Honorable Bascom Giles Commissioner, General Land Office Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-3197 Re: Status of application to lease where bad check accepted by county surveyor for filing fee. On February 20, 1941, we received your request for an opinion on the following matter: "On January 14, 1941, this office received 'a twenty-one page application and a $100.00 fil: ing fee, to lease an area of alleged vacant un- surveyed School Land in Brazoria and Galveston Counties, from Mr. Dan Purvis of Alice, Texas. "'This application was in the form prescribed by law, and bore the certificates of the County Surveyors of Galveston and Brazoria Gounties to the effed-t that the same had been filed and re- corded in their offices. "The application and filLng fee were ac- cepted by this office and set up on our records as M. A..~$699, and as yet no further action has been had thereon by this office, "On February 13, 194fS' a letter WES received from Mr. Adriance Munson, iountv Surveyor of Brazoria County, (Photostatic copy of which is attached hereto) in which he stated that he had been given a check for $5.00 by Mr. Purvis~to cover the cost of filing this applicetion, on January 4, and that on January 21, before he had copied the instrument into his records, the check was returned unpaid, and requesting author- ity from this office to mark the application "cancelled." Honorable Sascom Giles, page 2 O-33.97- 'I would appreciate the benefit of your opinioh as to the validity of this application, end the proper steps which should be taken by this office and by the County Surveyor, Mr. Munson, in regard to it." Since you state that the application was in the form prescribed by law we assume that your question as to the validity of this applicat'cn is based solely upon the circumstances surrounding the filing of same with the County Surveyor of Brazoria County. It is the opinion of this department that the County Surveyor of Srazoria County must record the application in question in a book kept by him for that purpose and the fact that the check given for the payment of the filing fee was returned unpaid does not authorize him or you to ma'ke the ap- plication cancelled. Article 542lc, Section 6, Subsection c, Vernon's Annotated Statutes, provides as follows: "Any applicant who claims that a vacancy exists-and desires, to lease or purchase same shall file in duplicate with the County Surveyor of the county in which any part of the land is situated a written application to purchase or lease same under the provisions of this Act. -::- a> 3? "Contemporaneously with the filing of the application, the applicant shall pay to said sur- veyor a filing fee cf 'ive uollars ($5). The sur- veyor shall mark on ths original and duplicate the exadt hour and date of filing, ~shall return one application to the applicant and shall record the other in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. The application which is returned to the applicant shall, within ten (10) days after the date of filing with the surveyor of the county, be filed with the Commissioner who shall note there- on the date of filing. Applicant shall also pay - . Honorable Bascom Giles, page 3 O-3197 a filing fee of One Hundred collars ($100) to the Commissioner. Failure to fife the apr;lication with the Commissioner within the time fixed, and to pay the filing fee, shall be a waiver of all rights under the application. As between appli- cants, priority shall date from the time of filing with the surveyor. 9 + (o( It will be seen from the reading of the abcve stat- ute that the Five Dollar filing fee is a fee allowed the ccunty surveyor for his services in filing and recording, the apnli- cation which he could demand in legal tender before accepting $he application for filing and recording, but he may accept a check oreven do his services free insofar as the validity of the filing is 'concerned. Once he has accepted it for fil- ing and recording the rights acquired by filing immediately attach and the county surveyor cannot disturb ordestroy them. The provision in the above act "failure to file the applica- tion with the Commissioner within the time fixed, and to pay the filing fee, sha1.1 be a waiver of al rights under the application" refers to the filin,g fee of One Hundred Dollars to be paid the Commissioner of the General Land Office and not the Five Dollar filing fee to be paid to the County Cur- veyor . In dealing with the recording of a deed by the County Clerk in the case of American Exchange Bank of Dallas, et al v. Colonial Trust Company, 186 S. !'v'. 361, the c&ret had the following to,say: "itis so Therefore, if he has the legal right to refuse to receive an instrument in his official custody unless the fees for recording be paid him in advance it must, it is thought,'be immediatbly or seasonably exercised LIpon the tender cf the in- strument for record. By so doing and refusing to receive the instrument in his official custody for record the legal effect would not attach of being deemed filed for record. But, when the clerk re- ceives and retains the instument in his c,fficial custody, it is filed within the meaning of the law. It is not intended by the article tc clothe the clerk with the power of making or defeating rights respecting registration. -:C -‘.:- 3:. If the clerk, though, . .. Honorable Bascom Giles, page 4 O-3197 rec6lvee and retains the instrument in his official custody awaiting payment of his @es, he, in legal effect waives his personsl privilege of requiring payment, and must file and record, as required by law, the indtrument so received. 4: i:- i? The clerk's indorsing on the deed of trust the d ate cf its re- ception, and holding and retaining it in his official custody with intention to actually enter of record if the recording fee was remitted, would ccnstitutte, it is thought, the instrument as filed within the meaning of the law. it i:- iti" See also Carlisle &company v. King, et al, b the Supreme Court, in 133 9. W. 24.1, on rehearing 133 9. W. i64. W& note in your letter that the application received by your office bore a certificate from the County Surveyor of Brazoria County that same had been filed and recorded in his office brining this situation clearly within the American Exchange National Bank case, supra. Sincerely yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS D. D. Mahon Assistant DDM:mp/PAM m&cxL APPROVED L2, 1941 GERALD C. MANN ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE BY BWB, CHAIRMAN
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion