OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS .. ._.-. ~. ( .. . ._, _ _ . -- ._--. . : .. :i . _;:. . I ,A:,, .I .~ . - . ..qaer the govisi~~~n of rxtiolc E'i420 to aktri- botkmtk zo~~y'ccllocted ~roxXm tax OILa pm .. * _ .~ -t ~. - . * . COxIon ana snao?mmut SChWl dlstrlcto ol tbs ~wlskty OQ L .-. 'ts?,m basis tha% the .State per onpita apyrtionmnt is dl8tribatad apoa&sai& common end iadojmndeot school di8- ‘.. . :: triot.* . .- me Actite8l.f pre*iAbei aa baoisof “thsstats pr &itU ap;.rtiomcsnt~ a8 the.r~le by v!xich this comty- WidO tar if.3 ~t0 h diiotXibUte&. ;6 a?lst 1005, thOOrCfGXO, ta the xulen GVUU-X@ Wm Bad% pot c~~iCz! appm5fi&art* . 39 a guide in dote* tk0 +xitant QUBS~~OSL . -: Estiolca I, ?eotion ii, of tka-constitution of %xas Qrovia3s *+ * * 'ma0 tba avzilabls sohool ,fUnd horcfa -. 'm~~ided elxG1 b? distributed to tho sevaral. cotitiss lwGezliniq. ours) aoaording to t:xAr ~chok~+tlc ~@,LI- . . tion and applied in sachza~~~?r as kaf bs ~zwlded by 13x.* _ Es Lagislatuw ;irrsmUed tb .pocodura’ rlir csrryW out tka ~urpoacs &-this provision ot the ConstiWtioU by AZ- tic13 EGfJ3,T:. 6r 1925, _ rhtich raabin part: .*Cn tbe.fimt'ol"rach =on$h; the &xv L superintendent shall pamrate. to.the a8veraL CO~tiOS; &t&as. tkQ6 th1&8 tid SC’hool di&triOtn . ‘~ oon8titutiiog 863XWzlte saju?ol qrganizotiom, . .._ . l .’ . . . . . ..:.- . ... . r. roe c. cladney, tc'areh 1, 1939, rage 9. ;. . . . acaording to the st?hol.astiopopulntioQ of esah the available school ;tone~oolloatsd Our& thi preaedi!q mGnth * * *a :. . trlit~s-So&ol.astia poptiiatlon~3.nsuab couiity only.. z inasmu5h as hl'tiO18 i%%fB &FlWWb~~ pEGliid8U i that t&e paroco& of the county-wide tar thotiin paw&dad aSmU b8 distributed won ths saw3 basia'that the -Sat9 per . OaFi'ya apportloment is di5trlbut8d* it Could see5 to fox- ltithat a county-line sohool distriotwould bs olctitlsd t6 012&0.it8.‘8hsX8 Of Et OOXUrt+~idS $8X be8Cd Ojly OR it8 saholsstla populatZon in that county. Applyiag t&la prln&’ pie tathu sgealfia situation outliwd in your brief, of .the Carllale School Distrfct nhioh lies part4 in Cherokee . - 6wl.prt4 in I;usk CouQ~y, it Is WIT opiQlon.th8t t?le cS@,itlh Dkstriot iS GXItith!d t0 ShtrXe h the PrOoOeds Of the:E!uak aoaQ~y eqr;nliz2ltiGQtQX, b&Nd Only bQ it8 SGhOhS- tia.poptietSon in Eusk OouQty awl not QIL its soho~stia pqnilatsoR iQ boy& couxltie6. 33hqvab0fmfom3qto tbls coonalualon~not rarely by r888m Of the ep~C!atLOa Of the "tlRsiS" set out lxx the :-. eplLd.iafZtLOQ stat@tj ftaelf,88 outlfned above- but also fOr:t-he,rcaSoa _ . - - -. T- . . - . .. -. . . ET. Joe C. Glar'ney~Xarah 1, 1939, Xaga.4 sort tit5 a mem mt ii&lea?.ed by tlw &X&Ate .. ior mnatioued byths OOBStitUtiGU. .. The mason for t&scixi.stenta~t\aiity of tax . burden8 bottmen the Cherokee and the I?8k county y=ts Of the distriat is inherent in the verynsture of cornby-lisa bfetriats. r8 canuot t* to correat the.evil by a strained CGUltNCtiOU Ot th,iS 8tStUtO. . . of &upcon vs; :FeMotoa Comou County Line 6ah0olDiutrlat, 275 3..%. 449 (wit of erxvr refused) ta+ich pou hsva X8- . ferred us In yo$: brief, In that GaOe various -yrs, : 8ohool childran end pare?lts of.sobool childro:, of tmt )?sr2 of Llano County ~Mah had beex included in a ~ountp%dde school diatriat with r;nrt3 of Xfinsotiend Cm :W3 aoustfos brou@t mit to 6sok 50 &cGltlN tho distsiat void. It had beau ametqrl by spmial act of the L&slature in lS23 under tbi,%z_pro3d cuttirity of the oor&titutionel ezesd&ent, &2ble 7, .';8ation3, adopted is 1909. Flaiutiffs contended .1 'thywera inju.l'd by the ClWltiGll Of the GGUUtY.liaa 6i3- 3riet in that the Llauo County ?zchool ?ev%st pund yialds ~F-j+i)en bcorii OS $5.03 per yeear ger 8O!rOu5tia, -hereas ~the :.~:w end .m Caba County school funds-yield ouly flPty ~~~>Ie~t~ 8mi ;l.Co 1WSpsGtively. ~The hmtip COUl% Of civil L ~pwm ~u~tabxyl t&a tdel~court*s disniseal of th% suit, .. . _ i .I . : - .-. . .. . -; -: . . _ . .. - i . - : . . . : f :r ;; ~.~. .. :. ._ i . . : .. : . . . .. . *. .. . . . _’ * m .. . - I * . r- . . . - : . . . . . . - . .:. . . :
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion