The defendant agreed to sell and convey to White and Cline a dwelling house and lot of land known as number 26 Eutgers Place, being the same premises conveyed to the defendant by Holler, situated on the corner of Eutgers Place and Clinton street, fronting on Eutgers Place twenty-six feet six inches, being in depth on Clinton street 120 feet, “to and including the stable on the rear of the premises The defendant executed and delivered a deed for the premises, describing it as 120 feet in depth ; but making no mention of the stable. There was a stable on the rear of the premises, built by a former owner, situated partly upon the 120 feet so mentioned, but eleven feet and ten inches of the stable were located on the rear of the lot abutting on the premises so conveyed, which also belonged to the defendant. Both parties acted in the full belief that the 120 feet so con
The plaintiff White testified that the defendant said that the stable was on the lot sold. The defendant does not deny this; he, as well as White, having been a witness at the trial; but he testifies that he believed the stable was on the 120 feet; and that he was not aware of the mistake until Mr. White had the lot surveyed ; when it was discovered that the stable encroached on his lot in the rear ; that he never intended to sell any more than the 120 feet. This evidence was not in any manner contradicted. It fully established the fact that both parties acted in the erroneous belief that the whole of the stable was upon the 120 feet of land conveyed.
The judge found that the defendant delivered and the purchasers accepted the deed in the mutual belief that it conveyed the whole of the stable, and the whole of the ground on which it stood. This may be the fact; but it is not inconsistent with the further fact that such belief was a mistaken one. There is not the slightest pretense of fraud or deceit on the part of the defendant. I am entirely satisfied that both parties acted in ignorance of the fact that the stable was not wholly on the 120 feet conveyed, and in the belief that it was wholly on the said lot described in the deed.
The judgment should be reversed, and a new trial directed, with costs to abide the event.
When there is any dispute as to the quantity of land conveyed, no doubt, both course and distance must give way to natural or artificial monuments or objects, and
It is evident that White never thought that he was buying more than 120 feet of land; indeed long after the execution of the deed, he entered into a negotiation with the defendants purchase the additional eleven feet and ten inches ; the negotiation failed merely because he objected to the price which the defendant asked. In my opinion, instead of being equitable, it would be inequitable to compel the defendant to alter the description in this deed. I concur, therefore, with Mr. Justice Leonard in thinking that the judgment should be reversed.