Hon. E. P. Jennings County Auditor HardingCounty Kountze, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-1023 Re: Automible reglstration We have received your request for an opinion of this department as to whether a person visiting and being employed in this state and having a vIsitor's license is required to register his automobile in this atate. Article 82713,Section 3 of the Penal Code of Texas provides: "The non-resident owner or operator of any passenger car shall within twenty-five days after commencing to operate such vehicle, or causing or permlttlng it to be operated within this State apply to the Department, through any County Tax C,ollector,for the temporary re istration thereof u on the ap- propriate of!icial form stating Rerein the name and home address of the owner and the temporary address, if any, of the owner of operator while within this State, * + * ' Article 827b, Section 2 of the Penal Code reads, in part, as follows: "A non-resident owner of a motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer which has been duly registered for the current year in the State or country of which the owner is a resident and in accordance with the laws thereof, may, in lieu of registering such vehicle as other- wise required by law, apply to the State High- Hon. E. P. Jennings, page 2 (o-1023) way Department through a County Tax Collector ::w thz fe$atration thereof as provided by . Article 827b, of our Penal Code defines "non- resident" as follows: "Means every resident of a state or country other than the State of Texas whose sojourn in this State, or whose occupation or place of abode, or business in this State, If any, covers a total period of not more than one hundred and twenty days in the calendar year." Article 827b, Section 4 of the Penal Code reads as follows: The County Tax Collector shall file each application received, and issue to the owner a temporary registration certificate of distinctive form to be furnished by the Department containing the date it is issued, a brief description of the vehicle and a statement that the owner has procured tempor- ary registration of such vehicle as a non- resident. Said certificate shall entitle the own&.-oroperator of said vehicle to operate it in this state for a period not exceeding one hundred and twenty days from date of ia- suance of said certificate." We understand from your letter that the party you inquire about is a visitor in Texas and has purchased and paid for the one hundred and twenty day non-resident's license. We think the definition quoted from Article 827b of "non-resident' answers the situation that you inquire about. However, this privilege is limited by section 4, article 827b in requiring that the one hundred and twenty days must date from the time of issuance. You also ask: Hon. E. P. Jennings, page 3 (o-1023 "What application applies to establish- ing realdence of single person and marrled person relative to the question of reaiater- ing automobile in the above question? Article 6675a-2 provides: "Every owner of a motor vehicle, trall- er or semi-trailer used or to be used upon the public highways of this State, and each chauffeur, shall apply each year to the State Highway Department through the County Tax Collector of the County in which he resides for the registration of each such vehicle owned or controlled by him, * * *' The above article fixes situs of registration as the county in which he resides. s Residence as used in the statutes has been considered as synonymous with domicile. 19 C.J. p. 397. In volumn 54, p. 708 Corpus Juris, we find the following definition: "The best definition is that to be de- ducted from the Roman Law; that a man's resi- dence is the place where his family dwells or which he makes the chief seat of his af- fairs and interest. Residence is the favor- ite term employed in the statutes to express the connection between person and place. The meaning when employed in a statute is often provocative of dispute, often making Ft difficult to give an exact definition of what la meant by residence as used in par- ticular statutes, for when used in statutes it has different meanings in different con- nections, and may be used with different meanings in different statutes, and also, it sometimes has different shades of mean- ing in the statutes and even in the conatruc- Hon. E. P. Jennings, page 4 (O-1023) tion. An examination of the authorities discloses -___._ that it has received different _ . __ deflnltlona ln VarlOuS cases, prlnclpallg Involving franchise, taxation, and juris- diction. As its statutory definition de- pends upon the legislative purpose as well as the oontext of the statute it must be construed in every case In accordance with the object and intent of the statute in which it occurs; hence its meaning Is to be determLned from the facts and circum- stances taken together in each particular case. However, It is said that when used in the statutes, or actions, or suits re- lating to taxation, rights of suffrage, divorce, limitation of actions, and the like, it is used in the sense of legal residence, that is to say, place of domicile or permanent abode." We believe the intention of the legislature in the use of the term "resides" was legal residence. We trust that this construction will enable you to determine from your facts the residence of a single and a married person. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS By /a/ Morris Hodges Morris Hodges MH:omb:mjs Assistant APPROVED JUL 10, 1939 &-A&$%$ ATTORNEYGENERAL APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE E!Y/s/RWF CHAIRMAN
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion