OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL AUSTIN Hr. Hubert 0. WrRright county kttorney Willaoy Ceuntp Ray~~ondville,Tcue D4mr Mr. WQ$at: orfi08, the aaonnt diaoouUting the t*f.aorfior. vlssd.Girl1 Stat-at*8 43rd Legislature, other things, tkat Tka ease of State ~a. Carma%, 10s SW amd 397, emsag other this&p, helda %ndor statute, the sxpeases other than these expndltures la eonaeetioa u$tliautamobflr8whiah an orrioial la authorixod to c Mr. Aubart 0. Wright, January 6, 1939, Pate 2 8lal.mas deduotlo~s am limited to stationery,staaps, telephone,traveling expwise and other sinllar axpcr16e.~ The general rule being applied to qualify the ganeral lauguage by the spsoial siwmerated~itsms~and to render its meaning to expenses of aaid kind or olass. The ease of Hood et al va. state et al, 73 SW 2nd 611, holds, "It has been ropeatedly~heldby the oourto of thin state that t.@ expenaas enumerated by statute, that is, stationery,stamps, telephone, travelfneexpenee fix the grade and charaater OP ofrioe eltpense.* In the abasnoe of the statutory provlalon, the lO$ discount mentioned lrayour letter on intsnrt bearing time warrants masired by the Couhty Clark in payment for York performed in his official oapaoity cannot be allowed qs expense lnaarrad by him in the oonduot 0; hia 0rsi00. Trusting that tha above animers your Inquiry, IraEmin' Yours raspaatfully, GE??E?IAL hT!PORlTEY OFTZXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion