February 20, 1939 Hon. Fred Erlsman Distrlot Attorney km&v 1st~, Texas Dear Sir: opinion No. 0-338 Rr: Proper oredit for jail time Your request for an opinion on the following quest ions : “1. When a defendant has been oonvlcted in the County Court, and his punishment assessed at oonfinement in the County Jell, oan the costs of oourt be discharged st the rate ot three dol- lars ($3.00) per day, or must the oosts be oom- puted on a basis of one dollar ($1.00) for eaoh day of Imprisonment? wZ. When a defendant has been oonvloted In the County Court, and his punishment as- aessed at a rlne only, oan the costs of oourt be disoharged at the rate of three dollars ((3.00) per day, or must the costs be Satisfied on a basis of one dollar ($1.00) for each day of lmprison- ment? n3. ’h~hena defendant has been oonvloted in the County Court, and his punishment assessed at oonfinement In jail, and by fine, what oredit oan be given on such fine and costs for eaoh day of confinement? V. When a defendant has been oonvlcted in the District Court for a felony, and punish- ment Is by fine (as in chioken theft oases etc.) what credit oan be eiven on such fine and costs for eaoh day of lmprlsonment?n has been received by this office. lion. Fred Erlsman, February 20, 1939, Page 2 Artiolo 793, Code of Criminal Prooedure, as amended by the 45th Legislature, 1st Called Session, 1937, provides generally that when a detendant Is oonvloted of a misdemeanor and his punishment is assessed at a peounlary fins, If he is unable to pay the fine and oosts adjudged against him ho may for suoh time as will satisfy the judg- ment, be put to work in the work-house or on the oounty farm or publio improvements oi the oounty, as provided in Art$ole 794 end 794a, Code of Criminal Procedure, or, if there be no suoh work-house or farm or improvements, he shall be Imprisoned In jail for a sufflolent length of time to disoharge the full amount of fine or costs ad- udged apalnst him, rating such labor or imprisonment at 4 3.00 for eaoh day thereor.. This Artiole also provides that the Commissioners1 Court of eaoh oounty, as defined by population braokets, shall at any regular or special term, by order made and entered in the minutes of the oourt, determine the rate o? wages to be paid convicts in their respeotlve oountles for labor or imprisonment at not less then $1.00 per day nor more than $3.00 per day. We are informed by the Comptroller’s Department that the population of Gregg County, aooordlng to the last Federal oensus, was 15,778. Therefore, Gregg County does not oome within the population bracket as set out in this statute and would be poverned by the statute as It arplles to those oountles not oomln. wlthln the designated popula- tion brackets rhloh allows %3.00 per day for labor or lmpri- sonment for convicts who dlsoharga their fines and costs by labor performed in aocordanoe with the statute, or serves a suf*“foient length of time In jail to disoharge their fines and oo8ts. Artloles 794b and 7946, Code of Criminal Prooedure, provide that oonviots in oertaln counties oomin oertsln population brackets who either lay the1 $ EEout in jail or work such fines out on the oounty farm, oounty roads or other public works, shall reoelve a credit there- for of $1.00 per day for each day worked or spent In Jail. Xowever, Greg? County does not come within the populstion bracket as speolfled in these articles. Therefore, they would not be applloable to Greee County. Article 704, Code of Criminal Procedure, reads as r0110ws: “If the punishment is %ny other thsn a fine, Hon. Fred Erllman, February 20, 1939, Pago 3 the judgment shall speolfy It, and order it enforoed by the proper process. It shall also adjudge the oosts against the defendant, and order the oolleotion thereof as in other oases.W Aftlole 920, Code of Crlmlnal Prooedure, ap- plies only to defendants who are oonvloted in justioe oourts and has no applioation to oounty oourt oases. %;o are informed by your letter that Gregg County does not maintain a work-house or farm and that prisoners are not worked on roads or pub110 improvementd. We rind no speolal statute which removes or prohibits your county from oomlng under the eeneral law as applicable to the questions submitted in your inquiry. In view of the foreeoinp stetutes, you are re- speottully advised that it is the oplnlon of this Depart- ment that when a defendant has bean oonvloted in county oourt and his punishment assessed at imprisonment in the oounty jail or his punishment assessed by fine only, or where his punishment Is’ assessed at confinement in jail and by fine and where a defendant has been oonvioted in the dlstrlot Court for a felony and punishment 1s by fine, that the oosts in these oases and the fine, if any, must be oomputed on a basis of $3.00 per day for each day of imprisonment. Trusting that the foregoing answers your ln- qulry, we remain Very truly yours ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS (St?nd) Ardell 3lliams AW:AW Ardell ‘Nlllisms Assistant APPROQED : (Sipned) Gerald 0. Yann ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion