OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAt,OF TEXAS AUSTIN QERALDC. MANN rrru”,.*“uu Iion.L.L. Roberts, Oaunty Auditor siutotrinacn ool.luty Stiunott, Texas Dear sir: I;as ba dr f:or advised vhethw 7 * .+* md provided rux- thr that all l;heohildren mai@- Sq; in a school di&riet a%Jrbe tmnsf~rred to mother diatriot, or to an independent dlstrlot, IIon. L.L. Roburts, Bebruary 9, 1999; P8@e a Article X387, R.C.S., reads, ia yzrt, i7I.y Solla,rs: 'nib3~bli0 fiit0sOhO ii&UdR 01x111not bc expended exoept for the Following purpQ5or: x** "2. Looal aohOo1 funds rrOm di8triot tuXefY,tUitiOU ie6U Qi pUpi18 llotentitled to iree tti- tion and o‘lherlooal8ouroes my be wed for the purp08es enumeratt; ed for State and omnty tundrr'** 'W Thurofore, ii In the o#nion qY the Board of TrUStW8, the purohaoe Oi she baud utabm8 is d0euiea neoe8eary to the eon- duot of the p.ibliosohoola and Is so deter- mined by the Ikmrd of l!XWtee8, it appe@rre that 1OCttl tax tWld8 ray be Bx ended iOr euoh purposes under.Artiolo E&39, o4ted abovq.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion