” ~ v ` § _' 'P€`QL$ _S;m. o\" TG\<¥):> ,. %w\zsme Qouz‘\ E'>v_’u,biroc».‘ am vo. mm %Tz@@,. R<>W mo ' nus‘\’is\) ,,TX '1%'10? REE\< an,,' mnzc» szwsu_ i)\)ibu'h’e l @@U:;@E§g§§§§£l@g§w_ _ wcz-%g_,wa'zz`-,oz,; &._CLNO. am_:_@:z -r-\, ' § @E@M.z@i§` WQ°’@""], 37€’0’01/' T|Z. C,`\`. NO. H‘?Z'q%"n ABQFA@@SUT@§W .`Bemz m€. F\c,osm" Ewcu>e€!> ‘r;\>\; wing F\`ND fut-z r»o\,wwir\)€»" \. flawme ro R¢\¢ilm~/\"T oF Kewwiw'\zn fV\. li`oorr, ` , li.ReBurTr.\L rp ":`§<'m%s P\zbv<>%b FS'NDW€\§ of~ Fucr, prc;w‘>iows' o'F Ux\~ mm Dw®a Pcense svm@mem mw Ree\,f’m¢., n> Rv~\:io'nvi¢ o\= Kewwman m lio=»rc, m mg mms op me ouszf » e €`>Tm'zm§m oF FnPLicnm REFe@€¢\)ces 1. Feé>zumz‘r ROl'~l UrToRNE`r Disc"PL?r\)n\zT 'F\mio\o> .. . . . . . . . . . . EXH\B\T'A z.HCDC Tne €>Tm'@ oc Tem§ va F-oc>Ts / Kewwirza spw.o|z§qg§\; ,, ExH|lSlT-E> Cmsz»¢t`:> 114 Ooqo¢ 010 ; thzri ?\O°l S.Loom_ an%?_§ Oisci?'~\`tdeb w FeBRumz‘r nw mmaw. 3011 . . EXH\B!T~C. u. O\zoel>. op m@ S»Plzems Cq,lzT <>F Te»<\¢\§ ie~) me mme oF . . ` - .. .. EXH l F>l T'-D i/ misc owen No. \'=> »m' @c, 6. Cc~m Res€\` FoiZ¢M/' DRTBD (Oxo 0\2 RBQH) 3-'1‘>'0“|; CL@RK'> RE&‘.ORD b. Doc\; beam Recmzo 7. Doc\ueeT/' ‘:>Trm/aP€D 3>'¢’! 'O”|; C.Lecz»<:> Rec,oszo 8,P.S. \. PLeu- F\o\z‘eemem anzu~)o¢?\<; Cc.elz)<$ R\:colzb q. mor‘\ow Fo\a Commuw\`w vaezvisiom; CLER\<§ Rec¢>\zx) m.OincmLC<>m Revo\zre\‘z , ao%‘“, maxim Bmz~ew; amen/asu 10 lLlT“ C,w\zr or~ nw€m>; 611-\&¢>% m RW\'vcmioN r-o\z UOR?\~ o\'» HAB€\QB Co¥z\>\>§ 11.`Rscozo'mc-. op ne.memem Hemziu)c» ; la'|l>~o¢|; H.C.BD'\roc Rmscm"\o)\) crow U\inr op himsan C`_o\zvo:> 1'5. l'~lT" (`_o\m op D.Wem§ Memo\zmwum Os>m`»oc\) w U,<:>. ST“ C;\zcm\»: F\\>venL;~ No.\o-a~o')sa; USDC Hr\o ~Cv»°>\q?\ lB. Cn._*c-'? " -’€""r'?r'»f'mQ-"~-' \".'.'_"... v. `.._.»~ .,...J judgment ln two of the matters, Endicott neglected the legal matters entrusts-r1 t-;- .“.§_'.'. __.`,J t_. |`.l 1.` ..`; 3. .- _- _-.. ... .otd... u..ca...e fees ln all of the matters Endicott failed to promptly `.`...-|..... fal` ~."" __I \` -` __ .`_\` ¢_.. .._¢-..._` -¢.? - .` -.» .l¢_. l` l ¢.` c - _.._‘-.! . .- -. - ... ...~.v . ~~».]~..~.u¢~) owl .. ..., , annum -a~.=:-_,, =`_uluu csa =-_;_~=`;:~.~:l uvlll.ldn lesponses to \_ ‘:; :~:.__,-_3§;‘.§3 as directed Endicott violated Rulas 1_01(h)(1)` 1.03(a)_ 1_14(h)_ 1_15(<1), a 04(a)(1)_ a.oa(a)(?_i_ and nll»-\If\\ .\_"i"\'..:,"\'_'_: C;.‘ ;":;_ Z?, 12 13, `.!`.:, -'.`:__r_:z`ezz:a '.` ':';f T::'.::- -:~.-:-::;;tad the resignation, in lieu of . ~ , \ .._ _ ' ¢-'~" :}r\d r\'r -¢\¢;\ uv-......... ] 63, of Fort Davis_ At the time of violated his fiduciar y Cllenf renr¢_:¢_=erzl_»,_~_.»_.l :, ::_ §)_ij E’:ii_? " """ ~< Foster violated Rules‘l 01(b)(2),1_04(a) 1. 06(b)(2), 3 03(a)(1) 3 03(3_) 3_03(°_}{‘;}_ 3.04(h) RnA/a\/')_\ c n».-' \_':j__ 3 4 \ .' ". . `.`i: f";"_":_:j§"_:_:`:`,'-S On Nov. 6 2013, Ray Galvan Jr. [#075933 probated suspension effective Nov 15 20 -» t - Grie\_/anr;e Cn_mr\~ " ~ -' " " ' ....=.. . .. .=:_ _ §_-' nn ` ` .ant’ s decision `-;`; ' i3iy informed r_\_,~l\,~` .,:~l_:+_:..i_ n..l.-.a 4 04 /li-.\/»i\ 1 n')(¢a\(')\ 1 an-a\ ?r~ir_{_ 1 1/llh\ l-J_e \_~_133 girder-ed fn gay =-r='~\-\\ -"\_-. ~i_.. ‘F_ `_.._:\'~_.`l`_. \. \l_` ~ ~; __::~ ‘:;;': _::‘:_i:;s r (..` pr r=,-:- »,.-_.» . , _ ra. '..».., .,..»_,_ ,_~ ,,- , ~..'.`,.`.'.` F: ,f!:: ;`.'.`."_5`..”,.*.‘..‘! "_: :.`.;`..`.~.`..~.§.~.».». . ..°F.~.. i§\::; :::.:;:3' 11 ;;- ;3.-'_ l ‘~ le Dist{"Ct 10 Grievance ’~'~~~` ’F`~~" ’~-"';~:;? _`:`_`.:-;` :_`_‘..`::‘."‘ ‘~!`: ~ :_m failed to inform ~l`_` __'_ __‘ _3_ `_ _ 4 , -` '\ k l' l..->:AS ;_ ":.;.."._ n‘ _"‘* 1 Q‘!_ _.'§:_\_.(1\ ‘l n°“'\\ 1 1 4_/"\\ ~~'~¢j*` 4|:/14\ \-lr\ \__Vas Ordered to pay `:‘ '.'.1. __`_L__.`. `." ___ . v ...… ...`~_~_;::':`_:__:.S 9/9/2015 ' l " _ - flice fHarris County District Clerk - Chl'is Daniel ' ll l -‘i/ _ g HCDistrictclerk.com The MTexas vs_ FOOTE, KENNITR'A (SPN:: 9/9/20] 5 lv»{l;l§&§‘§l`§li$’l ) Cause: l3l400401010 CDI: 3 Courti 209 APPEALS No Appeals found BONDS No Bonds found PAYMEN'I` PLAN No Payment Plan found RELATED CASES No related cases found DOCUMENTS Proper credentials required Please lggin or contact Harris County District Clerk's Off'lce at (7]3) 755- 7300_ BOOKINGS No Bookings found HOLDS No Holds found WITNESS No Witness found SUMl\/IARY m Dm 732/2014 Race/sex ~ might/weight Case (Cause) Status Active - CRIMINAL Eyes Hail. Offense EXPARTE SHOW CAUSE Skin Build Last lustrument Fi]ed EX Parte Proceedings DOB lo Custud‘. N C“° DiSP°S“i°” Us Unavailable Place or Binh Case Completiun Date N/A _me"~i n '_w_“' JWWW Defendam S[ams ]A'IL Address 3300 LYONS STE 201 HOUSTON TX77020 Bond Amount $0_00 Markings Next/Last SettingDate g 7/2600]1 g _ z ` _ _ ` » cOURTDETAILs ,:j-: . ;r: .- ,. http:/Mww_hcdistrictc|erk_com /edocs/pl.lblic/CaseDetails Printing.aspx ?Get=ZnocTAN ..lynlyB12Yszquptthr0Hj3lh3n9mXWi4san hogy8WETkoP17rYf1o.. _ 1/3 9/9/2015 ~ - in February and March- Houston Lega| _‘ 1 ___ row LEGAL 11 local lawyers d1sciplined 1n I-`ebruary and March By Mary Flood on March 1.-3 -2012 3145 PM f`sr®"'¢m`s* " ' ` ` " ina '@hrom E Sections General questions regarding attorney discipline should be directed to the Chief Discip|inary Counse|'s Office, toll-free (877) 953- 5535 or (512) 453-5535. The Board of Discip|inary Appeals may be reached at (512) 475-1578. |nformation and copies of actual orders are available at www_txboda.org. The State'Commission on Judiciai Conduct may be contacted toll-free, (877) 228-5750 or (512) 463-5533. P|ease note that persons disciplined by the Commission on Judicial Conduct are not necessarily licensed attorneys. RE|NSTATEMENT J. Flobert Love [#00791'|39], 45, of Houston, has filed a petition in the 113th District Court of Harris County for reinstatement as a member of the State Bar of Texas. BODA ACT|ON On Jan. 31, the Board of Discip|inary Appea|s signed a final judgment disbarring Robert Leonadis “Fete' McKinney [#13723400]. 6'|, of Houston. On May `|2, 2011, McKinney was sentenced to prison for four months, followed by supervised release for three years, and ordered to pay a fine of 8250,000 and an assessment of 8100 in Cause No. 1:11CR00059-00`| styled, United States of America v. Robert L. McKinney, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio_ Eastern Division, after McKinney pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit bribery in federally funded programs in violation of 18 U.S.C. §371 (`|8 U.S.C. §666), an intentional crime as defined in the Texas Rules of Discip|inary Procedure. The criminal judgment is fina|. BODA Cause No. 48984. (Editor's Note: Robert McKinney [#00784572], of Austinl is not the attorney referred to in this action.) On Feb. 1, the Board of Discip|inary Appea|s affirmed the judgment of partially probated suspension of Kristin Diane Wiikinson [#24037708], 48, of Houston, signed by an evidentiary panel of the District 4-E Grievance Committee on Jan. 21, 2011, in Case No. H0080827321. Wi|kinson remains on active suspension until April 30, 2013, with the remainder probated until May `|. 2015. BODA Cause No. 48195. RES|GNAT|ONS On Dec. 13, the Supreme Court of Texas accepted the resignation, in lieu of discipline, of Steven A. Beannan [#90000546], 48, of Houston. Bearman represented a client in a personal injury case, settled the case without the client's permission, and converted the settlement funds. Bearman violated Ru|es 1.02(a)(2] and 1.14(b). On Dec. 12, the Supreme Court of Texas accepted the resignationl in lieu of disciplinel of Dan Dewitt Simmonds [#24027980], 39 of Katy. The Court found that in connection with the settlement of two personal injury matters, Simmonds failed to hold funds belonging in part to the clients separate from his own property_ to keep the funds in a separate trust account, and to promptly deliver all the funds that the client was entitled to receive; disbursed the funds to persons who were not entitled to receive them; and engaged in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. Simmonds violated Ru|es 1.14(a), (b), and (c) and 8.04(a)(3). He was ordered to pay 88,377.94 in attorney’s fees and costs. On Dec. 12, the Supreme Court of Texas accepted the resignation, in lieu of discipline, of Steven Jay Rozan [#17357000], 68, of Houston. At the time of Flozan's resignation, there were `|0 disciplinary matters pending against him. |n six of those matters, Rozan neglected the legal matters entrusted to him. |n eight matters, he failed to keep his clients reasonably informed about the status of their legal matters and to promptly comply with reasonable requests for information. |n seven mattersl he failed to refund advance fee payments. |n three of the mattersl he failed to surrender papers and property to which his clients were http://blog_chron.com/houstonlregal/2012/03/11-|oca|-|awyers-disciplined~in-febri.iary-and-march/ 1/5 9/9/2015 ' 11 local lawyers disciplined in Febrtary and March - Hol.ston Legal entitled. |n four matters, he violated a disciplinary judgment and failed to comply with Section 13.0`| of the Texas Rules of Discip|inary Procedure relating to the notification of an attorney's cessation of practice. Rozan violated Rules 1.01(b)(1). 1.03(a), 1.15(d), and 8.04(a)(7) and (a)(10). He was ordered to pay S12,692.53'in attorney's fees and expenses and 861,925 in restitution. SUSPENS|ONS On Dec. 14. Riohard Alan Mintz [#14198800], 60. of Houston, accepted a one-yearl fully probated suspension effective Nov. 15. An evidentiary panel of the District 4-F Grievance Committee found that Mintz, upon termination of his representation, failed to surrender papers to which his client was entitled and failed to refund an advance payment of fee that had not been earned. Mintz violated Rule '|.15(d). He agreed to pay 3525 in attorney's fees and S3,620 in restitution. On Nov. 19, Robert C. Gerringer [#07826200], 56, of Houston. received a three-year, partially probated suspension effective Jan. 1, with the first year actively served and the remainder probated. An evidentiary panel of the District 4-D Grievance Committee found that Gerringer failed to keep his client reasonably informed about the status of her legal matter, to promptly comply with reasonable requests for informationl to promptly deliver funds that third parties were entitled to receive, and, upon termination of representationl failed to surrender property to which the client was entitled. Gerringer also failed to timely furnish to the Office of the Chief Discip|inary Counse| a response or other information as required by the Texas Rules of Discip|inary Procedure. Gerringer violated Rules 1.03(a), 1.14(b), 1.15(d), and 8.04(3)(8). He was ordered to pay S1,865 in attorney's fees and expenses. On Dec. 14 Arthur Eureste [#06702250], 57, of Houston accepted a one-year fully probated suspension effective Nov.15.An evidentiary panel of the District 4- B Grievance Committee found that Eureste was hired for representation in a bankruptcy case. During the course of the representation the client made numerous attempts to contact Eureste to ascertain the status of her case; however. Eureste failed to respond. Eureste violated Ru|e 1.03(a)._ n Dec. 15, Kennitra M. Foote [#24029552], 39, of Houston, accepted a two-year, partially probated suspension effective Dec. 15l with the first three months actively served and the remainder probated. An evidentiary panel of the District 4-A Grievance Committee found that in connection with representation in a personal injury matter, Foote failed to explain an offer of settlement to the extent reasonably necessary to permit the client to make an informed decision regarding the offer of settlement and to abide by the client's decision of whether to accept the settlement offer. Upon receiving settlement funds in which the client had an interest Foote failed to promptly notify the client of her receipt of the funds and to promptly deliver settlement funds the client was entitled to receive. Also, Foote failed to withdraw from representing the client after she had been discharged. Foote vio Rules 1. 02(a)(2) 1 .03(a) and (b), 1 14(b), and 1.15(a)(3). She agreed to pay 81 100 in attorney's fees and expen On Jan. 27 John S. Chase, Jr. [#04149100], 59, of Houston, accepted a three- -year partially probated suspension effective Jan. 31 with the first six months actively served and the remainder probated. An evidentiary panel of the District 4- E Grievance Committee found that in representing a client Chase failed to maintain communication with the client Upon Chase' s settlement of the clients matter, Chase failed to notify the client of his receipt of settlement funds and to promptly forward any funds to the client. Chase converted the funds for his own use, but repaid the funds prior to a scheduled disciplinary hearing Chase commingled his own funds with the client' s settlement funds. Chase failed, upon the conclusion of a contingent fee matter, to provide the client with a written statement describing the outcome of the matter and showing the remittance to the client and the method of its determination. Chase violated Rules 1.03(a), 1.04(c), and 1.14(a) and (b). He agreed to pay 81,384.04 in attorney's fees and costs. PUBL|C FlEPFl|MANDS On Dec. 5, Caesar Esca|ante [#06662090], 60, of Houston, accepted a public reprimand. The 127th District Court of Harris County found that Esca|ante settled his client's case, but thereafter failed to keep his client updated as to the status of the payment of the settlement monies. Escalante violated Ru|e 1.03(a). He agreed to pay 82,000 in attorney's fees and expenses Categories: General Promoted Stori es f |'\ttp;//b|og.chron.comfnoustonlegal/2012/03/11-|ocal-lawyers-discip|ined-in-february-and-march/ 2/5 ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS MISC. DOCKET NO. 13-9]66 IN THE MATTER OF KENNITRA M. FOOTE The Court has reviewed the Motion for Acceptance of Resignation as Attorney and Counsclor at Law in Lieu of Disciplinary Action"of~'l(*ennitra>#"M. Foote (the Motion) and the Response of the Off`lce of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel for the Commission for Lawyer Discipline (the Response). The Court concludes each meets the requirements of Part X of the Texas Rules of Discip|inary Procedure. Therefore, the Court deems the professional misconduct detailed in the Response conclusively established for all purposes. The Court further concludes that acceptance of the resignation of Kennitra M. Foote is in the best interest of the public and the profession. 'I`herefore, the law license of Kennitra M. Foote of Houston, Texas, State Bar Card Number 24029552 is canceled. The Court notes that Kennitra M. Foote has already surrendered her Texas bar card and Texas law license to the Clerk of this Court. y Consequently, Kennitra M. Foote is prohibited from practicing law in the State of Texas. She is prohibited from holding herself out as an attorney at law, performing legal services for others, giving legal advice to others, accepting any fee directly or indirectly for legal services, appearing as counsel or in any representative capacity in any proceeding in any Texas court or before any Texas administrative body (whether state, county, municipal, or other), or holding herself out to others or using her name in any manner in conjunction with the words “Attorney at Law,” “Counselor at Law,” or “Lawyer.” tt)Z-Zq,.;i’l€»oi,- wK-s‘i,ait<»oak No.iiiiir€*i~n No.inzi¢its-n Ei<. PDKTE § in ms aouTTnt 10 HFF|DLW \T oF Kti\ii\) rrRtl iri. FooT'i-: l, maizws P. wii,ii'rre, inns wesssi\)rsp rev i=oizmsie ferris mower Keuiiirizri le. Foere/ in cause mumceiaa ii¢iits’i nw ii'i\'ti¢i~z. in comeasr re we Fii=i=ioiwit .:i`tei), ns Pizsv`ious ctieiu'r or rue Smte'z wirmsss, l coin arrest to ms Fott.oi»i`iuo ns ui\ittaosi 1.. lY\s. Kennitizr\ Nl. Foote pip rim user iv\s 'itsnsoi\)riiacr tur'ozmso oi= ms acrioN:‘ no\?` Pi?:oCt-ss or me cnaizee'> rum tueE'B perdomo nonii\i‘>`r me. i civ mr Rsi:use to eo re Tizirit,, l in met insisreb ow it. ma Foote mims me ">iei\i, oi\i marion BiGioo°l, ms couizr asset Fotzivi, Ps~r ni\i X, seriatim usa wan`me oFi"i i>i>i\)r want ms iS~iiz. orifsiz/ i voin to ne ro riz`int .'1(‘5@5= Couizr Reast l'~oeivi orirci> %~”§-Oal; Ccezi<'> Recoizr)i i Ni;~vsiz nance or n F.S.l. i=izi>wi \'Vis. Foi>vs/ omit inv raise ome, done R¢h ROO~Uq rs B-i'l -C)Cl, indem i item screws nis donee ri> se nnnioi\iisiisu concsei\iimo reint. Rcc<>izo'i~ci re cmi izt=cozi)s, i tons ser roiz taint reiz sum ruiz owes oi€/ 1~|\1>"0% mop baldi-in eremni'»ioo r-'iaoivi ms ooi`i)o Bei>oi?.e ms Juoosi insisriiue pin ooiiue ro riziiic. ( Ses= Doci Re<;sei>) Tiis State pto mr cowrii\ioe re oi=r~'eiz tsaosia sup tnizc~eiz sei\irsi\icss ns ruiz crisis team oi\i,' in rucr, nis Srme owest smnttsiz mvo smnttsiz ssiors`ncs:s 150 vi:s., to ao ¢rizs./ to 15 rizs.(‘bes'-Cwizr hear Foiaiv\; cured 3'3-0@ ; Ctsize's lleeoizi>) \F.W\s. time wris"suizis”ri,iiit l much cscsivs n tesssiz vu~i>iimsm seem me duces wind room nis Stnie, weir was ms P.S,l. wi'wovr mo noiassi) secon/isit>i)mi<>w; univ was \ ante susyecr To tito nice izriueia oF n)i\iisumsiur. 5 ~Q¢i was wueio ms forums arena was iS vas~"ii\> wiiicii l msceivsp"??? li= fV\'). Foote wos"e\»ize"(i.<'. PRor/iiss), win oii>i\it' \ escsivs tsss man winn ms €>ans orrsizet> "'.`?? iF fV\'s. Foote sri>cnii\iep in permit ms PS.|. Ptsii neeeemsiur miiD insreucrsi> ms maris to stein iii=tsi>_ crim smrsivisiui~ wm siti>triii\isi>, win pin W\-i. lime cio niman me condemn riser rim i>ur X" svsa~rwiisize i smooth iuiricit"'.?? ir sue sxrtniii\isi> ir re ms rif nti,, tar stone Fi'izsr, new couto sue iian Pirr nn X iii rim need mr noi>ti'cnists nuo stove rs ‘ seaman ms wrote oven oor?".? (E`>es'~ P.<>.\. Ptsix~ Clezesmsm l3mveizwia:; C,Lr.~izi<'s lZEc<>\Zl>i M'.i. Keiuiunciii.fv\.i'-oors iv same vmizuriii‘utt, nez usont moi)v:i oveizni\>o`i, 2. li= rio coercion Noiz_riitzsms wells mt carmen ma iivivt,i'ep r-'oiz ms rs i>tsm> ouii.t‘r, tour wmata leS. Fcore“`muieiz$ Cou\zr geter Foizm,' Dmi;o %-'% '0@1/' Cteizi<'s Re<;o\zi)) iF mv case was"neom fo E>i;”~zer noia mint E>EF'isumems, ui»wr wn:'> ir attame ser r»'i>iz T'izint , ctemat~r exPRes:zeD '.".7? (€>t=e‘» Docii,ieer; ervin/ipso 5»\'1 »(>q ,° Cte¢zit’s Qecoeo) li: duces Cottiws or»\fei?.@\> re coii)m)c_r n P.S.l Hemz'imci ama oi¢\=erz tess miami wi,im"- Tiii; "aims mm o~ me vn@>tE l wm oiow'r \ Racisive tess umw me 15~¢¢1¢. ,' iuiw was l wizr eva.>eu~ rci me i=utt names or vi)iiii'sumzm '?7? Diize rusee"toitii~czno`icriw@” Ev€+irrs which LE>D fo "n Blzemt \'i\» ms ¢>ani:ioFF"Beri~Béw nut 'E>Tm”e's wimes§ misc mrseti=°.”. is wis winn ten me fo i>ten\i> eiuitw ‘?7.'? i)\)ii~r wnei~)'r Ji)i)cic; Cottii\)s oi=i=€=iz mims eo<>i) (i.e. thi=itte~i)) / ii= mv neiizi;€~me,l\)r To Pteicio G\)'itw RESTED uPom Q~,n`ii> oi=i¢eit ’."7? |i= Me. F`oms _-i'izut~r i=em mm i wo_uto N%ve& nttou) messt€ ri> se t@'i), wm wouti) i-ieiz vesrimw~i, supvoasx>t~r iii m~i eeiiciii: , m mt ‘P.S l Hecii<'iiii@ isei , 9 ’Wliz. \)\)`itii`ws is n r~i>ttowert rim mcm>msts op same n tenbeiz. ?'.' \r» i siew@D mt Pt€n ne@\zem€m' ootumem‘b wimom‘ Hesimr)om/ owen mo `(V\‘»- Foi>re E)\Ptnii\) quv/\ ri> ms; wueize was mv us\mt moo\)> operanm>i Tiic-iu, seems mm mgizz was iiii> use`imiioiu Bsri~e§rti ms aec@'iv’ii\)c» mm =;~iicii\)iiuei mem ‘?7.7 ii= (Y\s. Fome cwtmii)et) fo wis in suit iz'io"ntt iieiz ctiems”/ wot)to l iss toi\ie»ii)e\zeb misiiiii=i>izmt€ibi cia oeceiver)° . ??(5€5 Feeizvniz\r 9mm nrro\Zi\)€‘r Distiptiiiiniz~i Rtriom) |FfV\s. Fooie t@r ms i R@ce\ve n teas€iz semmes T'unl\i wm im me mate i/i)i`m we €>rnT's i wm nccom:iiiici re CourzT REtoizDs l 'o`iDi\)T ?77 i'r- l i=tmt~r kei‘-'u%@,b THE oPTi<>i\) ctr <‘:io'iii)ci fo Tizint , iioi» was l i>’izoi>€rzt~r mswibiuisiiei) ro ge %eT~ Foiz riz"int ri»`ite .°.".’ (‘:`Je@: Docic:i€¥) ?>'\’\ ~'0¢1; Ctezi<’-> Reci>izi>) (Y\‘.~» Keivi\ii'rian, YV\. Pobrs is iz,eii\)o umizurui=i)tt , He\z vs\)nt munoz ope\znmoi . 3. l'i= (V\S. Foore "Pizomis@i>" me mm mt diane , nime P.S. l. , mouth oi=r-eiz me tzss mm unum me %Tms mm oi=i=i;iz@b ns n pte¥\, neeizemevor , umw wovtmi'r ma Foote Piri~ i~'i, tm> im me Rmi)eiis oi=' puwi`sumeit)vi iam ten me sue¢eci' rv me i:i)tt Rm\)c:ie mi mmie>um€m', mm imm iq"¢>aom`ise" mms owed ri> war 36 move eioDD (i`.e. Fiitr-i`tti§b) Noutb n dime%, iiim)eiu n P.":i..\ / oi=i=@iz me pmi)i'zumei\)'r, ma `ih'ivs" mt P\)i\)i'>umei\)T ?7.`? E>tcm)se \ wham ioi=i=sizizo nmm\ioci, is me 15 wm was mo oi=\=eai tt@\zi<'s aecoizm suwu mm l mi>'i)'r wmw mt 15 viz. omit l wm wmiiri;i> 10 cio To W.`\m,z \i= me omtow\% ci= me P.S.\, RA><)RT uath egreizmiiiie i`F \ uuo\)t\i> R%c@'ivs Pizoe.mioii , wm wae>iii‘i~ l eitveiii me evi>o\zwmiw m atvieii> me P.%i l. iati>bizi‘ m nw sims or-' mv c,nse?".`? \i'-' ms duces nietviii)@ iiiri> me ncri)nt ante woutiD bers`€lmiii)s \'i¢ l wo\)tlD Rac€ivs P¥zoe»'miow i uowr wout\b me t\\)beie 2. (.ONT~ .' PQGE 2..}_ TELL me , ns soo\\) ns me \-\er~u?.`mc{ smmw, zu=o\ze oec_v`mc-, im'o THE ncTunL cash mm same was msr acme m oivz me Przoe,mior\) ?`?? i Hm> movem n P‘S.|. was neou'r F\zocsm'\ow$ i r-`\u,eD m n Rewes»r Fo¢z on@nTioN (See? morio~ :=o¢z Commw\)'\T-r Supezvi‘>iow 2 C¢.em<’s Kecov.u))/ sic-msu Fo\l me P.$.l. / \=`\u,eo ouT n onr>miow Pnc¢R Commuwiw Swev`vi~siow was eazoweou>ur Fiu_er> o\n* Es‘r ma Foo're , mTesTimQ» wm l mm wevelz assn PLRC€D ow Commu¢uir~r Su¢>ezvi<>iow rea n Fe¢_m\)'r. Boru f\fls.'\:mvs mm dunes CoLLms maas ms ro BeLieve mm ir was wum n PS.|. was n@m)T mm wars uaw \ umw Raceive 'n (`\.e. szoam`)ow). ma Kem\)ir\zu m. Foore \s same um\zmm=uu_ , usa usum_ meDvs oPe\?_n\)Di. 11. \` Dio NoT waive me comm ze\>otzT€\z aecoRo`\NC-z me memz'mcv; | mm nesmwrew mo acmow¢_e\)es us Tu'\>,’ mm newmaer mo N\)T cowkess'»ow wm `ar was same Rec,o\zoeD , l mm mo season fo min owerwo'\se$ Tuc, comm acoo\>_rerz sm iv widow fo macomb we uemzi¢\\@ , wiru usa mn¢ui¢ue m r»az<>m op use am opezm~imc» iv (5.€.1¢0€~6),' wue,m ms duces aspr me eer\)cu, sue row me 00sz REPorzT€.lz, "U\)el)zs oc\= me Raco\z®"(o\z smu/lemin simuc.mz `\w wmulzs , nmb mens was wo mails T~vPiNG / nw wuel\) n_\`e Jume came Bn<,\¢/ 6141= row me comm czevorzre\z, "\)de'ae educ em we zecmz®` ( ca son/amino zimmme Ew lunwrza), mm me cover mcnamee sTn\zTeD e.m< wm'we. l)\$um ease wouuo l, 02 am camera vam., sec-im rui~\< 'f`.`.’? h= l was Pz&sem~ wusw me umw RBPo\zf<;lz wm l»niveb Am> RC=RE»Q>, wm cia Oca=ic~.im C,omzr Revo\zree , mazda Emzwan, wake ro ms W“ C,csuer oc Q\>x>em$ .. mm"` ms. F<>ove'/ come to gee / nw sua nSK€»D`\(Yls. Fome hr me wentzij was enoin T\> 56 aec,ozozbl nm`\ms.l:nbve”snio mo mm ir waew/'r:' mg Comaf ze\>b\zre.\z oir> N\~>T’ memiosu f\/}¢z. mneu)§ 9 wiwife (59€¢ O¢¢=ir_’mL Coulzx Ke&>b!zfall,' S»O‘KT“; monica Em Co¢zw>); wm r>'\'o mro\zwe~< Fo\z me ":mvr, , J. ‘i>revuewsm\) , ow lR-\b '0‘1 , m mw \Qe>msm&m Hemzir\)@ , rem ' duces Dew'ese Coz.¢_im mm ue, m\)D Ke\\»w'\r\m aea€%b fn waive ms kecol?omc~. mr me wamzim; ma mzoeewr\>iz mo wm mgmiovu mr».. munoz F. UU£cMi're ('SEG=Rcscoeoimcn op Ramemzm liemzi~c»; \7~-\(9 »0”|$ H.C. ?\OZF“ D.C.) ??7; wm is fuels n ni\=\=elz€m accoum' oF mis"wn$ve\a"r»eom ‘(Yl‘~>. Ke¢\)mh~aa [Y\. Foore ¢ WIS. mm>,<;ia [5¢1\29\)€11', nuub YV\¢Z. J. %rePueN'>ow ??? (F- me RuLSs o\= R\>vums Dr>.oceov¢ze , Rm.s lB.l . en~rs, ms or-'Ficim. cover QEpORrBE musv, umess est@o am nea€».emsm` o¢= ms pmzr\’@s/ mm 09 me com. Ppc.s 3_; Pnoces\)i»os, wm wnsw'r wis "nezeeme,m"em=o\zcen m asme m ml waivi»e, eleven mm FiLe\> wim me anexz.~z ns szr w me keco\zo, ma m¢:\oe m os>Em comm mm emE-xzéo i`m<> me Rac,o\z-)D, ncwm;‘mc» m me Ruues oF C;v¢‘c, Faocsob\ze f Kuu, ll `??7. l/wa ms umwa wooten nom {~cc.uos copies op nw wra\'rra\) wmivee> oF rch Rac>o\?.rz\zs tzcsco@b as me p.$.\. Hemaiwm ncco\zoiwa m ms ames o\= C\PPG<.¢\T§ P\zoc.@bu!ze, lives 3>¢!.5 Ln) (2) ?`7.? m¢z. mnlzcus 9 U\\iu,\`\m roman s`\e»web mm wn`»v€z oz ~o\z wn{v@D rsSFo\z€ oPeN cover me ee»vo\?,xe\zs Reoomo o\f me P.S.|. Hen\>_iwe (€)es¢(`.c.grz\¢'s Reoore)o) me mowe\z was meve\z e.§vsw ms owo\zwmir~r fo come Fokwmzd> fo me cbewcu 10 =;»PSH\< o~ m‘r Beunu€ 145 n c.\~m\zncretz witness (Se»€>?m$. Vm\/\Em E. wiw`»Tsi fl\=\=iouvir; E wish o\'- R\><>Licmio\w roth i)\)tz`n on \~\n%svl$ Com>\)§). W\s '\:oorc’ <,¢,n`\m mm rub ":`>rmes wi~m%sse:> wake wm emst e>ecnuss o¢ n srcz¢\@€fm. move 0N H€z Fn\zr / i$ '\N c,oNr-L"cr w\‘m THE donee Rs\¥h, wuees mze ms vuimesses , mo mm remove neca Tum` us nom uan am ”; nw me dunes name ma pausewvo\z, wmr\‘ mo me wimz,sses mms w sum mm mm rr,u,me uea ,"THE~/ sum mm me‘f nom umw w ama umwin w no wm me mse". Ruc_e:> op Ev`\nemce , R\)Ls %OLl 00 (a)(‘»)($) saws 1 fx oecum?,nm i~> cowsibsk€b \'o 155 uwnvniLnBLe ms n w`m\)€~s:> 11ch mo% ci\wum¢sTmoC@s. me Huv\'u@ n zi@m~ m r>.\=q>@ut,, am ms.F -o¢»e sm-riroc~, mm l no\zGSD rc> ms RS.I. m immcrm l o'\m\n" aece'we P\zo\=.~;m`\ow i comm JT'M ois\>\ms m~r severance , wm Wouuo \ umwa m~r amare\>.s Re,cmzo l wuew n oe\€ewonm ns n omer commmmmc> on m>x>ea\_,- nova nm"oe.uem$om".'o E>Rim Fozwmzs> Rewv® m e\>s mw ir's com r€wviows 0\= emma 1 am iF mr ooNE, mv comm/mm wva wm se uemz\o .?7 me unwise n mem m nwan , wu~r wovuo ma \-’-ome umw m wn\vs m\<. \zec>e>\zre\?s aec\>zo, mcwm@ mm nr\~or%Dic-,meo to ‘P@\zc=sr_¢ibw orr mcwqu Re<;¢>zo§ r»orz msv\`ew nw lawsuan comsz \'r- r>c>`\ms o\= Qz\zc>v_ mae ro aeceivs \=r-\`\\'l wMSiOB€m`iows mm _‘\uST tzuLiqu:> ??'7.` U\)n§ ruiz usfl P\'Db‘»zr§-mz‘r surf ??7 D{o sue uuvz, nw,~rfuizocv ro uibs?.?`? F¢z<>m ms mom&mv i mm awva oF ruiz ALL@D@¢,D vonin 1 wave manisz cc \'T mm cunLL%meeD ir¢ Fczom D\":>leicr c<>u.f (55;¢@@\;€>\20\`1)0 c>\c Denr@nmsm HE»mlWG} \Z-lé 'Ocl 5 H.C_. 10%“1 D.C.); re ms NT“ Cou¢zc oq= f~\vven\:> (€>ee" N“‘ Co\/ar op imaan memo¢mwoum GPi~i<>c\)),° re FBDW;:“, CmQT (?DB\<,: U.%.§m C?RCUiT/' RWSDL/' No. 10 "ZD'lSZ/‘ USDC Nc>. quo " CV' ?>MZL‘ re me %Tm~@ (?>mz c)F Tem:~,, wue,zg'nu ~i web n @rz`\evmwce n@n§o\)sr Hez, mm sms wsm BER>RG me (§vm€~mf<~r Dm\)\zc, LH OF mg _Smr-ts Bu\z Di:>jzicr L/'('nz'\emmce C<>n/)m"TTes o'~ / €{~IZ-B , nw a%§@wey), m Llc~\) m= oisQ\PL`¢roe (%@@1(1¢19\5 M.i4w11l53 213 ;Cl)diuu`ve'] Commis‘:>io\\) Ll. comm , purse 14._) ~.=o)z an'fez Discivume v, Kc~m\>ir\zn m, Fo~ore\; mem To me Comzr c>\= C\zinnmm_ (l\>v€m::». ma Foote nw nn~rz@u= Nev€>z mm nw cowve\zem'ribw 1 mesa €>Tmsmem‘ mr\DE 1 N<>R m\¢‘mx'mc» l`mpc,ieD , motz nw~rm\`¢\)c» HimréD coluce,rzmimv me mixisz 0\< ms Revo\zfe\zs mcgee op m~r oc mv P.S.I. Heuzi¢\x:»,' Ne\'me\z wm ir munz towqu m ms Co»m ma Srmz, $ Ne`vm@z mo me C secqu me rum 1 owns war Del>tz&veb o\: rvvr Pabrec:reb im'sze'>r, by imPLEn/\@miue mm snf'»sr-~r`vw& ms Vzoceouzm, samsuan rn emg/cas mm me Q@Pozrélzf>. RE>C\)?D OF m'~z P.">`.|- Hemzil'uc» M>r F.'>wimo\)T m~r KwowLebee nser cowseu\)r.. i cio Nor names re waive ms aspoxzr@czs escape op m~r P.S.|. He'mz`mc,; ir was former , mcwan , nw weaker wimom nm KNouuLGDe»e ~o\z comsewr. W\<». Foote is @e'»o\)e um¢zmm:uu / H@z usum, moo\)o ops\znwni ...... . mcneasz , W\s. Kewwirm (V\. \:Dor\z was o\zoe¥.ev> l lb~r me flaum , To \=\’Le ns\=io¥\v`\r maxim ?>O mm oF, 10 -'50 -»\B; ms. Foore’ m=\=ionviT wm 3€@.¢\)@0/ il"l‘\$¢ ovs\z ’\‘60 nms m=ré\z mib meon , wimom nw enewri<>w op fin/nsv 'fV\s. Foove’ nr-P°¢Dnv`n wm r-iu§b AFr€-\z me st\>owoem§ Pm>n>“>eb F\`Noiwo op firm am Osz\>:\z wm c=iLeD , wuicu wm re ss us\;\D re mmc>o\?.r@o F>~r me R@co\zo / am mu m-F\'onv`w uw‘>\)¥>vorlré!> rb*r me clequ Cm,~NoT plzwvi\>e n BF\°>`»:<> me n \:'\Npimo , F\s ms ‘Izmre;~. Wimess , W‘\‘>. \:oore’ cczex>`»c=,'\L'.T-r mm 153 mmc\<€b E>“r *.'@sT-`»nnowr m=,u>T fu€ wimés'>€»;> R@Vu'fmwm Po!l u\<\v`mc:. n cHancr€R OF w\)rszum\=uwss§ oz F>‘r r%sf\m<>wr in ms \=0121\4 o\= nw oviwiow ae>o\>*r mm cuman.rS¥z$ mem i\= cans wave comm`.neb n came mr n Fe&.m\w oR imvos.v"¢r»)c», momc. To\zP'vTuDe , R%<§mzbuess 0\= P\)w'\§um€m} oil i> Ea,ic~,'\feb \=\2¢>1\4 me wime,ss oz ezrmusué!> rs~r made aecom>. Wl->. Foore amin/15 rv as rzummu. (%ee'~ F@\z>\zoma~r ROH F~\rmeme‘v Diuc."vc,`mmzr Rc¢iom)(%ee¢ HCDC THE %mrs op Tz,ms vf>. Foor@i\<€wmir\?n, 'ee¢ Loc¢u. anwee> Disc`~vu¢\)@,b m Fee\zwmz~r mm mann aol>\)(€>ee= O¢zoe\z op mae Sv<>z@,mcs Covtzr op Tems im me N\mmz o\: Kem\)irm (V\. Foore 5 M\SC. Doq. i`$-q!¢`»b) W\€.K'cw'wirm W\. \:obre iv uv\mzmu\¢vu. , 1462 usum/ mom)s os>%\zmob'\. ' ' S\G\E\)ED ru`\s \?)\‘“ now 0\= De¢;@m%\z. , 30\5. P\es?@cTr-uwr eu\?>m`\TTGb/ jfl/{Mawv‘va. 9)’1/' ' manos P. L\)il,u'\re, llmicum \\OO F.(V\ (»56¢ Rm\/lss~r 1.Uuir P\osumzow/ T¥.. '1’16 ss>, 5. U)|Z" Zq/ 3'1‘£‘01; w\'<`~i‘i,?\’?%"O?\ Cnu$% NO. i |q 1157-n C`,u\)ss No, H"IZ lLf‘é'H E)\ P\QQTE § m me ao$§*“ D\eTRl CT ficqu § marcus Pu\zx\)eu wlu~m`e, § oF nmi¢nm . § mem c:oum‘r, mms Ree>uTmL m imrsz PQDP<>SED F\MDH\)G\§ OF FFU CONCLL)Slo\\)S O\= Lnu\) m\)D 02®€2 Tur= D\>x>u'cum ms comeioezeb me nwu`cm€ow \:012 w\z€'r o\= uneeu§ co\zPu>, me Smre’> O¢zi@iwm Q\\) , pe@v€o\)sur umzesu,vcso Fncvs mmf€£im, re ma Le@nu'r~( mr me nwpicmms comr$w€-mem` wc~u`cu m§ouv'rz§ nw evioém`\mzw 14in we nwD wm many mm me zede\= rzz,ou ezrsv> 5a e\znmreo Fo\z. ms FoLLo¢/o‘n\)o czensu\):>-' F\ND\N@S OF FF\CT 1. Tue uiem>¥z~r oz me r;n¢,,,cz ns ser r~mu in m~r nwa..icmio:u Fok wait o\= means corz\>\)§; Sumememe‘b ns sat Foeru in mv Re\>.»unm fo undoan cc Kem\)mzn (V\. Foote 2. THE €xm‘e.'> onc>oseo F.'woiwe\s oc Fncr, Cx):»c\,ueiows op Lm» mm ORDER was mm)e Wim<)m' nw AF\=\`onvir onm W\§e»wm$mc> issue mob ORDER rock Fim\)cv RF\='\DU.\)\'Y, m me Cou\zr? Tue\zsro\ze mm<€s\)a if VO\D. CONCLUSIUNS OF Lnb\) 1. THE nwucnms meals cum¢eme nLLeeiwo mmc cm\z;r emon is a ~R:co¢z© umwa mm was miseb m cover nw ow mined clme (€>se¢ H\'zf<>z~f op me Cp.s'e; ns ser \=o\zm iv mr nmicmiou \=o\z wait o\'- means CONT.) F¥_X(`:Bl.)_ S. coa\>ub mm evoPL@n/)em)/' me ¢J.Wucmor: macolzo maxim i> mae nL<,s@.'¢oc» iweFFe¢Tive, ns>i§m\)ce m' oo\)r»)zeL; escorst nw oieec.' nv%m, iwn\>eouvmz 10 nzv@t,o\>€, mo :'Né\'»vemive ns:>ismmce Cvnil\/» , me v€.‘\z'\' l'wé\=\=ecriv§mss cv.c\in/\eD mm persva me esco\zb F\zow\ comu‘wdiwe me mcnamarin wécee<>mz‘( TO su&‘>mwc'¢me s\)cu c.mN\/|~J"Du€\f‘r/ 1001 S.L¢O- RD 50"|, S\'A,S\?>. me mich micsz madkuva web mr RGH,@ws“<;cr> zensoz\ss ma boilon cna r~‘u.`\dwo to 00 nevimuso\: much me Ds$ewmlm comvc,m¢v§; Vnscw@z/ ‘£`50 3.1)0. ?\D @lSl. W\o¢zsoverz, wage iv w riwc» mts maj Neces:>mav m suvoo\zT ms po>r_cowvfcn`ow unions @uour m me imme umwa moseo'\we. Ex szre U\)iLLium§, @5 S.uo.'z>p b<'>v. c@\m'mnb Lm» loa@. Tuz nv\>a.icnm mas nemowzr\széb mm mm com\)s~a$ Rem'sewmrio».) FeLL ibede nw owes/five srmwom?u> op Remomnm,swes§ ,. . , .. . “; me:;:€mm)r, ns szvr comomiwme» ow appean ana mv omiom'\m\) +ro twich mwm?.u> german re s\om'm ir>c,ou\»remiows or e\z.eo\z`, va mr vo'\m so, irs comnm'mb cougb mr csa uemzo. Fizem&m \¢\r>. Co. v. F\L@v`v=moe\z, ‘Z>M €>.l)\). &0 550\ To smi¥sf-Y THE PRB.\\)DRCS Pkov\)cq, oe\:@wo'tllu+ nnst sucu~» ms ouvu>w\cs wm Réwoe%b u¢vzssumbu; , oil ma Ptzo c@m>ir\)c-, wm Fuwonn/\ewmw-r uwma.dou~soxv v. Scovv b% F.z\> 10&>,1061_ Tv\s nvx>ucwm mm memosnzmeb umw counse@ P\zovibeb F~GFV~BS%MTN\DN mm nmequED fo ivvoo\\/\ P€rm\)cvs\z\¢e;ribm op ncc,uzms Raco\zo:. \=c>\z vis/view 1er nw muan cowzrb i\"~ Po'\w\b oF emma ms 10 \z@ceive Fn'\sz cousioezm`\ow nw war \z\)¢,'\cvc.s . ‘fo\»~c, v."m-m:\=o\zp, lam S.vJ. z\o ’M, Tw,\e uWLn'<;nm '\4\<\5 sum/vw mm G\»T r-o!a coo\~)%c> S\zrzv\zs mm De\=`\u`em REQ\zczecsz* mr wave P\,eb eviu'v em wouun wave ms\">~rvsn ON Cwiwe) rv fairly Hiu_ v. Lou oev me romurv op me ci\zcuv\/\sm\vcc~b iw ms Pzimm’<‘)< <‘_\st,me ammuva men was wm womva mm vowrvm\ziw< mnoe; m me r{mz o\= ms eui¢,w-PL€R RW€LL\:\NW memaL more REST'@Y> v\<>"€>rm%!> mo im\>uex>"¢>¢zom§ses” seem ms -r¢z\'m, mrom\)e‘r mun me mmp some mm wade mr \:uc.Fiu,eD, Lom.,~ P\zbs 2_._; b. THE nppd¢nm ama ovexzcome me P\zesvmpn’or\\ op ammuqu c,@€mex> \'N me w_`\m_ cou\zv lze,co\zos, mm was D@mow~zr\znrzv) mm Hi:> \>l,en was \'Nvoa.u\\)m\z:r. 7. |~ my ruiwes, me awl,icm\n~ cms €>Houoe\» mm ms cowvic.riow mm s>c_wfemce uaw in/\v\zx»\>€\ZL~f omn'\¢\\zb. Heco\zoi¢\)e\ur, \‘11?{§9\?¢.'1ml:j.'HEc‘f\'ems‘ C.O\)P-T oz C,Rim(r\)m, Rt>vc-:QL§ mm `rm; Re“‘ mm oz Decerv\e>e\z, ao\§; RES%QTF\JLLY eqsmirfé\>/ ~Ma/fwe~‘#. 71/1/19%`»’5 mmau)s P. UOiuA'\Te '£\wLicnm Kmv\s€‘t 1 UN'\T \\00 F.W\. 1055 Rosumzo\\> .TX . rl“\S
Wilhite, Marcus Purnell
Combined Opinion