OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Departnmnt of Agrioultun, Pago 8 It is the rule that an oftlosr or agent OS the State Is allaed only suoh oonpensation 6na muolumente aa are oxpreealy 00nferrtba upon him an remuneration sar the disoharge~ of his official dutisr au an agent of the State. LloCallav. City of Rookdale, l.l.2 Tax. 209, Z46 9. W. 654. It follas that any pub110 oiiioor or agent who domndr mlleago, 0306 or apenaes must point out mom statute au- thdzing it8 auonan~~. wh0r0 a duty n3qui.d ml ex- penditure of money Is Imposed upon a public off2 oar or agent, and no pr~vialon 18 ma0 ror relmburramsnt to the offloor by the state rotor tho expons.8 inollrsml, mob orsi- acr or agtmt ia deemed to be repald for th6 expenma in- curred in the disohargo of 8uoh duty by whatever oompuua- tion ia allowed and pi& to him Sor hia senioea as suoh pub110 agent. Bin00 tharo ia no provision of the statute or OS the apprlhpriationbill oonisrring ths right to m&a- bursemnt upon the ilWDCOtOn for the eXpe500Si.zWwnd by than in fttrni8hing the bond required by law ‘you are adviued that in tho oplnfron.of thte doparfPaan~ rush baa& prom& oanaot be paid out of the approprfation to whloh you refer. Touru very truly ATTo88ETQSXERALOF TXXM APPROVEDJAN 14, 1941 A .-.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion