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REcE_\_vED_\N “ < YAUEQAMQL \/01§@113; 19 9§»€12»0¢383-¢051'. . qu§' C/l- ULQYS§~`l/JQ` OlolTQC/`\"'lfA/U§ 10 \(&LAL CQ1MF§ GQCI~€/E P€@ T:@< 14 1139 1@/¢‘111, /11113 73 <1 (3)<1>(31§01\ :DFJ+Q `/I/W£ /ArC/_")R 1a j @Q~€-C"lA/Q§ S;{; \HI-€A§Q_ `p\A/`¢\ -Q/L/(`lmS-Q,) O/\)€ _Cop_ §L,_£A¢;,qu_ga_/\,A_\{__Q;bf)"€_u M_ 10_ Th»L:`/.>. mng/gaz§_QLQ/¢_ww ama %331331_7 31 guns QQQF.VM{ ev AWQMM- n 1113 QP/l\\§m) w…r o/u &/10/020/61 1516/cm 1101/113 10 we (Q)wrcrr:“> 0JCAO~QL1CAT10/o O\AJ file . . ?|~mse 103 311 1<1~1! 143 n was/233 Th@se we…w . @BU'QCITUN§ A~/l&""` iiM~eL\// ~Qc\~<>.¢l. vD€@ T|/\.Q \@u|<§ _ `W\~€ UZ¢c/UAL dlocwa~@~‘S howe MQ,¢_L§L¢IU_£ M_ 0 Q£QQ{_@¢,QIQ C()ufM Q\€l/LI(, oil w ®u~`r\/' '» Q;M/ `I`c) ilw §A'\J AA/`l?/Nlc) - O:H;c§e <§'_l'ka FDoBT\Qcc/T A°FOH/u£\l. \ U/U‘Q)DTJJUOCPCL>/ `F\w `FQ_\SOA) MLuL./Z,oom l,\)'/m>/ze l`, AM laura 1/\0;& {Z€Qzun:/ M\\\MA~A\J M\z mci MCQ§§§§)Q¢,AJ|&_`TQQOALI_L{LSS»LL);CA/_Qlo_ oy\[¢_Q££gc_Q__ AQH_;L¢J_§___§£_M i\M-€k'\/ SULe/\/\a &QtQ/U €>&va,\¢l._k\; /[QA§_.Q collm,\) M~Q \o T`l/v<\~l( Y@L) ¢/\J'_ dAu/WC~§L won \/m)/L \<<~A Ca~g)de/ov) 1010 QQ.S?QC’~(:Q n v Sul:m .`/-r-e d _QV/¢UJ M//?‘@,;¢,~;SD '?cr@:w.c \[Q,§owz ‘ Ap,vh¢;~r" $.1995“§1~06834¢2 la was cover 06 cnxmx§nc AP¥§§LS, wynn ' § § § ' Ausrxm, TEXAS § RAFAEL vasquez APPLIGABT° 8 BBJECTIONS TO THE TRIAL CGURT’S GRBER DISMISSING TRE HRIT OF HABEAS CCRBUUB 16 THE HBNQRABLE JBUT!CES'OF SAIB COURT¢ Greee£ngs. Gom§s now,'RaEa§l Vasque§, App11cant hereim, to timely 611§ chi§, his 6b3e§aion§ to the 861§1 Cout£ia Ord§r dateddl?§bru§uyv 23, 2015; Said order 1§ postmarked 3/5/2015, and was te§eived d by eve Appn¢§ne on 3/10/2015. rm, §§ am can (10) days co tionly £11§ his objections per T§K.R§App; Pro§., Rule 73.4(b).2) (Idse, 2616). Se§ al§o, Hogattn v. §§§§gés? 6.5.266, 161 L.Edl 21 245, ms ',s.c .237§ (1933)(;»¢1@°§ munoz wl§>. .=.~,,§l ` ` `" l my ms cASE l 5 h W§&::r j §§ elowovember 36, 1995, eha A\§li§ant was §§nt§n§ed t§ life “"H'"“ in TDCJ-ID and E1n§d §16, 666 §§11§§1§3 a verdict §§ guilty to the charg§ of aggravaeed annuailaaedulu of a §h11d after § jury tr1a1. Appl1§§nt's app§al was filed on May 6, 1996» 661 judgm§nt was affirmad.i¢¢§ 64-95‘0652¢06&& OA»QSUODSS*CR» Applioan¥ s £1rsc wr1¢ ¢ppll»a&£lonsought an ouc»§£-t1m§ §ppor£uni&y to 1116 § Pec£eion for viscr§tiona!y 8661§§, only, §nd was denied w1ehouc written order on Ju1y 26, 6666 (WR»32,180~06). 6h§ 1n§t§nt §ppli§§§ion 1a h1§ a§§on§ zequ§st»4 _ , , ~ 2» :»~ v ' " " ' " ALLBGATLQNS,QF *rs fUAPPLICMT ,~. § ~ of counsel on ipp¢ll~ ¢§i`§ 4 6 ' _;1.'~ *` 2» In-Ground ¢wo, Applicanc alleges he was denied the right oE ee¢!lrepreseneatiou on appeal. n 3. fn quund Three, Applicanz alleges the Trial Cou:t'e failure co remain fair and impartial denied Applic¢it’s_due process righ¢a. THE TRIAL CQURT'S FlHDINGS OF FACT AND CONGLUSIONS QF Lth 1. Appl&eant‘s-£isae writ applial&on was denied without a written order on the Trial Court'a §ind&ngs with iaiu. ](uithduc) a hearing an July 28, 2004(WR»32,180-06)(heacing, if any, on affidavit only)¢ ' 2. Th&s Courc dogs non have jurisdiction.to consider the merits 4of a subsequent application for writ of habeas corpus “unless the application coniline sui£ioieu& speei£tc faces establishing that the current claims and taaues have nat bean and could nut have been presently previously in an original applicaztou." Tex¢ Code Grim. proe. art. 11.0?, §h(a)(i)($esc 2016)» 3. Thia Coucc finds than Applicane is pra¢ludad from bringing this aeuond wriz.applicalion based upon the subsequent writ pgoviaton in Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Art. 11.07, §é(a)(l)(Veunon 2014)» Thé' l ` current claims and issues edilhltwete or could have been presented in Appl£aanz's first urie application. _ 6. Baaed on the foregoing findings of face and conclusions of law, 1a is hereby recommended that this alplicattou be diemissed. APPLICANT'$ OBJE§IICNS 1. The T:£ald€€ure has informed this Honurable Cour; that eha Applieant's first writ application was deniel¢ and nhus, said 2. ¢ninl enunt looks juzlodlotlon over hhs instant opplloonlon. The Seaco has made anononoucrlng allogoelon. As looloatod abovo, one "£lron nolo apolloatlon,“ sought only on ouoso£~zlmo opportunity to file ?DR. Tnus, neither eha fl £lrst nor cho instant opplloatlono sought no challenge the do underlying oonvlotlono or oonoonoo. Aoooodlngly, cho Tolaldcouot‘s sua sponte dismissal was improvident. _ fn En¥?areo Evnnn 966 S¢U.Zé 663(?6$¢€¢1@.&99. 1998), bhlo. Honorablo Gourt held! "Boch the di£lnlolon of ’oonvlcelon' and_€hlo dwuuo’o case low negandi' wrlt applications le a us to cho oonoluoion that ¢~e ptooedurnl bow o£ §o Ton. G.G.P¢ arn. ll.O?] lo llmlt¢d lo l\stonnea la which the initial ‘ application raises-claims regarding one validity of the proseouelon or judgment of guilt. lt does not appl to ololmo regarding other matters {wblon have nothing; top do wien the oonvlotlon ochor than shaving she noon fouum on £aoc~flndlng.»¢As o nooult, [Evons'o] application la nol¢barred by aeonlln 4 because Appllcant‘s pilot o pllnoelon did noe involve a claim ovl¢h¢hhollengee the '1$ 67 \ggn“az ¢.l|¢o¢e within the meaning of Acelolo ’»¢»» See also, E§l§§te¢nlwlinnon 958 S.W.Zd 198(Tex.€nim,hpp¢ 1997)(Tho norm "oonvlonlon,? encompasses judgmono and nonsense only). Hore, one instant application clearly essence shots "Applloane-hoo filed a W:ls of Habooo Conpuo smoking on out-o£vclmo appeal opportunity bulova eha loans court of Cnlminal Appeaw._ warsaw seem 39 s.u.aa` xae, xao(Mpp.~--re;uwnn 2002, no penn wages mussz aaa s.w.zo 291, 293, n.`z('rm‘pp.-» ~El Paso, 1996, no peo). ?hlo’l¢tnoe an attack upon eha und¢o» lying oonvloslon. Seo, tn no coin 13? F»Bd 234, 235(5oh clr. ` 1998)..." _ 3» !'." Ancnxdingly, Applinann'objensn nn ann Tzial Cnurt's having 'ggg agente and improvidently dismissing the instant application wichu!ltnnnsidering the merits 06 she_clains limdi!n. ?RAYEH Applicanc prays this Bonorabln Court REHAND the instant application bank to the Trial Couct Eor full consideratinn o€ the merits o£ his nllegntions. :".) /. »~ ""_ .¢' cgl/f ~l" .¢ ii 14 »` 7“ aggpe¢z£ul; snbmseced fm ij 51 f F': ',»f:»»*"""""`°""'°"“'~\.’ ` ‘,,.\- *"»~ / ' r’-P':é'c;'.`."‘/ ff 4- ~ UNSWOBN DECLARATIQH ...f'A }j/f‘_"» g uez, TDCJ 9 738216, an inmate confined in the Rameey` in:Brazoria Countm. Texns, event under penalty of perjury, chen the zone oing inns¢nmenn is anne and contend insofar as I understand t e applicable law to require. I, Rn£ael vnn§ 1 unit lennen szeegeee chip x;cn day as nar¢n, 2015. l; .f' ' ;'b _,. "~"`; . < 4 / . _, 1 ,.....,...,.....~..).,.4 ¢/f Aw,.@¢»§f,,w,» ,-\ :, ., ,» y » _ .» v 1 -,' I, Ra£eei Vasquen, TDCJ &?38216» mar and i££irm chen a true and nomplete nopy o£ this instrument was delivered by £i:nt class nnil, posenge prepaid, nn the nffien of the Bana: Gnunty Dinnrio¢ A¢uo:nny, Er. Ninholas "Bicn" Launnd, at the Paul Eiizonlo’¥bner ~ .»San g“nin, Texas 78295£¥€€\1€€5 on the im !? ~@ v N\.EGZ `P §4@:°¥!’, aj “'F. _z'/` l K.¢V{; xi »' 5”1?%{,@ ¢AH.` ,.f§ ' n an* "' J . T a ,¢” _, '¢',‘L,»;',,,¢ 4.
Vasquez, Rafael
Combined Opinion