COURT OF APPEALS SANDEE BRYAN MARION FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT KEITH E IIOTTLE CHIEF JUSTICE CADENA-REEVES JUSTICE CENTER CLERK OF COUR1 KAREN ANGELINI 300 DOLOROSA, SUITE 3200 MARIALYN BARNARD SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 7K205-3O37 REBECA C. MARTINEZ WWW.TXCOURTS.aOV/4THCOA.ASPX TELEPHONE PATRICIA O, ALVAREZ (210)335-2635 LU2 ELENA D. CHAPA JASON PULL1AM FACSIMILE NO. JUSTICES (2IO)335-27(i2 March 25. 2015 Keith C. Thompson Kenneth E. Grubbs 11003 Quaker Avenue Law Offices of Kenneth Grubbs Lubbock. TX 79424 Woodcock Building. Suite C-120 424! Woodcock Drive San Antonio, TX 78228 RE: Court of Appeals Number: 04-15-00040-CV Style: Templeton Mortgage Corporauon v. Michael Middleton Dear Counsel: After reviewing the Civil Docketing Statement, the Court has determined the parties will not be ordered to participate in Alternative Dispute Resolution. This appeal will proceed with the applicable appellate deadlines as set forth in the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. Sincerely. Marialyn Barnarai Justice MB/ma
Templeton Mortgage Corporation v. Michael Middleton
Combined Opinion