Brayan Josue Oliva-Arita v. State

                                                                                                                              FIRST COURT OF APPEALS
                                                                                                                                      HOUSTON, TEXAS
                                                                                                                                  2/24/2015 12:11:31 PM
                                                                                                                                    CHRISTOPHER PRINE
    Appellate Docket Number:        oI-I5-0014O-Cll                                                                                              CLERK

    Appellate Case Style: Style:    BRAYANJDSUE.QLIVA-ARITA
                                                                                                                               "           "<"

                              Vs.   State of Texas

    Companion Case:                                                   I

    Amended/corrected statement:      0
                                                  DOCKETING STATEMENT (Criminal)
                                                 Appellate Court: 1st Court ofAppeall
                                       (to be filed in tbe court of appeals upon perfection of appeal under TRAP 32)

    L Appe1Iaat                                                             u.-.      g..t~(~
                                                                                         '.', ,.".,"                        . "'ii'   ..
    First Name:     BRAVAN                                                 [g] Lead Attorney
    Middle Name:    JOSUE                                                   First Name:     S4LVAIlOlt
    Last Name:      OLIVA-ARITA                                             Middle Name:    ~WAll.D
    Suffix:                                                                 Last Name:      FAUS
    Appellant Incarcerated?    0    Yes [g] No                              Suffix:
    Amount of Band:                                                        [g] Appointed               o District/County Attorney
    Pro Se:   0                                                            [J Retained                 o Public Defender
                                                                           Firm Name:          TOlUmSN                     ,~-",--

                                                                           State:     T_                         Zip+4:   11$,.
                                                                           Telephone:       (4119) 763-mJ          ext.
                                                                           Fax:       (409) ~,3424

                                                            ~'"."          SBN:       0078S154.


                                                                      Page 10f5
m.    Appen,.                                                                   ·W.A"'I"~.)                                                    .' .
First Name:                                                                      ~ Lead Attorney

Middle Name:                                                                      First Name:         REBECCA                                              ,
Last Name:                                                                       Middle Name:
Suffix:                                                                          Last Name:           IUNTY IAiLANDfSOO FJNE

Date of offense:     O2JI~014	                                                    (s the appeal frQffi a pre-trial order?   lZI Yes            oNo
Defendantls plea:    NoloCon~	                                                    Does the appeal involve the coMtitutionahty or the validity of a
                                                                                  statute, rule or ordinance'?
Ifguilty, does defendant have the trial court's cenificate to appeal?
                                                                                 DYes      lZI No
0Ves DNo

VL Adiolta E~1'hlI~T.P""Appeal
                                                                                                                            ,   .
                                                                                                                                           .                   ....•.
Motion for New Trial:              DYes 1'8:1 No     If yes, date filed:
Motion in Arm"t of Judgment: 0 Yes [8J No            If yC5,   dal~   filed:

Other:    DYes      1ZI No                           (fyes, date tiled;

If other, please specify:

VII, ID~Of PartY: (Attadl .....Blpe!lmpy ofmotion .od aIIiIttMC)
                                                                                                                       ..   .                   . ',   .       '   .
Motion and affidavit filed:       121 Ves   ONe    DNA                If yes, date filed' 04IIl212014
Date of hearing: 0410212014                        DNA
Date of order:      (14102/2014                    DNA
Ruling on motion; [8J Granted         o Denied     DNA                If granted or denied, date ef ruling: 04/0212014

                                                                           Page:2 of5
Court:    C01.lN1'\'"COUILT AT LAW'l                                         Clerk's Record:
County: GALVESTON                                                            Trial Court Clerk:    0   District   ~ County
Trial Court Docket Number (Cause no):             MD-0342858                 Was clerk's record requested?        ~ Yes   0   No
Trial Court Judge (who tried or disposed of the case):                        If yes, date requested: 0211312015
                                                                              Ifno, date it will he requested:
First Name:       JOHN                                                       Were payment arrangements made with clerk?
Middle Name:                                                                                                       DYes       0   No ~ Indigent

Last Name:        GRADY
Address I:        600 S911!STRllIIT
Address 2:        2ND FLOOR
City:             GALVESTON
State:    Texas                       Zip + 4: 77551
Telephone:        (409) 766-2233          ext.
Fax:      (409) 765-2945

Reporter's or Recorder's Record:
Is there a reporter's record?   ~   Yes   [J No
Was reporter's record requested?      ~Yes         ONo
Was the reporter's record ele'tronically recorded?        r8J Yes 0   No
If yes. date requested: 02lUl12015
Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder?               o Yes     ONo ~ Indigent

~   Court Reporter                        o      Court Recorder

o   Official                              o      Suhstitute

First Name:       LYNETl'E "BITIY"
Middle Name:
Address I:        600 59TH STREET
Address 2:        2NDfiLOOR
City:             GALYmiTON
State:    Texas                       Zip + 4: 77551
Telephone:        40\1-766-2235           ext.
Fax:      409-765-2945

                                                                       Page 3 ot 5
 IX. BeJatN! Matters

List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court. docket number, and style.
Docket Number:                                                                          Court:


         Vs.      S_