Construction is sought as to three independent provisions of the will of Emanuel Walter, deceased, the matter in controversy being contained in the twenty-eighth, forty-second and forty-third clauses.
It appears that the testator, who was unmarried, resided in the city of San Francisco, California, during all the years of his active business life; that he amassed a substantial fortune, and in the year 1894 he left San Francisco, never to return; that he was a native of Germany, and during the interval between his departure from San Francisco and his death, in 1905, he spent much of his time in Europe accumulating a collection of works of art, the subject of the bequest contained in the forty-second clause of his will, which reads as follows:
"Forty-second. I hereby order and direct that my executors shall cause to have all my pictures, paintings, aquarelles, etchings, ivories, bric-a-brac and works of art, wherever found or situate, to be sent to San Francisco, California. The expenses for packing and for transportation of the same to said City of San Francisco shall be paid from my estate. The whole collection of these articles shall be designated and be known by the name of c The Emanuel Walter Art Collection ’ and shall be delivered by my executors to the Art Museum of the City of San Francisco, California, and become the property of said Art Museum forever. This collection shall be kept in a suitable room or in suitable rooms connected with such Art Museum, and such room or such rooms shall be known and designated ‘ The Emanuel Walter Art Collection.’
Page 386“ For the purpose of providing such a suitable room or suitable rooms, and to keep them in good repair, I hereby give and bequeath to said Art Museum the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00).
“ If in the judgment of my executors and trustees it would be advisable to have my nephew Edgar Walter act as superintendent or director of said ‘ Emanuel Walter Art 'Collection,’ and should he be willing to so act, then I hereby order and direct that my executors and trustees shall invest the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) in first-class securities, and the accruing interest of such fund shall be paid to said Edgar Walter as a salary for his services as such superintendent or director, in annual installments. Should said Edgar Walter, however, resign as such superintendent or director, or for any reason become disqualified to serve, then this amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) shall revert to my estate and shall be disposed of in the same manner as hereinafter provided with reference to the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.”
¡Neither at the time when the will was executed in the year 1904 nor at any time was there an association or corporation named the “Art Museum of the City of San Francisco, California,” and the issue presented is whether the testator had reference to the “ San Francisco Art Association,” an organization affiliated with the Regents of the University of California, and constituting the “ Mark Hopkins Institute of Art,” or whether he intended to describe as the legatee the City of San Francisco, which conducted a museum of applied arts, known as the “ Golden Gate Park Museum.”
In March, 1894, when the testator left San Francisco, the Park Museum had not actually come into existence. The building which it subsequently occupied was one of the buildings designed for the “Mid Winter Exhibition” of 1894, and, while the testator visited the exposition and this particular building among others, there is nothing to indicate that he actually knew of the project — developing after .the exposition closed and a surplus of funds was found — to establish a permanent museum of applied arts at this place. On the other hand, the San Francisco Art Association had an
It would thus appear that the only institution actually meeting the description of an “Art Museum ” in San Francisco at the time when the testator left that city was the San Francisco Art Association, and that this was the legatee which he had in mind is, I think, rendered quite clear by the naming of this nephew Edgar, for whom he evidently had much affectionate regard, as superintendent or custodian of the collection. Edgar Walter’s interest in the Art Association was well known to the testator; they had been in close companionship in the work of making a collection, and it does violence to the probabilities to assume that the testator would have named this nephew to take charge of the display of that collection in some other institution more or less in rivalry. The testimony of Mr. De Young, called as a witness for the City of San Francisco, has been so far infirmed, intrinsically, by the circumstances to which the witness referred that I cannot give it much weight. This witness, who had been an active and indeed the prime mover in establishing the “ Golden Gate Park Museum,” testified that he knew the testator; that in a conversation had with him relative to the witness’ collection of ivories Mr. Walter had said that he himself had some fine specimens of ivories which he had picked up, and that some day he would give them to “ your museum.” The ivories thus seen by Mr. Walter, however, were on exhibition at the rooms at the Art Association, and
As to the forty-second clause of this will, therefore, my construction is that the words “Art Museum of the City of San Francisco ” described the “ San Francisco Art Association ” conducting the Mark Hopkins Institute of Art.
The provisions of paragraph forty-third, as to which construction is sought, are as follows:
“All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal and mixed, of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situated, I give and bequeath to my executors and trustees, in trust for the following uses, intents and purposes: The proceeds of the sales of all this rest, residue and remainder of my estate shall be invested in first-class securities, and the interest derived therefrom shall be used by my executors and trustees for the support, if necessary, and in aiding any of my needy kin of the first six degrees, provided that, in the sole discretion and judgment of my executors and trustees, such action is advisable. Any and all of the accruing interest not so expended by my executors and trustees shall become a part of the principal. It is, however, provided that the trust hereby created shall cease after the expiration of fifty (50) years from the time of my death, and then the total amount of the principal and the accrued interest shall be divided among all the members of my kin, up to and inclusive of the sixth degree of kinship, in equal parts, share and share alike, for the own use, benefit and behoof of these respective kinfolk forever.”
The fifty years’ limitation of the trust, not being measured by lives, operates to render the trust itself invalid and unenforcible. This proposition needs no argument, as the parties concede, and the question for discussion is whether the devise and bequest to “ all the numbers of my kin, up to and inclusive of the sixth degree of kinship, in equal parts ” may be
In my view this result would be violative of settled principles of testamentary construction, it being apparent that the fifty years’ limitation and a distribution at the expiration of that period were integral parts of a complete scheme for the disposal of the residuary estate.
In the case of Central Trust Company v. Egleston, 185 N. Y. 23, it was said, at page 28: “ It is the very plain duty of the courts to find out what a testator has meant to do with his property after his death, and, then, if it be possible to give his plan effect by a construction which will validate it, to do so. But the court cannot make a new will for him; nor should it be expected to resolve into lawfulness of disposition some tangle of desires to provide for future contingencies. The inquiry, in each case, must be what provisions has the testator intended to make for the disposition of his estate and not whether he intended to dispose of his estate according to the statutory rules governing testamentary dispositions. When the provisions are ascertained and understood, then is their legality to be determined.” And again (p. 33): “ Bolean it be successfully argued that such (invalid) provisions of the will may be lopped off, without prejudice to the testator’s plan. The question is, as I have before suggested, what provisions the testator intended to make and to determine their validity as made. As it was observed by Judge Martin, in Herzog v. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 177 N. Y. 86: ‘ the intent to be discovered is not whether he intended to make a valid disposition of his estate, but what provisions he in fact intended to make. When that is found it is for the court to determine whether such intended provisions are valid or otherwise * * *. The duty of the court is to interpret, not to construct.’ ”
In Tilden v. Green, 130 N. Y. 29, after a discussion of the authorities, the court said, at page 51: “ The result of these and other cases is that, in applying the rule invoked by the" appellants, which permits unlawful trusts to be eliminated from the will and those that are lawful to be enforced, we
Where invalid provisions have been eliminated from a will, and the devise or bequest so far as valid upheld, the result has always been reached with due regard to this rule. Kalish v. Kalish, 166 N. Y. 368, was a case of an attempted unlawful suspension which could be cut out and still leave the substantial disposal of the property unaffected, and the court said: “ Here we are not required to make a new will for the testator. We have a valid life estate, followed by a void intermediate trust for five years succeeded by a valid ultimate trust and good remainders. The void intermediate trust is for the benefit of the same legatees who take under the ultimate trust and remainders respectively. The excision of the void trust simply gives immediate effect to those ulterior devises which under it were to be postponed for five years. The same persons take in the same proportions as before.”
In Smith v. Chesebrough (176 N. Y. 317) the doctrine of acceleration was applied to an invalid postponement of two years and the intermediate transfer to the designated takers (whose interests were vested, subject only to the postponement) was decreed, the court saying: “ By taking out of the codicil the invalid provision for postponement, the only change in the testator’s plan for the disposition of his residuary estate is that the physical possession of the remainder is accelerated so as to take effect upon the testator’s death instead of two years later. In all other respects the testamentary scheme is not only essentially, but literally, preserved.”
It is quite plain from the language employed by the testator that the assistance of his “ needy kin ” for fifty years was the main purpose for this residuary provision, in furtherance of which purpose he provided for the increase of the principal
The testator’s intention, as expressed in the forty-third paragraph, is not open to doubt, and, since the residuary estate cannot lawfully be disposed of upon a construction of the will which would be in substantial harmony with that intention, I must hold that, so far, he died intestate.
" Twenty-eight. I hereby give and bequeath to Max Hess-berg, of the firm of Knauth, Nachod & Kuehne, of New Tork City, the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000,00) for the purpose of dividing the same among such needy relatives, on her parental side, of my deceased mother Rosa Walter, nee Hessberg, late of Reckendorf, Bavaria, as he in his discretion and judgment may select.”
Max Hessberg, the legatee named, survived the testator, but has since died, and the plaintiffs seek a direction in the matter of paying the legacy to his personal representatives, who have signified their willingness and intention to disburse the amount in accordance with the purpose intended by the testator. Certainly the words used did not create a trust, and the right of the legatee to receive or hold the legacy was not made conditional upon the continuation of his life until the amount was disbursed by him, nor upon the willingness of his executors so to disburse it. Since he was living when the will became effective the legacy did not abate, and the fact that he has died does not really affect the question, for, if the legatee was entitled to the legacy, then his personal representatives may, of course, take it. The only theory upon which the payment of this legacy could be withheld would be that the testator intended, to create an express trust void in law, but no such contention is made by any of the parties and the words of this clause, as to the legatee’s payment over to persons whom he may select in his discretion from among the members of a certain class, import an intention not to create a trust. Harper v. Phelps, 21 Conn. 257-269; 2 Story Eq. Jurís., §§ 1070—1071; Howard v. Carusi, 109 U. S. 725.
The legacy provided for in the twenty -eighth clause should, therefore, be paid to the defendants Sommerich, Hessberg and Wolf, as executors of Max Hessberg, deceased. Proposed findings and judgment may be submitted in -accordance with this opinion upon notice of settlement.
Ordered accordingly.