I PRICIi DAXIEL ,. ATTORNEY GESEHAL .. Gerald C. Farm ////////(/// Honorable L. A. Moods State.Suptli5ntendentbf,Public Instruction, Austin, Texas izinion No. -0-2239 : General Appropriation Act 1939 - State Decartn;ent of Education --,Contingent Expenties-- Printing -d Buarterly'~allocationoft annual appropyiation,. You ,statethe'following case for an opinion: : *Thd statutes make it mandatory ', upon the Departnent of Education that : certain forms,'bulletins atid,reports such as teacher's daily .reeisters, teach.er'smonthly reports, voucher forms, etc., bo filade~,available ,to the schools of the State.by Septen- her lst, the beginning of the sc!:olas- tic year.. In order to have these form, bulletins and reports avail- &blc:for scholastic yoer'1;~13940, the Departrmn$ as in the past was compelled to issue requisitions ut least three to .faur e:or;ths prior tc ,Scptel,:ber 1, 1937, to alloirmple tims fop nrir:tirl:; zl:dr!clivi?r:!. ;Zlcn the accounts for ,suchwere prc!&ented to the State Cor~:!)tro$lcr for payment they wero~rcfu&cd $.)rth.e'reason that they bol;ercquiiition dates prior to Sc;.t;:iril.u,r 1, 193:1," U,bO$ l;bc:;.b,f;iCtS gi0U .pT.,poll;ld- thes following quesi.ion: RdnorableL. A. Foods - Page 2 Whether or not it ismaterial when the requisi- tion is.made for printing, provided the printingwhen done, is to be paid out of the appropriation,for the.cur- rent fiscal year for which the printing,is dote. , The 'answerto yburinqu%ry is ruled.by the opinion of this,,de$artnentof date November 17,.1915, (Opinions of the Attorney General 1914-19~6, p. 695)‘,, . -~ holding it to be regular and lawful for a Board of Regents to contract for the erection of a dormitory. and dining room:to be paid for out of the appropriation available thereafter,.to-urit,on Se>teltiber1, 1916. It is declared in that opinion: .' "The,fact that this &12~,OQO,OQ : appaoprfated for the erecti,onof a _' 'dormitory..anddining rooLr,isnot : available until the lst..'dayof Sep-, ~tenber,,l916, does snot postpone the . .taking ~effectof this Act of the Legislature until that dato. This Act is as much the lat\rnow as it will be subsequent to.Septembcr~l, Y' '.,1916,,and the Board of Regents would .be warranted in letting the'contract' .for the erection of said building at the present time or at any ti:.leaft.er the enactment of'such law aridprior to August 31, 1017, 'the expiration .of the fiscal '-eriodfor hriliCh .appropriation is made. “of d0uk32, as this %25,000.00 is bji:express r;rovisionof the Act not availabls until Ee:ztemborl,,1'36, no warrant-scoul.dbe drawn or naj,ments mado out of same .until that date." The oj~,Anicn furthcr states: .JrableL. A. Woods -.'Page3. appropriation, nor do,we mean by this opinion to make a holding of that character." 'As we understand your inquiry, it discloses that the supplies are'to be received by your depart-. mentbut will notbe consumed pri.orto the time ,when the anpro,iriationIbocomes.available, thus coming with- .inthe hoMing of that opinion. Trusting,that thi.swill be a satisfactory answer 'toyour inquiry, '. we are .Very truly yours . ' ATTORHEY GEi:ERALGF.TEXRS BY : Ocie Speer Assistant .OS*KR:bb . /e/ Gerald C.. Kann '~. ;. ATl'CRIJhY GIUERAL OF TEXAS ‘.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion