OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN opinion twbt me term* 8ad Uldow” de not inalude a woman vho has been dttomed ?rom her husband. web8tor’u lievIntornstioAaZDlatioauy, boaosldEd%t1on, definer the term “vldov u riamf8: ErmoPable Ohar, W, Ca8tner, page 2 "A wnsan vho hnr loat her humband br death; the resale rurriror of a marital union. A uowxn vho ha8 not remarried after the death of her hua- band." The reoognired definition of the vord vldou ir a woman vbo barnlost her hurband by death1 a rife that outlived her hw- band. Cole t. Ilnxne.122 Fed. 836. 839. muaning of the word ridov la a wrrled The ordl.nary vow&n v&me husband ir dead. Heton 1. State rndurtrlal laaur- awe Demrtment. 177 Pao. 6%.TR. 104 Warh. b52. The vordridmf BIUMI a vomanwho has loeth%r hwband by death, and ha8 no appllaatlon to a dLvoroe& voman. O'xSllOf v. OWallej, l29 Pao. 501, 502, 16 Moot. 549, Annotated bsaer 19l'?B,62. . Ukeulse, the term ulfe doas not lnulude a vuwn Qi- wed. jbadr v. UeddXe. 8 Id, 297. 299. 44 Ohlo St. 442. '2&~t+mn wife doer not mean mimply that a woman bar been -Led, but that rhe Pa then and there a nwnied woman. ICmreat. Mate, '50II.E. 401, 20 Xad. App. 168. ,, APPROVhQ MAY 31, 1941 ATTORNEY Qm.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion