OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS FILE COPY P.O. BOX I2308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 787I I ..:' -'4.:'|- .':: 111612015 r.:;1 .,.. ,: GARY PARKER, Tr. Ctr.No. r2.CRi2371'-.E(S2) PD-1652-14 The Appellant's motion for extens¡on of time within which to f¡le the Appellant's br¡ef is granted. The time for filing the,Appéila,nt-lsrbiief has been extended to January 16,2015. NO FURTHER EXTENSIONSWÍLL BE ENTERTAINED. Abel Acosta, Clerk 13TH COURT OF APPEALS CLERK DORIAN RAMIREZ 9OI LEOPARD CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78401 DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL -