TEJGA~TORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~~.TEXAFI GERALD C. MANN AlTORNeY 0.SNE.b.l. Honorable 0. J. S. Elllngson General Manager Texas Prison System Huntsville, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-1168 Re: From.what fund may the Texas Prison System legally pay boiler Inspection costs? This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 24, 1940, wherein you request the opinion of this department upon the following matter: You desire to be~informed as to the fund from which you may legally pay inspection costs, that is, fees and expenses incident to the inspection of your boilers and other machinery. Acts 1937, Forty-fifth Legislature, page 893, chapter 436, as amended by Acts 1939, Forty-sixth Legisla- ture, House Bill 419 (Vernon's Civil Statutes, Article 522lc), provides for the inspection of steam boilers, the administration of the Act being under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statlstlcs of the State of Texas, the Act providing for the inspection to be had by the Inspector of boilers or any deputy Fnspector, or by any qualified boiler inspector employed by any county, city and county, or,city, or any insurance company, provided that such persons making inspections (other than the inspec- tor of boilers or deputy inspectors regularly employed by the Commissioner) shall first obtain from the Commissioner a commission as an inspector showing his qualifications to make such inspections. Item 12 of your Maintenance and Miscellaneous Appropriation, Senate Bill 427, Acts of the Forty-sixth Leg- islature, reads as follows: "General support and maintenance; also in- cludes transportation, re-capture, contingent ex- penses and liability insurance premiums ....$375.000.00." - Honorable 0. J. S. Elllngson, page 2:: O-1168 We find no specifically ItemFeed appropriation for inspection costs. It Is, therefore, the opinion of this department that the items of expense incurred by the Texas Prison System in the employment of authorized persons to Inspect the boilers of the agstem may be paid out of the general support and maintenance or contingent expense item of approprlation quoted.above. If, in the opinion of the Texas:Prlson System, It becomes necessary to have an Inspection made of machinery other than that which the law above referred-to requirea to be Inspected under the jurlsdictlon of the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the expenses of such in- spection in our opinion, likewise may be paid out of the Main- tenance and Miscellaneous Appropriation above referred to. ,Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS By sji3.W. Fairchild B.W.,Fairahild Assistant RWF:LM:we APPROVED March 22, 1940 s/ Gerald C. Mann ATTORNRY GENERAL OF TEXAS Approved Opinion Committee By s/BWB Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion