OFFICE ,OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Tare@ Prison Syetem, T‘ase 3 .~ a&&it be,* and a.6this aubjeot, Joe ‘Igylor, has bean lmprleoned here slnoe July 26th, 1941, under the sentenoe from Stephens County, it eeema thet the Court rrom Stephens County and the Court from Young County have iseua& ccnfliating order&, and we are at e 1~s~ 8,e to properly determining the oorreot steps to take in this matter.” Under the faots stated in 9@ur letter, et the the See ‘Igylor wee aonviated in the Dietriot Court of Stephens County, Texas, he haQ been convloteQ In the I?letriot Court of Your Couot9, Texae, In four cesee. ‘;he 0618~8 in wblah the Qelendant heQ been convloted In the TY?+riot Cqurt at Young County had been appeslrd, ?Q while such ceeee %iere on appeal he wee tried in the biatriot Court:~or .%ephene 0ouJJty. Xylem mar aonvloteQ tn the ,Dletriot Oourt bl Stephe,nsQounty @qbl8ontemoeQta tna yemrr in the pealten- tier& be Ma reaolied et t&M Pr:%am on 8tJ%Ft$6, .&W%, urd his r%~Wn~ in tR* ~Btephans UI%QBQ owe U&S to R&J% whw’ eantanoae in $he iour oans tram %NII& bounty oeemd tie fn other wards the sentenoe la then Wephene COWI- ~~~Z*was cumulative I4 the sentenoea in the oa8ea from Young tmlntg. oeaa or AL?A.J~ ‘I. Btete, 606 25, w. 345, Ths holde that notle* 0r apperlina pxwoeaing oee* did not deprive the court or. the parer ta ouWIle* fha ten tn tka l*aand. aaeo, whkoh wntanoe in the easonQ qaeo w&Q ltrrt whOh’ that in .$heproaddiag oasa oeaeed’to ape,mkr ~~ ‘: ‘~ Although tha wee& iram Young U~ity’w~ru on ap- peal at tba time the aaae we* triad ia tie. aria @OUatp the uowt, i.n 6d.d had the paw ate th6 santano* to 0uufai? e santenoea in thr other oaees rrcm ovide that the eantewe in that aasq senterioee in the o%eeB freei Young Uoun- ty. onsod to aperote. We or% iaft#raeQ by the Glerk of the Court of Cx’iPliJhel Appmle $hst ma~Qe$~~ iS6WJd CatQber 17, 194~1, in 8810 four 4086s apmaled iram Young Gouaty. Be sppmls in 8hea.e OPJJO# were Qismiased upon the rspae%t CC’ the de- t endant. In the astee of 70~ell V. State, 63 3. F. (2d] 712, it Is statedr . ATT0FdE-i G-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion