaahousa       p4rdayex-
     oept ~1 vork neceaa8ry and ssaentl81 to efflalent
     orgaala*tioP    of cctaviot forces, rhlcb time -1
     Include thetU8       spatin      g4i.ngto4ndrvtumlng
     framthel~wa~k,       bqtnotto       lncludethe     int4m.U-
     aiut fordfImor, lhioh ul8l1n0tbe lra                 th*116kk4
     hmm,aadia        ci8448 4fapSBn4ceasary8d4aa4%tlAl
     ove?tlm verk, mid prlaopsrr            lhrll r404%v4 l do-
     duotl~fromthalrarrtaae              ofdoubl      twxwwa
     vorkear md wwfm           frirthar    that toi hom8 skd
     cmatl&te      a-day to be d4duoted fp4m aii wmtao8,
     This hec88suy       and eaaentirl vwk” aball be aub-

                              A strlat     8caomtlng     at   oF4dlt
     mmrdeof     ellovortirsa38ma~         ahallbekeptbytba
     formedmdm~~~l~tod~       8 report    aMllbera&medto
     th% gaerol w             4aoh mth,    rho tarrll'qprow
     all   apohevtilma     be&r.    it is placsd tothemwut
     or th4 lprto.       TM  g4ll4r4Jmamg4P     Rball,rith    t&e
     omaat     ad rppFo+dl of the Prl~aI Jso8sd, .MY4 al4
     pwer to deal(prrt8 44Watn flxed ove*irs            hours
     ~hieh  hs 0o~ufm8     dr~tdm         fw th4 4rnam
     porfor~~e     of my prtialUr         imrk, &xd ~4 inrrte
     sh811 r8c8lY4   azIp onrtlae     at all UAleas a8m la at-
     twtedbytho      offlce~    in ahargo ofaaidlnmte,vho
     must oertffYfr6Rhle       olmklwul4dm      thataasdov4~-
     otni44ccnductin     vIol.&tiim oftiyrnl        Dam    to
     prlacmor, all 4ammtrti&r e+rnad br atsh w4rts.m
     vaP3c snail D4 lubj84t to ocurJtlet4 f4rfeltur4.         h
     n4.b~~ to pnd rstuming      fraawmk     ~Hamers     ab8llnot
     64 Gqufrad    to travel-faster     thuia wa2.k. lo $rerter
     Aaomt 0flAbwahal1b4            requ3red ofmlypr~ams
     than hia Fhyslcal health md strength vi11 reumably
     p8rmit,nm     ahallasypriaaaerb4         plrcradrta~whlabr
     es the prism physlcl~~ my pmmunee h&n unrblb to
     p4rrarm.    a0 primu2w, upm h.ta ulnfaalm          to t&8 PI-
     stp, ahallb4rsa~4dtocuny             IrWw untflf3mthmla(g
Bommble      mo L. Rennett,      Jr.,   page 'j

       beea exambed by the phi8ux phyalcrlan.     Amy of-
       tica   or employee rlolatitlg ey provuiar.   or thla
       Sectha,   ahall be dimtiessd fpon the aenice.
       Thlr Act ahall be PetrWtive     and beoars effe~-
       tive aa of June 1, 19%.     Aota 19 9, 46th Leg.,
       P. 534, I 1.O (Undersoorlng aurn 5
            It18    etrted   ln21RultigCase       uW,pagellg2,See-
tion   28, that;

             'Oood aonduot statutes me irrmd vith the
       intmtlcn   of Uproving   p~?isan dlsolpllna    smd bve
       that effeot ii their sptoraemmt is allowed.         The
       oredlts are arid to be inthearture        ofrpqmmt
       or revard by the atate to the aemviot for bie geod
       behavior, io order to stiaulate     hip to oQfol¶    to
       the m&lee of the iaatitutltm    8nd to aroid t&e
          88u~ or eraerr an

       withfavor  bothby atateankulerallegielaturee,
       Slaoe the shertaring of L asntmms by reaao   of
       good behatioz ia a beaofit eaSerred by the state,
       ;: I”, eyyy    depeadeat QL the *tatate aroi6mlag
             The                of lmpriaamfmt provided for by

          Ia the ease of Rx psrte @eKema, 64 Atl. 77, the
Supreme Court of Yermmt, undsr faota 8imilar to thoee here
Involved, held aa follewai

             =The seat6moe ID for the aulauutsm,and
       therllmfazmefor      goodbebrieris        tobededuated
       from the -term.            The deduetlen8llouedfmr
       is not forfeited    by the bm8oh of the acmditioam
       of the pardoa,butstPrdeta          the oreditvf    the pri-
       8amr in the fiaslocmmutatim          ofhI    aentfimoe,
       Uhena pri8