! ‘/1,’ I ‘. ., :; \i;, c 0 The State of Texas P Y OFFICE OF THE ATTOFNEYGENRRAL OF TEXAS Austin GeraEd.'C. Mann AM&nay General e Frank D. Quinn Eionorabl jTxeout+ive Secretary Texas State Farks Board Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion NO. o-3506 Re: Use by State Parks Board or State Park .Fundto aub- serlbe to magazines dealing with the admlnlstratlonof State parks. We have your letter or May 3, 19&l, requesting the opinion ot this department upon the question whether you are pansl~4~edto use monay iromthe State Parks Fund ror subscrlpt&onsto %rlous reareatlonalmagazines whlah "'deal with the WmI.nlstratlonof State parks. The appropriation provided by the Legislature for the ourre.@tblennlum (SenateBill 427, Aota 16th Leg.,) oontalns the f+owing ltmmg *MaNtananao and Ml8oellaneousr "1. Stationery,prfntlng, equipment,sup- .:j plies, telephones,postage, rent, and contingent ..**..... ~4,,000.00. a* t* *All of the previous annual balanoe ln,the ,:-i' special pju?krund and ail ruture reoelpts de- posited In the speolal park fund are hereby ap- i proprlatehand re-appEoprIatedror eaoh year of the biennium ror maintenance and Improvement of the State parks. Provided, however, the Sta,te Farks Board shflllnot have the authority to em- ploy any additional help out of said rebeipta except seasonal help. All maintenance items Honorable Brank D. Quinn, Page 2 may be supplemented with Federal funds." If t,hexriate$lal contained In the publltxitlone to which you refer is of such a nature that it will be helpful to you,in discharging your duty to provide for the maintenance and Improvement of the State parks under your jurisdiction, you are advised.that the subscriptions may be bought and paid for out of'either of the items of appropriation above quoted. The usa of the word "mainten- anceW, in the rider appropriating the Slxcial Parks Fund, renders the appropriation broad enouch to cover those items of expendlture whphioh may be required in order to keep the Board advised conoerning the best means and methods for improvingand~mafntainlngState parks, as developed from the experlenot of othera, for the duty and the authority to maintain a&d Improve neoeesarilyinvolves the duty and authorityto ~)ormul.ateplans end preeorlbe the methods by whloh auoh ma&ntenanoe and Improvementare to be done. See our opinions Ros. 0-2540, O-1885, O-2211, and o-1990, aople? OS each of whloh are enclosed herewith. Your0 very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By /s/ R. W. Fairohlld R, W. Falrohlld Arsisttmt /a/ Grover Se3,lers FlRST ASSISTm ATTORNEY GElfEkAL
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion