The opinion of the court was delivered by
— Two questions were raised in this case by the bill of exceptions, one of which has been abandoned here; and the only point remaining to be decided is, as to the validity of the warning, which was in these words :
“State of Vermont. Caledonia, ss. To Jude Kimball, constable of the town of Lyndon, greeting: These are in the name of the authority of the state of Vermont to require you ■to notify and warn William Miles to remove himself off and out of the town of Lyndon, and also to return this warrant into the town of Lyndon, with your doings herein, in twenty days from this date. Given under our hands at Lyndon, this 24th day of November, 1806.
Selectmen of Lyndon.”
The form prescribed by the act of 6th November, 1801, under which Lyndon warned, is in these words, to wit:
“State of Vermont. --ss. To either constable of A. in the county of B. greeting: You are hereby required to sum
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Selectmen of A'
The first section of the act is, “ That whenever any person or persons shall come and reside within any town in this state, the selectmen may at their discretion warn such person or persons to depart said town, which warning shall be directed to either constable of said town, and be in the following form, viz:” There are several departures in the warning used from the warning prescribed. First, it is directed to Jude Kimball, constable of the town of Lyndon, and not to “ either constable of the town.” 2. The words, “ These are in the name of the authority of the state of Vermont,” are an entire interpolation. 3. “Notify and warn” are substituted for “summon.’’ 4. “ Now residing in A.” is entirely omitted. 5. The words, “ to remove himself and family off and out of the town of Lyndon,” are substituted for the words, “ to depart said town;” and in lieu of.“ hereof fail not, but of this precept, with your doings herein, due return make according to law,” is inserted, £‘ and also to return this warrant into the town of Lyndon, with your doings herein, in twenty days from this date.”
Thus it is seen that the readings are so unlike that no parallel can be run between them. But the ingenuity of the counsel has shown that a paralogism may be made upon them, and it is evident that in forming this warning, the statute form was not only recast, but different ingredients were added to the composition, which have not increased its perspicuity. The common law supposes it not good to depart from the registrar, wherein it is said every man who is injured will be sure to find a method of relief, exactly adapted to his own case, desribed in the compass of a few lines ; and yet without the omission, of any material circumstance. And more dangerous is a departure from statute forms, and most of all in cases of this sort, that are structi juris, where the law is made to create, not to protect, a natural or equitable right. In such case, form is substance, and is not like matters of contract, which the law merely regulates, where doing something tantamount may sometimes be regarded as performing the thing stipulated. It does not appear from the cases cited, that the question as to confer-.
Judgment of county court reversed.