Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1939-07-02
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Combined Opinion
Mr. Guy Turner
ccunty Auditor
Denton, Texas

Dew     Sir:

               Your    re~uo~nI.on                  onuuc.-

                                      chra,    the Yatlonal
                                     and the 0f:'icers   Reserve
                                           States   and enlisted
                                            GuclrJ, the Yatlonal
               ?ucrd    I;esorvo,    nnd the Cr.yanized Fe-
  __ ._   .-.-..-_-      ..--.    -__.. . ..--    .-...-     ..-         . ~~~.---.~.. ..__   _,~ .~~,. ~.          _ _

IAT. Guy Turner,                 January          9,       1939,         Pace     2

                 oar in the Offloerc       Xeeerve Corps
                 of the United States,         or an enli3tcd
                 xan In the Crzmized        :I~s~:rvcs of thu
                 United States;     or retired     officers     of
                 t!?e United 2ta.tes Amy, Xcvy, r1r.d l’srlne
                 colvs ( fmd rctirfd      mrrant     officers       and
                 ret:rcd   enlisted    mn of t.he United !?tates
                 lriny, Xavy, and :.‘nrine Corp3, fron holllnr:
                 in conjunction     v:ith such offic:, any othcr~‘
                 office   or position     of honor,     trust    or
                 profit,   under this     stutc or the Vnited
                 States,   or from votin,? et any Election;
                 General,   Special     or Primry        Jn this State
                 when otherxisc     qualif icd.      [Eke.    40, IIrt.
                 16, adopted election        !!ov. 0, 1932.)

                  In the          case       of        Cc-,1 VS. ‘:‘o:ns~:nd,                 14 S:,         2i5,

                             *Any of     the off’ic~:: rimed in t,he cx-
            :     oeptiorl          my bc held r!jtl; any otl:cr office
                  wheths            rimed in ihe exception   or not .”

                  The case ,of               Figures               VS.     Stab,         99 S:‘!, 4112,
holds :

                             “County Attorney                        may be a Xotary
                      Fubl i c also. ”

           On June 1, 1927, this denartqent     held,  in an
opinion w!tten     by Hon. H. Grad;- Chandler, Assistant
Attorney  Genercl,   that a County Judso is nor. disquali-
fied fro3 holdim     the offloe?  of County !ud@    and I:otary
Pub110 nt the same tins.

              On April 27, 1931, t%is departsent            hold,   in
 an opinion    by IIon. ‘iverctt     7”. Jo:tn: