RECE|VED IN Dr.. Alex Melvin Wade, Jr. Paralegal Specialist ` CQURT OF CR!MINAL Mark W. Stiles - APPEALS 3060 FM 3514 NO. Beamnont, Texas 77705-7638 ‘/ 06 2015 No. wR-65,555-20 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Abe! q UF TEXAS AUSTIN, mds x ln Re: ALEX MELVIN WADE, JR. , § District Court No.: Relator , § 1.222385-D § In the 185th ludic.ial District Court §§ Harris County, Texas RE'LA'I‘OR AJ_-EX-l"E`-I_-VIN WADE, J`R, , SUPPHME'.NT 'l"HE RE`.CORD IN 'JI‘.M:'FP.ROCEEDING ., 'IC" 'lHF_. HI\II‘AH_E.JLSI`ICES T SAD CUE’.'[`: Pelator Alex kelvin Wade, Jr., in the above entitled captioned caused , filed on ()ctober 26t , 2015 in this Court mentioned Order'Designating Issue (ODI) filed in the 185th .Iudicial Distric_:t Court on March llth, 2014. -Referenc.e made to the pleading is relevant to the non~c:o_n`§§ ij_nfc~ie issue made as to the Couri;'_s C].er\.< failure to transmit the 'ODI to this Court once signed by the Trial Court Judger, in this Case the Honorable Susan Brown. Relator Alex Melvin {~?ade, Jr. ,»:x.'attaches a copy of the State's Moti.-;)n to Disignate Issue and a copy of the proposed Order Designating Issue filed in the 185th District Courr, that “was not transmitted to this Couri-§//S_'ne“/sgl”g#;}e_,;ir_by;:$usan:=» '\.:.)/' g 'e/ppe;iatm“€“ lzé"‘“* ~~ (see, Exhibit ,"A{_' & _','B" attach'\/,l .m“___ _ . ~_ex Melvin I~]ade, Jr. _ar legal Specialist `Mavl: W. Stiles 3060 FM 3514 Beamnon_t:, Texas 7`./`,705-,7638 CERTIFICATE OF SERVI-’_`£-- l, Dr. Alex Meivin wade, lr., pro se herein hereby certify aqtrue and correct copy of the foreging sumhplemental proceeding has this 3rd day of November 2015 been served upon the §§fice of the Honorable Devon Anderson District Attorney, Harrisd County, Texas and the Honorable Chris Daniel, Clerk of the Harris Connty, Texas District Court;j}£®l Franklin, 3rd Floor, and the 6th Floor, District Attorneyfs 0 a 3rd day of November 2015. am m PAGE @1 Z:W/)W/. gene ` 13/14/2@15 1.‘3:54 Cause No._ 12223 85~D m .EX PARTE_ _ ~ § iN'IHEiSSTH DISTRICT coURT OF ALEX MELVIN WADE, Jié,, t ' Applicam § HARRIS coUN'rY, TEXAS sTATE’s stencel MQUESTING-nnszennsmn-amsst@- The State of Texas, by and through its Assistant District Attomey for Ham's County, requests that this C6iu't, pursuant to TEX._ _CODE CRIM PROC. art. 11. 07, §B(d), designate that the following issue needs to be resolved in the instant proceeding 6 y 1 .Whether the applicant is actually innocent in the primary-case; 2.' ,,Whether the applicant received ineffective assistance of counsel in the 4 'Primary ease l 3 _Whether the evidence Was insufiicient to convict the applicant in the primary -.-._...,.-__..__-. .. -.._ -»... . __ _,_,,__ __ ,_ _ _' _ _ "‘ l- ~ -_.__ .. ,case; , 4. Whether the State committed a Bredy violation` m the primary case; and 5 Whether the State allowed perjured evidence and false testimony in the primary case .y' RE._A'TOR EXHIBIT "A" . PAGE 84 18/14/2@15 19:54 .*`? Service has been accomplished by mailing a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument to the following address: ` Alex Melvin Wade, Jr. #1624189 - Stiles Unit 3060 FM 351-.4 Beaumont, TX 77705 sIGNED this 11‘h day of March, 2014. y [~'~"" Andre\@g.d{ Assistant dstrict Attomey Harris County, Texas 1201 Franklin, Suite 600 I-Iouston, Texas 77002 (713) 755-6657 Texas Bar I.D. #24048100 Prepared by: Emily Patton M F'AGE 32 - 13)"14»"2@15 192 54 Cause No. 12223 85-D EX PARTE § 1N THa 185TH Disrmcr count OF ALEX MELVIN WADE, JR., _ Applicant § HARRIS COUNTY, 'IEXAS STA'll`E’S PROPOSED ORDER DESIGNATING ISS`UE ""“`“Having"réviewed`the applicants petition for Wn“t oi" habeas coi'pus, the _Court finds that the following issue needs to be resolved in the instant proceeding: 1. Whether the applicant is actually innocent in the primary case; 2. Whether the applicant received ineffective assistance of counsel in the primary case; 3. Whether the evidence was insufficient to convict the applicant in the primary case; 4. Whether the State committed a Brady violation in the primaiy case; and 5. Whether the State allowed perjured evidence and false testimony in the ._' '---_.\..- --... :-' ---- 4 ....-...._. »`_ .. primary case. Therefore, pursuant to Article 11.07, §3(d), this Court will resolve the above-cited issues and then enter findings of fact. RFT.._ATOR EXHIBI.T "B" l@/l4f2815 19: 54 / , \\ _M ' PAGE as / . ' rhe clerk sr the court is onl)EREn NoT to emma at this time any / documents in the above-styled case to the Court of Crirninal Appeals until further order by this Coutt. lBy the following signaturc, the Court adopts the State’s Proposed Order Designating Issue in Cause No. 12_22385-D. SIGNED onthe - day 6?~"- w h ' 16 n _"2`5`1_4: """" ' " PRESIDING JUDGE '- _-. _.. ' ~-¢-- ~..-- -~-\nv~ -,W.,,_-._.. _` . Case 4:11-cv-03514' roument 45-15 Filed »in TXSD on 08/29/12 \Page 1 of 51 Ot»/©»» aech -c/@ { cAusE #1222385 185'" JunlclAL ols'rmc'r couR'r ALEx wADE ` vs. me s'rATE oF TExAs VoLuME l 1sr couR'r oF APFEALS y cal '\1 ,»~. ¢=~» 511 75 ' s s se a m ` c;\;;. 311 °’ "=r~ mg -° bc? “ `D Oc.~ Z': ~ Qr‘~ `O;?: <:r- -_l` rn 100 ' ]':- -~ic -~ t
Wade, Alex Melvin
Combined Opinion