I , OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN w0c Payefitowart,i%wstient lit&e bowl of’ Cocimtology Austin, Texas DQZW L;rerGtowartt 0 of regiritrt2- VnllA until urrrFay0 stewart,v~bruar7,24#1938,~0P to la"ronwal lioonl30~unloos the Wnor;Cl crpplgoationb sactowitl@n ouo rear attor the exp.Srationaf the old 15oolso* The'tuotthat thli et;0 wnor rettLlnudtho cu~~lvf&ionRnbequl~t dm ill gthe t&-a the &no ! wba olosod, would htws no ‘inf&uenw on 0~3 oonlrtrua P- ion of the statutcm eiaoc tho t&hopwao cloeeilt&r a porlmd Op mro tii on0 pw aftor tit0espiration op the shop Yloonso nni1no effort ma D&O to renmrthe liocmso within the year. It $8 ooncoi~ablo that the sow0 owmr ti@t close t&o ahop tor a period of eov- ; ernl roars uxl then dccld0 to r0-0 ;1an? a ply fm o r0110:;n1liotwso. !3-0 thix%?: the to$B l~turo Lt 0llL-l~ ic that *tier such a situation tho rrpp1ioantmlat Noat tho omf3 roqulror~to 98 anarspplloaat~ If his, therefore, tho’o oaotthlBDo- ptar?ant that lf a chop 0wnw.tP la to.rcmm Me 11-~ v :- ooafm ou or before on0 year attor tho data at lta axpiration,po m al.10 oanuot somreorewualliaexme~ but tast nxikeapplioatioa tor a Liootmoand ton dcl&r too OS roc~~eil in 6iootiOn17,ot ix $010fhe Kub .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion