OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS A.UBIIN G-GM&NW anvmmvQC*PY i. , krtJ.cle 2G77, II. 0.. SI, 1925, ?rescrlbi m the 4 Xonorablo Fred KorziB, paEe 2 lthclr elsotiog shall be mdo to tho county clerk althin iitro days after such eleotion shall have been held, to be dolivorod by bin to the aomiooioners oourt at Its first metim+ theroaster to be oanvassed erd the results decltied as io oases at other eleo- tio ns. The county clark shall ioaue to mid trustaos thalr aotiusions and tipross thoreon the seal of that maid, court aftor thoy have taken the official oath and riled ~sauc %lth said olerkr” (Emphasis added) The Tors6olnc etstute nakos no requiremat that a.oouEty cchool truotee live in a particular dlatrlct In his prooihot or ttiat his children atter.d school in the, oounty. Xc find no facts stntod Lenyour latter of rel;uest which Fiould disr.ualify the trustee in question froa serving as county echo01 trustaa for. Qxmionionerst Frcoiriot No. 4 of’ Folk. County, Texas, and am thor~fore of the oplnlon that he my 1ocj~ll.y EmYe au such. , Yours ver y truly Assistant 1’ ,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion