Plaintiff has recovered an interlocutory judgment which restrains the defendant as follows, viz.: “ From the manufacture and sale of the two types of drill chucks known as Exhibits 3-A to 8-A inclusive and Exhibits 15—B, 16—B, 17—B, 19—B and 20—B in the manner and form and as stamped by the defendant according to the evidence in the case and from advertising the said two types of drill chucks in the manner and form herein stated in this case. .The injunction is not to be construed as preventing the defendant from manufacturing and selling the said two types of drill chucks according to the mechanical device and in the form and shape in which they were manufactured prior to the expiration of the patents nor in the use of its name, but they are to so manufacture, stamp and-advertise-said products to thfe public so that the public and inténding purchasers will not be deceived into believing that the defendant company, located at Oneida, N. Y., is the plaintiff company, and so that they will not be deceived into bélieving that the products offered for sale by the defendant company are the products of the plaintiff company.” ■
Such interlocutory judgment also provides as follows: “It is adjudged and decreed that each and every of the acts committed by the defendant as herein specified as well as those disclosed in the evidence * * * were carried on and conducted for the purpose and with the intent on the part of the defendant of carrying on and conducting an unfair and unlawful competition with the plaintiff, the effect of which has been and if continued will injure the plaintiff’s trade and business and is a fraud upon the pub-lid and the plaintiff,” and also “that the Westcott Chuck Company recover from the defendant, the Oneida National Chuck Company,
An inspection of the interlocutory judgment discloses that some of the “ acts committed by the defendant,” as therein specified, are harmless and lawful, and it is scarcely necessary to observe that many of such acts “ disclosed in the evidence ” are clearly beyond criticism, and are not within the prohibition of the injunctive portion of said judgment; nevertheless, they indiscriminately fall within the condemnation of said judgment as being “ unfair,” “ unlawful,” “ a fraud upon the public and the plaintiff,” and they are all by the express mandate of the said judgment made to constitute the basis of the damages which the plaintiff has sustained, and on the strength of such interlocutory judgment the referee appointed as thereby provided has awarded to the plaintiff for such damages the sum of $11,923.52, and plaintiff has recovered against the defendant a final judgment for that amount.
As may be inferred from the portions of the interlocutory judgment above quoted the purpose of the action is to prevent alleged unfair and fraudulent competition on the part of the defendant in the manufacture and sale of drill chucks. In approaching the consideration of the facts herein it is well to keep in mind as pertinent thereto certain distinguishing principles as declared by the courts.
In Tabor v. Hoffman (118 N. Y. 30) Judge Vann said: “It is conceded by the appellant that, independent of copyright or letters patent, an inventor or author has, by the common law, an exclusive property in his invention or composition until by publication it becomes the property of the general public. This concession seems to be well founded and to be sustained by authority. (Palmer v. De Witt, 47 N. Y. 532; Potter v. McPherson, 21 Hun, 559 ; Hammer v. Barnes, 26 How. Pr. 174; Kiernan v. M. Q. Tel. Co., 50 id. 194 ; Woolsey v. Judd, 4 Duer, 379 ; Peabody v. Norfolk, 98 Mass. 452; Salomon v. Hertz, 40 N. J. Eq. Rep. 400 ; Phillips on Patents, 333-341; Drone on Copyright, 97-139.) . As the plaintiff had placed the perfected pump upon the market without obtaining the protection of the patent laws, he thereby published that
• There is, however, another principle equally well established by modern decisions that, irrespective of any question of .a right protected by patent, a party may not always appropriate to his own use in his business a label or word or device in prior use, and especially or particularly appropriated by another. The distinction is indicated in Cooke & Cobb Company v. Miller(169 N. Y. 475), as follows: “ In the absence of some restriction upon the defendants arising out of the patent law, as to which the record is silent and as to which the State courts have no jurisdiction, the defendants had the. right to manufacture and sell the article in question, although it was similar in general appearance and made from the same material and upon the same plan as the article made' and sold by the plaintiff. This proposition is not questioned, but. what the plaintiff claims is that the defendants have wrongfully-appropriated for use in their business a label or device which belonged' to the plaintiff as its trade mark, and so have invaded its property rights;”
The same distinction is recognized in Fischer v. Blank (138 N. Y. 244, 252), where it is said: “ The true test we think, is whether the resemblance is such that it is calculated to deceive, and does in fact deceive, the ordinary buyer making his purchases under the ordinary conditions which prevail in the conduct of the particular traffic to which the controversy relates. (Franks v. Weaver, 10 Beav. 297; Amoskeag Men. Co. v. Spear, 2 Sand. 599 ; Colman v. Crump, 70 N. Y. 573; McLean v. Fleming, 96 U. S. 245 ; Lawrence Mfg. Co. v. Tenn. Mfg. Co., 138 id. 537.) No inflexible rule can be laid down. Each case must in a measure be a law. unto itself.” (See, also, to the same effect, Day v. Webster, 23 App. Div. 604 ; Dunn Co. v. Trix Manufacturing Co., 50 id. 78.)
Let .us now consider the facts constituting the grounds of plaintiff’s alleged grievance'. For about thirty years . plaintiff and its predecessor in business have been manufacturing drill chucks in the city of Oneida. These chucks included two genera,! types known as “ Little Giant Improved ” and “ Little Giant Double Grip ” and each type in different sizes. To designate the various sizes letters
Referring now in the light of these facts to the injunctive provisions of the interlocutory judgment above quoted it is difficult to determine just what defendant is permitted to do and what it is commanded ' to refrain from doing. It may be urged with much plausibility that the injunction is too vague and indefinite and should not for that reason be sustained. By the very terms of the injunction resort .must be had “ to the evidence in the case ” and not necessarily to anything found or determined therein in order to ascertain just what the defendant may or may not do. It is very clear, however, that the defendant is permitted to manufacture and sell “ the said two types of drill chucks according to the mechanical device and in the form and shape in which they were manufactured prior to the expiration of the patents.” In other words, the defendant is at liberty by the injunction to imitate and use the products of the plaintiff precisely as they have been manufactured by the plaintiff in all or their details save only as to the stamping and advertising of the same. And that the defendant lias such right by law I think is very clear from the authorities above cited and many others. No secret method or formula has been purloined or patterns or forms surrepti
As to the method of stamping, it is somewhat, difficult to see how with the plaintiff’s name stamped upon its product and' the defendant’s name stamped upon the product sold by it any confusion as to the' source or origin of the respective products could arise in the mind of any purchaser who cared to inform himself as to that question. These chucks are . used almost exclusively by machinists, who have technical knowledge, and who look tó the construction of the chuck rather than to its form - or any particular marks thereupon. Such customers are much less likely to be misled by form than in ordinary cases where articles are purchased by thpse who buy for no mechanical purpose or who have no special knowledge to enable them to discriminate- between articles made by different makers. Much stress is laid on the fact that the defendant adopted some of the advertising material of plaintiff. As a matter of business ethics such methods should be condemned. But all of this literature in order to be effective must necessarily have been sent out over the defendant’s signature or in such a manner as to riiake it clearly appear to any one who took the trouble to peruse it that it was the defendant and not the plaintiff who
On the question as to whether plaintiff is entitled to an injunction it may be that. it makes out a ease when it shows that the defendant by some unfair method has constructed its goods so that they are calculated or liable to deceive or beguile some purchaser thereof, be he wholesale or retail dealer or ultimate purchaser, into the belief that he is purchasing plaintiff’s goods, and without showing that such deception has actually occurred. But I cannot think that plaintiff, may recover a judgment for damages without proof that some such deception has in fact occurred. There should be little difficulty in finding some purchaser of these thousands of chucks which are claimed to have béen improperly sold by defendant, who believed when he made his purchase that he was buying plaintiff’s article. This voluminous record fails to disclose any evidence, however slight, to the effect that any' purchaser ivas ever deceived or misled into buying the defendant’s product as and for that of the plaintiff. In fact the evidence expressly negatives any such idea. Mr. Goodwin, the plaintiff’s president and' manager, visited many of its customers in various cities and found among such customers the defendant’s chucks. But he in no instance
It clearly appears from the foregoing testimony of Mr. Goodwin that plaintiff’s customers were under no delusion or misapprehension as to the manufacturer of the chucks. ' Plaintiff’s real grievance'is not that purchasers have been deceived as to the origin or manufacture of the chucks but that defendant has undersold the plaintiff in the market. Very naturally and properly when the patents expired.plaintiff had to,compete with other manufacturers in respect to its privileges and rights formerly protected by such patents. The natural effect was to reduce the price. If the defendant accomplished such'a result without unfair means it did not thereby defraud the public but became a public benefactor. Reference has already been made to the effect that the interlocutory judgment decrees that every act committed, by the defendant as therein specified as well as those disclosed in the evidence Was unfair, unlawful or fraudulent and that the plaintiff recover of the defendant the damages occasioned by all of such'acts. Among such acts thus adjudged to have been “ unfair,” “ unlawful ” and “ fraudulent ” were that defendant “ sold to the plaintiffs customers on more favorable terms of discount than those which the-plaintiff, company had previously given to its customers; ” also the manufacture and sale by defendant of ordinary farm implements, drill and lathe chucks and tools of all kinds. The wonder is that under such provisions in the interlocutory judgment the damages are so small. There are a dozen other manufacturers of chucks, some in opep competition with plaintiff.
The effect of these judgments in my opinion is- largely to stifle legitimate and healthy competition, and for the reasons heretofore stated I favor a reversal of both judgments on the law and facts.
All concurred, except Chestee, J., dissenting in an opinion in which Sewell, J., concurred.