g1,*1f*f\ P*.WC+ C/erk. 7- h*w A-fiL+cUd H~ cUsJ*r*t;o^'\ fLi-h u*r fifaetcj f H* •D;JM^ t/iis *fjr-fUr -faA&Ud'. /*¥../?•> X- ^/yW I \r\ *fat-did 4 fof?u of- fh>S /fr¥ / ^ body ,s not required to accept or comply with arequest for information from (3) A9overnmentai 2! an a^nfnflrT^ 5ir"prifoned or confined in acorrectional facility; or information that »^TdwSSi^ft^^" ** ,ndMdua* **™* whe" *h. attorney is requesting (1) asecure correctional facility, as defined by Section 1.07 Penal Code- Code; and (2) 3S6CUre COrrectiona, facility and asecure detention facility, as defined by Section 51.02, Family confinement ofagrso^^^ [tt WHS? i??J' APPLICANT pRAYS THAT THE COURT GRANT APPLICANT RELIEF TO WHICH HE MAY BE ENTITLED IN THIS PROCEEDING VERIFICATION _ r • TJ"s application must he verified or it will be dismissed for non-compliance For verification purpose*, an^appl.cant is aperson filing the annl.e.tin. „„ h;a „ h-rTn b^aff x jctiqpncr ,s a person f^^bl^mJUS^t^i^hJirof , L»__4m "or LZ^l 71!Z? A attorney. An inmate is a person whoTTTn cu^odv^^^^^^^ example, an applicant's ^ pub.tc^ofth^^ >»?r> ***£***+. bTTfei au,,„ey. the attorney may sign the -0^^^^^^^^ ^ ease tL ^^^^^^^^;:^M * ' — *— '" which before anot^™!^"""If n°n-a"orney Petitioner must sign the "Oath Before aNotary Public" inform W,th°Ut an°tary PUb,,C 3nd mUSt a,S° comP>«° ^expropriate "Pet^ner's OATH BEFORE A NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF application are truT" " ^^ ^ aCC°rding l° m* bcli^ lhc «*» «*ed in the Signature of Applicant / Petitioner (circle one) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF _________ 20 Signature of Notary Public 16 Rev. 01/14/14 PETITIONER'S INFORMATION Petitioner's printed name: State bar number, if applicable: Address: Telephone: Fax: INMATE'S DECLARATION I, [J) &$on Z#<) am the Applicant / petitioner (circle one) and being presently incarcerated in Iffl/SiCo^ Ukti-^/Lo^rapX. ,declare under penalty of perjury that, according to my belief, the facts stated in the above application are true andcorreet. Si§ned on J fffertQt^fr 20 /V Sign^ure ofKpplieant// Petitioner (circle one) GifkcUd io Os^lntJ e/y^llfrVo* 17 Rev. 01/14/14 OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 OFFICIAL BUSINESS ti^mmm if******^ STATE OF TEXAS ™«. ii}§. JraeKrex •*-^\f\%» .. • .j_i S_l_^»9S_y$ Z£(iCz&SEtggs^- Vk**^ a5iSffl^^s___Ji•_____r,1- PENALTY FOR • -*y GnsS| ,|V--»»>HINttb(,M> 11/26/2011^VATE USE - "• %WeM So'o&.s.a $Jfa?f, ZENO, JASON Tr. Ct. No. F-^b^r^^PSv^d'^0 FR0M W&1 J§1°41-02 The Court has dismissed your application for writ of habeas corpus'without written order for non-compliance with Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure 73 1. APPLICANT HAS NOT COMPLETED APROPER VERIFICATION OF THE PRESCRIBED FORM Abel Acosta, Clerk JASON ZENO " A] STEVENSON UNIT - TDC # 1895863 KH -s 1525 FM 766 WV /vftU CUERO, TX 77954 '•* EBN3B 77354 «,llll"lllMI'l'»ll'l'| '| '|»l.l.|M|1|.| |.,|l.|| ,|„..|| J| P
Zeno, Jason
Combined Opinion