Busby, Johnathan Isaac

OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OFCRIMINAL APPEALS OFTEXAS P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 OFFICIAL BUSINESS- "" *" " '""'^ N* fr /ft (f^a^^^s STATE ©F TEXAS PENALTY FOR • „. imtllutrjr„^ 10/1/2014 PRIVATE USE 0004279596 OCT02 2014 BUSBY, JOHNATHAN ISA This is to advise that the.<$ tjSFiwSWjr,l£DFR0M zWr?82!66°41-oi x«%^ed without written order the application for writ of habeas corpus; olRhe(„. of the trial court without a hearing. Abel Acosta, Clerk ^5^ JOHN ISAAC BUSBY !8809 &*