OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN i Hon. A. Na 3t.&Ue aolnltyattorney Atasoosa Ctoimty Jourdantm, Texal Aepeirtment stat orrioer 0f Atas tenu of offiae by ths Oomnisal county, who &all holA affioh for ounty BoaltihorffoclrrhaU taho and subsoribe to the,ofiioial oath, and ahall file a qapy of SUOD oath and a oopyof h5.a ap iat- ment with the Texas Stat@ Board of Health; anr until suoh file4, saiA otfioor &all atjotbe tleaiwdlegally quali~iisd.Compumatfon of said oounty health ofil~er aball bs fix04 by the ocii?dlseioRoral oourt prclvi6w3,that no 9culb- ponsntloB or SilSaIy&a t be allowed eroept for rrervioee aotually rBtldaratlr* Hon. A. N. st0iAl0, P&g6 3 - As pointed out by you this atntutd olearly am- pow%rs the ooamlssionars~ aourt to bimmially appoint the county health cjffioer but ie silent bath as to the filling of au umxpired tom~unii ss to th% period of tims auoh ap- p&m5eIit, when z&s, sciall run, There being no other statute touohlng this zoatter, It is our opltion thst the powerto fill the unexpired term of one originally aTpointed by the oomiseionsrs~ oourt woufd fol10w froiti the wait of pow%r to make tha orlgiaal appoillt5mt. Claarly Artlale 4423 oonte~plats8 that tha, power of filling the offioe of oounty health offloer &all rselc?eLz the ooatabsio~er8court of the oounty$ ths erprasa gmmtlng of power as to tha blannll appointmmt wdmld in- %lUA%, ~II ths sb68AOa Of OthW StatutOrY pNVisiOWB, tha lesser gmw%r to fill the ucmqired term of an original ap- point80 of tlisaomalse:oh%rs OOIJ&. Your second guest&h likawlse involverJ a 5att6r not expresslyregulated by Artlole 4483, or by any other 8tntaAte. The two0 *biennially” ha8 a well defined moaning 88 mn;ething hap&~&~, or takfng plaOe, on08 ti tW4 years. BRurn V. K4TLocE, ill 8.W. 990, 86 Arkr 658. Artiole 4483 in its provisions that the appointsmut of a oou&y heatth ofriocshall b% dana biennially wfartL4WMBU to i&x a toneoi two year8 en ot ah origfaal appoMiaa&t, rs temening oi.rotutmtah%%b. This being,true, r%: z% that in the evant of the B%ath of the preormt holder of the affioe of county haalth offio~, oha term of offios which tecamtr fixed by the aobion of the OGsrPis5imeS8 oourt in making ths biennial appointm%nt, only, i0 8Ubjaot $0 being completed. At the %xpiwtioIk or thks two-p8aP term of office the oorvaiesion%rs oourt thsreupcin rouJ.A make an- other biennial agpoihtment in aooordahoe with Artiola 45233, Aooordin&ly, you are respestful.Jy u&lared th8t it is the o?iIiiOTi Of titi6 deQ~tUi6Uit that W&%X tha faOtP Of your Letter the ooam.lssionere aourt of Atarodaa County my neka an fQpOiAtiLi3At to %onipl%t% th% uaex Lr.4 term of tb% eoucty health offfoer who has disd. ana t&t auoh ap~lntso my only serve Aur3.n~ the un%a&red tsnn of the d%oeas%& Very truiy your0
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion