NO- PD-1519-14 oir->r2015. (B) Appellari'1T""^request at least ninety (90) days extension because Appellant has to attempt to advocate for him- -fo "tzhis Court. (C) Appellant can only entertain and research in the unit Law Library during his off-duty hours which is approx imately ten (10) hours per week and needs this extension to prepare, research and advocate properly, and; (D) Appellant has never asked for an extension of time in this matter. The extension of time is not designed, nor any attempt to harass, delay or hinder the Court's calendar with these issues but to assure that justice is served to Appellant. There are substantial intervening circumstances that require this Court's power of supervision, they are: (1) The Court of Appeals incorrectly decided that the opinion of a lay witness which inferred that Appellant was guilty of the offense charge is admissable pursuant to Tex. Rules of Evidence, Rule 701 and 704? (2) The Court of Appeals made a ruling that directly con flicts with a recent decision that was handed down by this most Honorable Court of Appeals in which appeal counsel did not cite or argue in the Petition for Discre tionary Review. Being such, this Court of Criminal Appeals power of Supervision should be considered ( Page-2- ) and implemented in order to allow Appellant a fair hearing on his claim. III. PRAYER FOR RELIEF Wherefore, Premises Considering, Appellant prays that this most Honorable Court grant this Motion for an Extension of Time to file a Motion for Re-hearing pursuant to Tex. R. App. Proc, Rule 79.1(c) allowing Appellant at least ninety (90) days to file said motion because of his specific set of circumstances. In this Appellant .wMl forever pray. Respectfully Submitted, Clair A. W o l f 7 • Appellant Pro-Se IV. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Clair A. Wolf, TDCJ-CID# 01859849, Appellant, Pro-Se, certify that a true and correct copy of Appellant's Motion for an Extension of Time to file a Motion for Re-hearing has been placed in the United States Mail, postage pre-paid, addressed State Prosecuting Attorney Abel Acosta, Clerk P.O. BOX# 12405 P.O. B0X# 12308 Austin, Texas 78711 Capitol Station Court of Criminal Appeals Austin, Texas 78711 On this the ^ £2 day of February, 2015 Respectfully Submitted, Clair A. Wolf Appellant Pro-Se ( Page-3-)
Wolf, Clair A.
Combined Opinion