OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN CXLIILDQ.MANN -- Eon. San& 3 . ‘cilday,Dirkotor Xotcr Transportation.Dlvlsion Raflroad Comlss’loncr of Teras Austin, Texas Dear sir: ~2 0r my 17, regarding the ex- of the Xallroad and regulations vioe rendered by everJimotor bus conqxmg oper; sting over the highwaytrin this State, to fix or approve the maxim. or &Uum, or rraxinxrm and minimam, farea,r&ea or oharges ‘of, and-to prssoribe all rulee and. regulations necessary for the governmqkt of,.each motor bus compeny; to presoribe the rout&, sohedules, servfoe, and safety.p’*operatfLa+ of each such !~otorbus Qompany; ’ Hon. Jemcs E. gilday, Director, page 82 "(b) The Cosnsission13 hereby vested with authority to supervise, aontrol and rowat all terJPinalsof motor bus oompanies, inolud- lng the locatiorror facilities and charges to be mde aotor bus oo&psnios for the use of such tcriidnal,or tersini; f?Fovlded;that the Comission shall have no authority to inter- rere in any my with valid aontraots etisting between rotor bus oorcponiesand the owner or owners of m&or bus terminals at the tti‘or the passage of thl3 hot. "(a) The Comission 13 further authorized and empowere$ to supervi3e end regulate.qator bu3 oapti.33 in all other lrnttersaffecting the relatlonshlp be-en such motor bus oop- gsnios and'the traveling publlo thatmay be nece33aryto the efl'ioientoperation ol:this law." V&c. 12, * * * The Conm&sion 3hell have the power .and authorit UDBer this Aot - (ht. 9lla; P.:C. Art; 169Oas to dopnd perform all necessary things to oarry out the.purpose, in- tent, and provisions of the hot (Axt. 9lla, P; Co Art. 1690a); whether herein speoiiically mentioned or not, and to that end my hold hearings at any plaoe in‘Texa8 whioh it my +esigmte;* Xe call your attention to the case or Elighvay transportation Co. v. S. Vi. Greyhound Line3, 124~S.W. @a) 433, Jan. 4, 1939. The court in this case had be- iore it the question of whether or not the Comi33lon had the power under *the htor Bus Low, 4(b)* to require the use of.terncLnalsby bus lines other than those hay- lng oontrabtual rights there%n, end3eoondly if oon- stra3d to confer such power, does .itprovide for notloe and hearing to the aiieoted parties. The court*8 Opin- ion reads: nl!heorder ii voltI,. h' anf&veht in'W3t it was pa~without notloe:or~hear~iig. *Sime:we are'holding'the oi?dea? void'on Hon.-James E. Rildary, DlreOtor, page #2 another gaound, it is notneoesaary to,Dess -upon appellee*s first ground, but will as-e, for present purposes only, that tha l&A& Ru& Law confers upon the Cofmission the power to q&e the order. ‘-* l * T h e ‘Co missZo n is charged with the duty oS deteiPi!&ing,in the rlxgt instx?noo, whethor the application nhould ba granted; and a wide discretion is vested in it in reaching its oonolusion. It3 disoretionery powers.are not subject to'revlen; but review is coMiried to the issues wbethar the order Iswithin the powers of the Con~ais3ion and-is supported by substantial evidence. To allow review or it3 ordors 'othemise Shotually would vlrtua1ly transter the administratlve Sunotions OS the Comissionto the courts; a Sunotion ror whioh they are not equipped. We hold that before the Coznission can Da33 a valid order subjeot- ing thk property of a carrier to use by another oarrier and riving the oompensation ror such use, the owner carrier is entitled to notioe and -* * *'(Highway Transportation Company %%: GreyhOund Lines.,124 3. 3. (2d) 435). We have Selt it desirable to reier to the.Eigh- way Transportation cB3e beoause OS the implied doubt that it casts upon the validity of the subject regula- tory statute by Gaiaisingthequestion OS whether it pro- vides for notice and hearing as Drerequisites OS due prooess of law. It has been decided in this state, however, that where rules and regulations afteot equal- ly the entire industry or body beicftregulated, nuti0e and hearing before their issuaaoe is not necessary; $uoh is the case in re3Deot to the'subjeot rule3 ad regulation3 under even&nation. This point was inVOlVed in the 0ase of Greer V. Railroad Con& OS Tem3, 117 Se W. (26) 142. error dismiasedr "The Record shO+m tbatthere were over 200 3p;eoisl00mmQdity otiiers.operati.43 under permit3 granted. There Is no.oompelling reason why nobles,and hearing James iL.Kilday, Director, page #4 a3 prerequisite to the validity OS a general rule and regulation of adroinistrativeboards. * * * The intirwateknouledge possessed by the Comission * * * affords aaiplebasis r'0rdis- ?eming with notice v&m Jr;neralregal&tory orders are conoorned.w Formatters not of a gene&x+1nature, such as to require notice and hearing, we bolieve the 3tatut3 provide3 for them. .This qucation ~33 left open by the court in the Highvay Tranoyortation oase. The Coxnis- slon is by Article 9lla, Scotion 12, empower& ammg other things-*to bear end determine all nDplioatlons US motor bus cozq~ixnie3; to determine oonplaiuts Drcsented to it by motor bus coza9enies* * * or it my institute and Investigate amy matter -@rtaining to'aufxmobile pas- senger tramportation for aompensatlon or hire upon its own motion. The commLssion:* * * ahell have the power' to aompcl thq attepdanoe of .witnesr~s,swe&.vzitne3ses, take their tgstimony under oath; nake record there- . or * * *n We but that where heari-ngare neoessary the Legislat.3 intended that the Coxai33lon hold hearing3 and hold.~thenln oonSormLty to all requls- ites of due-proFess i4cludihg notioe. While there is no' 3peoiSio requirement QS bearings and notioe, a3 seen, the A&, it see33 to u3 aearly oontemplates that such must be had. "It hcs * * * beeddeterinided that a stat- ute is not invalid merely by reason of the rabt that it do~s'not.e%pressly provide Sor notioe and hearing. be laplied by the oouFt3, unless the language of the statute excludes the tteory that notloe and hearing are neoe3- (Tatlow v. Baood, 101 gap..26: 14 r%269). NOW reaardihg tbe exbent'ol the pb\rerS'oohSerred, we construe th&e statutes to confer upon the railroad tom-. mission of Texas Sull and complete jurisdiotion to Pro- ml&ate all'&les and regulations reasonably neoeasary to Surther the interest oS the traveling pub110 in the Hon.-Jaes 2..Xilda$y, Director, wge #5 "publlo SeTITiCO rendered by every motor bus coz~p&rty.* Xc believe that in regulating the publio service, it necessarily Sollows that every'i'unatlonundertaken by a In13company oxerclaed by it to the end of rendering se-zct, 1s necessarily embodied in the term *'publla n . This would include the sale OS tiokets to the publia, the rendi6ion OS full end oomplete inSorma- tion rogerding routes, schedules, aharges, etc.*47e btj- liove that the landing and unloading OS pas=engers 'at ter%nal.a, the looatlon of terminals and the gc!neral. ranaguent OS terminals, all are component -$arts'oSthe patbllc3ervioe rendered. Each Sunotion3 lo nooessery to the aoonvonlenoeof tlie traveling pblio" and ell go in- to the wconduot..ofthe busine6s.n Sy?ccialreferenoe is mede to the latter FDf of subneotion (b), quoted above, vherein th6 Cowsis3ion is precluded rronzInteitSoringtith existing valid aon- traatS betweon aotor bus companies and owners of motor. bus tmlils. This sgecifio prohibition necessarily implies the power in the Commission to nintertereW and such oontraots entered into subsequent to the datb of the Aot. Referenie IS made td the 0330 OS City of MT .linger, et-al v. Nichols, 297 6. F.-48C.' In this-case the Court or CivilAppeals, held a oity ordl- na~~~purportingtor&ulatebi~terminalsinvalidas being beyond the powr or a muniuizallty, the'oourt did pointoutthattheLegislatur8 oStXe2tate ha&already delegated such power to the Railroad Commission of Tezas* In discussing the ease, the cbu.rt"saidt "The sixth seotion.oS the ordinanoe re- quires'for this oharaoter of traffio, the es- tablishmentand maintenanoe of a.oentral 3t3tjton or depot.on sand disoharging passengers or Q?elght, amkes 'ffusi&HN to take on or disoharge qas-.. sengqa ok:freightat any oth& point in the aity. "All reasonable traSria regulations such. as IA& of 3poed (&era not oontrolle& by general.. law) .designaticns of routes, general treSSi .rules.aSSectingall motor vehiales, and such like tiatters,would SCGSI to fall.within:the delesated power& 'phe~prov1316ns aS Section Eon..Jmes E. XUdap, Director, peg8 if6 6 of the O~lnonce, requiring establishment of one aentral depot, and lnhlbltlng taking on or discharging OS freight at8ny other polnttith- in the city,are, we thl.d$regulat10ns crffeot- Lng the conduct of the business as a comenienoe to the travelinKpublid, and cannot propqly be classified as street traffic regulations. '3he St&C h&s aukhorlzed the %usiness but has never &.e.&ed its regulation to municipal aorpora- It nay be noted ln%his conneotlon.that the &ulnr 8ession of the Leglslkture passed e comprehensive act vesting such regulations in the lldlroad Oondsslon. General Laws, R&u- lar Session, Fortieth Legisldure, ch. 270;~. 399, et seq. The esteblishna'ntof depots cleer- ly pertains .to the oonduct or-the business or transportation, eqd 1s not a street trafflo remt- latlon.' Inthe oaseti Wolfv~DelRio&itorTransppr- taa Company, 27.ST ??, (2d( 874, Court of Civil Appeals *The Rd.l.roadOon~~~Lsslotila vested wLth poweq to prescribe rules end ragulatlons necea- sary forethe goverrment 'ofmotor bus c-es, and routes andaafety of operation of each motor bus ooslpany. There are details tithe law that give general and speoiile~power to the Oormais- don, ccmpletely the'subjeat 1s placed wlthlnthelr power. Zt 1s not necessary to discuss or present eltiitlonof authorities on the subjt?ct." In the aase oi State v Public gervioe ~OmmtS- alon.lll S. XV. (2d) 982, ia re&peot tc a similar dhlega- tlon of the Public Servlce'Cormnissionof the State or MIssourl, it #J.Bheld&. "The purpose of the Legislature was'to Pro- mote the welfkre of the #M8 by rep.atiru3 common Carriers l3pmotor vehicle * .* It there- by vested the Comnlaslon wlth.eertaln positive powers;expressly qonierred and.also l?vssted mm3 E. a.ufiy,Direotor. pa&c#7 it with all others necessarv and proper to ccmyoitt-ful4and~etCeotimllyell suohpowers so delegated, end .necesf#aryto&ive full ei- feat to%~ aot * * + the Comlaslon la author- .%!zedtowdca geueral rUles where their promil-- .gatlqn *are neatmary or proper to enable it to carry out ful4 an8 elfactually all the py- poses or thq Act*.* RegardSng t&3 lntexpretatlon 0r e sbS.lar ifpent of authority to an odninlstrctive Coxalssloa to regulate eenrice'oP xotor tmnsportatlon congaties, thc.court in tho case of Eotor Freight W.ess, et al V. R&l10 See vice.Cdsolon, Superior Court OS Pennsyl~nia, 177 A, 490, held that *servioe~ lnclules regulation or "inter- change of freight* between ditferent lines. *?ubllc aervlce* a'sit relates to motor bus transportation would by.the sexetoken include the Winter&u3ge or passen- ger@ between dlfBrent lines. We cite rdthout dlsetiaiti the follo&g case8 where oert8in cmlimmaes of citieswsre pronmlgat.?dpu%- suaat tc authority to n&e geperal rules end re@ilatlons governin&;publlo servlae vehicles. They uniformly SUB- tab the implied ~0% to rewe the use of terminals ~sr&;h~ve-@flc authorltx to n&e such rcqalrwnt So in the present instance, where the Comisslonls~speokmlly given authority to require use of termlnala and to regulate%helr location, etc., it r0mwi3 that ~rtlcularly ltivlew or the generel delegetlon or authority in subsqptlon (d) of .SeOtlon4, that the Cormlsslonhas thepower,to proagate detail regulations car the terminals. Saucs E. PZlday, Director, Y@ repst pur op+lon regardins t!! velldi- ty or e&en or the rulesane replatlons contained-in your tlotorBus Dcckat Do. 1345. They are too.lengthy to copy here, but upon conaidcratlon of each %e believe then ell to be'thejurisdiction or the cox&.s- slon to promulgate. That the Legislature hes mntlon- ed expressly certain powers, the rule or implied exclu- sion as to othars does not hera'obtein, because, rirst; OS the very gcnerel grant Sound in subdlvisions (a)'end (d) OS Sootlon 4, Article Qlla; seoond, the speclflo BIwpccBtlOn of certain powers in subsautlon (5) rollows a general grent and comes after the word *lncludin@; third Section 12 or the Act ,g.r&nts the Oomlsslon power and authority to do all necessarythings to terry out the purpose and Intent OS the hct "whether herein spc- oiflcslly nentloned or not." h reading OS the record of the heering held by the Cov%&sslon regarding these rulesend regulctlons raveelsthatthexeis eubotantial evldehoe support&g the $%dlugs of the Combsion upon whlahthe qubject rules and reguletlons are,bassd. It ls ouropl&ohthettDeyare valti. YoG- vebf truly AJ?J!OB?l?X 0XlNEW.a OF TKUS BY yugh Q..Buck h.ssistant APPROVPDAuC,23,1939 GERAIDO.l&UQ?~ ATTOSEZ Gi?XBW 03 :'tXhS Approved: OPIAIONC~ By RYJP,Ohairmu
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion