Glenn W. P, ",rson,Jr. ATTORNE ,AW 11GREENWAYP! SUITE 2820 HOUSTON, 1 „»S 77046 (713) 961-9688 TELEPHONE EMAIL ADDRESS: (713) 961-0941 FACSIMILE glenn(^MrttergWF^g^|^^Q- FIRST COURT OF APPEALSi J '• HOUSTON, TEXAS |v„ February 20, 2015 y'EB 23 2015 ] 3TOPHER A. F;# I Christopher A. Prine, Clerk of the Court FIRST COURT OF APPEALS 301 Fannin Street Houston, Texas 77002-2066 Re: Case No. 01-15-00090-CV; Vicky McKenna v. Baylor College ofMedicine Dear Mr. Prine: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $195.00 for the appellate filing fee in the above referenced matter. Please contact me if you have any questions A/ Patterson, Jr. GWP/kh]