@S ,S§§' 2 ‘¢l' Dr. Alex Melvin Wade, Jr.` Paralegal Specialist Mark W. Stiles 3060 FM 3514 ‘ RECE\\/ED \N PPEALS Beaumont, Texas 77705-7638 COURT QF CR\\\/\\NALA Cause No.: 65,555-24 IN THE coURT oF cRIMINAL APPEAls DEC 23 mg oF THE sTATE oF-TEXAS Ex Parte Alex Melvin Wade, Jr., Applicant . Abe\ Acosta, C\erk PETITION FOR WRlT OF HABEAS CORPUS FILED lN THE 185th DISTRICT COURT CAUSE NO.: 1222385 HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS APPLICANT ALEX MELVIN.WADE,\JR,,'S SUPPLEMENTAL‘HABEAS CORPUS RECORD TO THE HONORABLE JUSTICES OF SAID COURT; Comes Now Alex Melvin_Wade,'Jr., pro se/Applicant files this his supple- mental habeas corpus record in the above entitled cause of action. 'Applicant files this Supplemental habeas corpus record for good cause as in the following: * _ ' . l. Applicant Alex Melvin Wade, Jr., filed his original writ of habeas corpus in the Office of Chris Daniel, 02/24/14 and on Same day.a copy of the Writ of Habeas Corpus filed pursuant to CCP Art 11;07 served upon the Office of Devon Anderson, District Attorney;'Devon Anderson, District Attorney of Harris County, via., Andrew Smith, Assistant District Attorney filed "State's Motion Requesting designation of issue," and its "Proposed Order Designating lssue," the same same by the Honorable Susan Brown, Presiding Judge. This Order . D§§§SE§C¥QRY lssue was signed and filed.O$/lZ/lé. Pursuant to Tex. Rule of A§pellate Proc. 73;3(b)(1)3 the Office of Chris Daniel, Clerk failed to comply with the rule. Under`the new rule changes, the District clerk must » now send all ODIS to the CCA once signed by the trial court. This Applicant has been denied due process of law, the attached documents should have been part of the habeas corpus record and available to the Court upon disposition of the writ of habeas corpus filed 12/08/15. This is not the first impression of the.Clerk of Court non compliance with the Texas Rule of Appellate Proc. 73. effective 01/01/1&,.the related case WR-65,555-20 demonstrates and should demonstrate to this Court, this Applicant is being denied due process of law because of the significant of the "State's Requesting Designation of issue ,nd most important The ODI ,' transmitted to this court. l»"" - ' S,'/‘AHWN’- . ._ z Al'éx/Melv@/wa t _/P ge / 1 ' ttO €y cc: Devon Anderson, District A 12/24/15 ‘19/14/2@15 19:5_4 ` PaeE 61 &iw% grams Cause No. 1‘222385‘~D EX `PARTE . - § writs 185“~* DISTRICT count ' § oF 3 ALEX MELViN WADE, Jii., t Appiicam y § HARRis coUNTY, TEXAS STATE’S MOTION REQUESTH\"'G~BE~SIGNATIQN-QF§SSHE-#- The State of Texas, by~ and through its Assistant District Attorney for Harris " County, requests that this Co`iirt, pursuant to TEX. CoDE CRIM P_Roc. art 11. 07 §B(d), designate that the following issue needs to be resolved in the instant proceeding: l. .Whether the applicant is actually innocent in the primary ease; 2.l 5.\thet;her the applicant received ineffective assistance of counsel in the _ primary case; 3 Whether the evidence Was insufficient to convict the applicant m the primary _ -.- » -.-_»--__-_- ,_._ _.,_... _~ _ _. ~ case; 4. Whethe.r the State committed a Brady Violation in the primary case;_ and 5. Whether the State allowed perjured evidence and false testimony in the is ; primary case ;' EXHIBIT "A" lana/2615 19:54 M " ‘ We- M lease aa _.r`\ Service has been accomplished by mailing a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument to the following address: Alex Melvin Wade, Jr. #1624189 - Stiles Unit 3060 FM 351-.4 Beaumont, TX 77705 sioNEn this 11th day Of Mar¢h, 2014. _ - .. _._._.. _f?”~?_- ._,. ____ ,_. . Respec 11 1111 , - / / Andre mi@/ Assistant dstrict Attomey Han‘is County, Texas 1201 Franidin, Suire 600 Houston, Texas 77 002 _ (713) 755-6657 Texas Bar I.D. #24048100 ' Prepared by: ~Emily Patton '-~--'»\~.~ .. w ' P.aeE l@r'l¢l/'Z@l§ 19: 54 Cause No. 1222385-D EX PARTE § ' JNTHE 185THDISTRICT count § oF ALEX MELV:N wADE JR, v 4 . Appiicam § HARRIS ooUNrY, 'I:sXAs sTArE’s PRoPosED oiu:)ER DESIGNATING result m w"‘___`j?laving"reviewed'the applicants petition for writ of habeas corpus, the Couit finds that the following issue needs to be resolved in the instant proceeding: l. Whether the applicant is actually innocent in the primary case; 2. Whether the applicant received ineH`ective assistance of counsel in the primary case; 3. Whether the evidence was msuMcient to convict the applicant in the primary case; 4. Whether the State committed a Brady violation in the primary case; and 5. Whether the State allowed perjured evidence and false testimony in the .._._. __ ___‘ _' ~- … ~'-..-'~-»-,.. . .. ..__. __. primary case. Therefore, pursuant to Article 11.07, §3(d), this Couit will resolve the above-cited issues and then enter Hndings of fact. _3_ M PAGE . as 16/14/_2@15 192 54 / \ _ // \"""'-` / 4 ' nio Ciork or cho court is oRDERED NoT to transmit iii this time any / documents in the above-styled case to the Court of Criminal Appe`als until ii.irther order by this Court. ny the following signature the Courr adopts the ' State’s Proposed Order Designating lssue in 'Cause No. 1222385-D. sIGNED on the H day o?“` ‘ g"‘:zb"i`zi‘ * ' "' _4_ PRESIDING IUDGE '_ -'~ " -~ 4. _,-.,.»~~ <~. `..... ---~ `..-u- -‘~~\»' -,-¢..'.,__-..._.._.4 . §LY§*
Wade, Alex Melvin
Combined Opinion