The plaintiff in this case claims from the defendants ; 1. The damages, interest and costs on the pro
2d. The price for which the defendants sold the ship Nancy; and 3d, to be exempted from the premium of insurance made on the ship, goods, and freight from Liverpool to New-York, as also the amount paid by the defendants for the return cargo, being salt and coals, and also the amount of repairs and other expenses, subsequent to the sale of the ship by the defendants to Lenox & Maitland.
The defendants’ liability to the damages, interest and costs' attending the protest for non-acceptance of the bill for 450/. sterling, is very properly admitted, and it is, therefore, unnecessary to examine the facts, or the law, as applicable to that point.
That the defendants had a lien on the cargo consigned to them, and its proceeds, with a lien also on the proceeds of the ship, when sold under the authority conferred by the plaintiff, to the extent of their acceptances and disbursements on the plaintiff’s account, cannot be questioned. The only question is, whether the defendants have pursued such a course as the general duties of factors require, in relation to the sale of the ship, and so as to preserve their lien on the actual proceeds of the sale of the ship by their agents, Lenox v. Maitland.
If the line of conduct they have observed, made the ship their own, after the transfer of her to Lenox & Maitland=, it will then necessarily follow, that they have no right to charge the plaintiff with the premium of insurance on the voyage from Liverpool to New-York, with the amount of the return cargo, or for the repairs and disbursements incurred, after the sale to Lenox & Maitland. It is a rule which has been repeatedly recognised in this court, that a factor cannot pawn the goods of his principal. It is a principle so well settled in the English courts, and so firmly esta
A lien appears, by all the cases, to be a personal right, and can endure no longer than the possession of the party hold" ing it continues. The authority given by the plaintiff to the defendants, to sell, did not divest the plaintiff’s right of property; at most, it was an authority coupled with an interest in the proceeds, and this authority was exerted by the sale to Lenox & Maitland. It has been urged, ,on the part of the defendants, that this was merely a mode adopted to preserve their lien on the proceeds of the sale, and was not incompatible with the authority vested in them to sell the ship, by way of securing themselves for the responsibilities they had incurred. It seems to be a controverted point in the English courts, “ whether or not a lien might follow goods in the hands of a third person to whom it was delivered by the party having the lien, purporting to transfer his right of lien to the other as his servant, and in his name, and as a continuance, in effect, of his own possession.”*
In the present case, the lien was to be acquired by the act of sale only; for until a sale took place, the right of the defendants was merely potential. It has been supposed that the ship itself was put into the possession of the defendants, as a security for their accepting the drafts ; this, in my opinion, is neither warranted by the case, nor is it reconcilable with some of the defendants’ acts. In the plaintiff’s letter of the 17th of May, 1803, he says, “ the ship will be dispatched to your port to your address again, “ I shall send you a power of attorney to make sale of her, as I mean at all events to make you safe in the acceptance and payment of the bills and again, “ thus, I flatter myself, the ship and cargo will be in your possession before you are called on for acceptance.” The possession of the ship here spoken of, evidently means such a possession only as would arise from her being addressed to the defendants with a power to sell, and so the plaintiff must have intended, when, he makes the possession in the defendants to be the consequence of these two acts. The actual possession never was
The power to sell did not admit of a mere formal transfer, for the express purpose of gaining a lien on the proceeds, but was alone to be fulfilled by a real, actual, and substantial sale. The sale, therefore, completely divested the plaintiff’s right of property, and from that moment he had a right to debit the defendants with die price specified in the bill of sale.
The defendants are not chargeable with any mala fides. Their conduct appears to be fair; but if they are not to be considered as the real owners of the ship, through the medium of their trustees, Lenox & Maitland., they have grossly disobeyed their orders in respect to the return cargo.
The property of the ship being, as I conceive, changed by the act of sale, there exists no right to charge die plaintiff for the premium, the return cargo, or the repairs, nor for any thing on, or towards die ship, after the plaintiff’s interest in her ceased.
In my judgment, a liquidation must take place on the principles resulting from this opinion.
Yates, J. was of the same opinion.
Upon the facts contained in the case, the court are called upon to ascertain and prescribe the principles, upon which the accounts and claims between the parties are to be liquidated or adjusted.
1. The plaintiff claims compensation for the injury he received by the non-acceptance and payment of the bill of exchange for 450/. sterling. By his first letter of the 17th May, he informed the defendants that the ship and cargo-
2. As to the return cargo from Liverpool to New-York. The coals were never ordered. In shipping them, the defendants clearly exceeded their special and limited powers, and the plaintiff was not bound to accept of them. The salt was ordered by the letter of the 31st of May; but the defendants consigned it to their agents at New-York, with unqualified orders to sell it. This was exercising ownership ‘ over it, inconsistent with their powers and duty, as factors ; and the plaintiff had his election not to accept of the proceeds of the salt,.so placed-and disposed of without his consent or controul. He did refuse to have any thing to do with the proceeds of the cargo', and, consequently, the cargo and the premium paid at Liverpool for insuring it, are not to be charged to him.
3. The next and most important point respects the ship. By the first letter of the 17th of May, 1803, the plaintiff gave notice to the defendants, in general terms, that he should send them a power of attorney to make sale of the ship, because, he said, that he meant, at all events, to make them safe in the acceptance and payment of the bills. By his next letter of the 31st of May, the plaintiff directed the defendants to cause insurance to be made upon the ship for the return voyage, and this insurance was effected accordingly,
I think, therefore, that the plaintiff is bound to take the avails of the ship, and to pay the premium of insurance, advanced by the defendants for the insurance of the ship and freight, for the homeward voyage. On the other hand, the defendants must assign over to the plaintiff the policy on the ship and freight, and account for any monies which
Thompson, J. and Van Ness, J. were of the same opinion.
Judgment accordingly.
7 East, 6.