Opinion by
By certain ordinances, enacted March 28, 1903, the councils of the city of Philadelphia directed notice to be given the prop
The two questions thus raised by the pleadings are: (1) whether the plaintiff has the light to maintain the bill, and (2) whether councils have the right to transfer $500,000 of the $1,000,000 fund authorized to be applied in continuing the improvement of the boulevard, and use it for the purpose of paying damages to property owners whose lands have been taken by the opening of the boulevard.
.Regarding his pecuniary interest as the ground upon which a party is permitted to file a taxpayer’s bill, it logically follows that a citizen, inhabitant or incorporator of the municipality can have no greater right or higher ground than a resident taxpaying corporation to maintain such bill. An illegal diversion or a misapplication of public funds, raised by general taxation, increases the burdens of a corporation as it does those of a citizen, and therefore it is not apparent why the courts should be closed to the corporation and open to the individual. The effect of the misconduct of the city officials in misapplying the public funds is the same on both, and the remedy and the protection of the law should be afforded alike to both parties. A corporation is simply an aggregation of individuals, and there can be no good reason why their interests in the taxable property of the corporation should not receive the same protection in a court of equity against official misconduct as if the injury had been done against taxable property held by them as individuals. To hold otherwise would be to deprive a corporation of the equal protection of the laws of the commonwealth, which is guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment to the federal constitution: Santa Clara County v. Southern Pac. R. Co., 118 U. S. 391; Pembina Consolidated Silver Mining and Milling Co. v. Pennsylvania, 125 U. S. 181.
In addition to the reason suggested, there is another one, having at least some force, why a trading corporation should be allowed to maintain a taxpayer’s bill. After a diligent search, we have been unable to find in any American or English decision of a court of last resort where the question has heretofore been raised. In none of the reported decisions of the several states of this country, nor in any decision of any of the federad courts where a corporation has invoked the protection of a chancellor in such cases, has the defendant challenged the right of the corporation as such to maintain the bill. On the other hand, there are numerous cases in the various juris
It is argued by the learned counsel for the appellees that permission to increase the indebtedness was granted by the electors of the city and not by the taxpayers, and for that reason a corporation, not being an elector, has no right to invoke the aid of the court to prevent the illegal diversion of the fund. The counsel say in their brief: “ The present appellant being a corporation, is, of course, not an elector, and it may well be asked by what right it might seek to intervene in order that the permissive power granted by the body of the people should be duly carried out, even were a violation thereof attempted.” The conclusive answer to that proposition is, that while the electors gave the permission to the city to increase its indebtedness and thereby to impose a tax, the law gives to the individual or corporation who must pay the tax the right to demand that the city officials shall appropriate the fund to the purpose intended, and that it shall not be misappropriated and the burden of the taxpayer thereby increased. In other words, while the authority to borrow money must come from the electors of the city, the taxpayers who are required to repay it have such an interest in the appropriation of the fund as will enable them to invoke the aid of a chancellor to prevent its diversion to an illegal or unauthorized purpose. The misapplication of the fund is not, as argued by the city solicitor, a matter which lies between the city and its citizens, and as to which the plaintiff corporation is a stranger. No individual can be regarded as a stranger to any action of a municipality or its officers which tends to impose upon him additional taxation. He is a party in interest and hence has a right to be heard before he is deprived of his property. This rule applies to the corporation and to the in
It is also argued by the appellees that the appellant “ is without a monetary interest or concern in the controversy,” because, as alleged, if the damages for the opening of the boulevard be not paid out of this loan, they must bo paid by the city either by taxation or by some loan to be raised hereafter. If this position is tenable, it will bo difficult to find an instance where a taxpayer can enjoin a misappropriation of public funds. The learned counsel, however, are in error in their contention that the appellant has no monetary interest in having the city apply this fund to the purpose for which it was appropriated. The $500,000 sought to be diverted hero was appropriated for the specific purpose of continuing the improvement of the boulevard. If the fund is not applied to that purpose, a like sum must be raised by imposing a tax upon the taxpayers of the city to carry out the improvement of the boulevard. To the extent of its taxes, this corporation is therefore pecuniarily interested. It is not to the point that the fund misappropriated will go to the payment of another indebtedness of the city, and hence relieve the taxpayers to that extent. It is sufficient for the taxpayer to know that the diversion of this fund from the purpose for which it was intended and specifically appropriated will impose upon him an additional burden in order to carry out the improvements on the boulevard authorized and directed to be done by the authority of the city. He is concerned, monetarily, in having the $500,000 applied to the specific purpose for which it was appropriated, and should the court refuse to compel the city to so apply it, he will be injured to the extent of the additional taxes he is required to pay.
We have no doubt of the right of the plaintiff corporation, being a resident and taxpayer of the city of Philadelphia, to maintain this bill.
The second question raised by the record and the only one considered and ruled by the court below is the right of the city councils to transfer the fund appropriated for “ continuing the improvement of the boulevard from Broad Street northeastward,” and apply it “ for the purpose of paying mandamuses for the opening of the boulevard.” The learned trial judge
The action of the city councils in dealing with the boulevard, as disclosed by the various- ordinances, recognizes a distinction between the opening of the boulevard and the improvement of it. By the ordinance of March 28, 1903, the director of the department of public works was directed to notify the owners of the property through which the boulevard would pass that at the expiration of three months, “ the street will be required for public use to its full width as now on the city plan.” This was followed by an ordinance of the same date which authorized the same city department to advertise for proposals for grading, curbing, macadamizing, planting trees, and “other contingent work required to improve the boulevard ; ” and in pursuance of the ordinance, the city arranged for the “improvement of the boulevard” by grading, curbing, culverting, macadamizing, bridging and otherwise. Another ordinance of the same date appropriated $250,000 “ for the commencement of said improvement,” and in pursuance of this ordinance, a contract was let in April, 1903, for grading, paving, etc., “ and doing such contingent work required to improve the boulevard ” as might be ordered by the bureau of highways. It will, therefore, be observed that prior to the election for determining the question of the increase of the indebtedness the boulevard was on the city plan, was directed to be opened to the full width, and the city had contracted for its improvement by grading, curbing, macadamizing, etc.,- to the extent of the partial appropriation made for the purpose. Subsequent to the action thus taken in regard to the boulevard, the councils in May, 1904, authorized the creation of a loan, a part of which was to be used for “ continuing the improvement of the boulevard,” and in pursuance of the authority granted in that ordinance the electors of the city voted in favor of the increase of the indebtedness for that purpose. The loan secured in pursuance of this election was likewise partly appropriated “for continuing the improvement of the boulevard.” It, therefore, appears that in all the proceedings of the city council, dealing with the boulevard, a distinction was -recognized by the city
But aside from the action of the councils indicating this to be their interpretation of the language of the appropriation, we think it clear that the appropriation “ for continuing the improvement of the boulevard” was not intended to be applied to the opening of the boulevard. “Continuing the improvement of the boulevard ” implies the prior existence of a boulevard, a change for the better in its condition, and that some progress had previously been made in bettering its condition when the city councils and the electors authorized the increase of the municipal indebtedness for the purpose. As tersely put by Grey, V. C., in Ames v. Trenton Brewing Co., 56 N. J. Eq. 309, “in order that there might be an improvement there must previously have been something to improve.” As long as the buildings occupied the site of the proposed boulevard and the damages due the property owners were unpaid or unsecured, there was no street to be improved. A farm may be improved by the renewal of necessary fencing, a manufactory may be improved by the installation of modern machinery, a patented article may be improved by the addition of some useful and necessary device, and a city may be improved by the opening and construction of new streets, by proper waterworks and sewer systems, but in each instance there is in existence a thing to be improved. Applying this principle here, there could be no improvement of the boulevard, until it became a boulevard by being opened in pursuance of the city ordinance. Then, and not till then, was it a street nor could it have been improved as such. If councils legally could and did make an appropriation for the improvement of the city without specifying the manner in which it was to be done, it may be conceded that the money could be applied in opening as well as constructing a street necessary to the needs of the city. Thus used, the word “improvement” is applied to the betterment of the whole city and the appropriation could be applied for
In obedience to the requirements of the Act of June 9, 1891, P. L. 252, 2 Purd. 1391, the official proclamation of the election in February, 1904, contained a statement of “ the purposes for which the indebtedness is to be increased.” One of the purposes was: “for continuing the improvement of the boulevard from Broad street northeastward $1,000,000; ” and on the ticket cast by each voter was stated the same purpose and the amount of the contemplated increase in the indebtedness. It must be assumed that the electors before casting their votes were familiar with the proceedings of the councils dealing with the proposed boulevard. The press of the city gave them full information. They, therefore, must be regarded as knowing that the boulevard had been declared a city street and that an appropriation had been made for its partial improvement. Under these circumstances, it cannot reasonably be doubted that each elector, when casting his vote, believed that the street had been opened, and that the increase of the indebtedness was for the purpose stated in the ballot furnished him, viz.: “ for continuing the improvement.” In view of the admitted facts, it is idle to contend that the electorate at that election believed they were voting for or against an increase for the purpose of opening the boulevard. Whatever may have been the actual condition of the street as to having been opened or not at the date of the election, necessarily, a very small number of the voters would have personal knowledge of
The learned counsel for the defendants suggest that if the city is not permitted to use the appropriation for the opening of the boulevard, that it may result in depriving the city of the highway. That argument cannot be successfully invoked to influence a chancellor to divert a fund from a purpose for
We think we must sustain the plaintiff’s contention on both propositions • submitted for our determination. We are of opinion that plaintiff corporation can maintain the bill, and that the city has no right to apply the $500,000, voted for continuing the improvement of the boulevard, to payment of the damages due the landowners by reason of the opening of the boulevard. It, therefore, follows that the prayer of the bill must be granted and that an injunction should be issued.
The decree of the court below is reversed at the costs of the appellees, and it is now ordered, adjudged and decreed that an injunction issue perpetually restraining the mayor of the city of Philadelphia, the director of the department of public works, and the city controller from doing any act by which the said sum of $500,000 shall be transferred from the appro