ACCEPTED 12-15-00025-CV TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 2/25/2015 11:19:48 AM CATHY LUSK CLERK ('AlTSE NO. 12-1S-0002S-CV ------- IN THE MATTER 0 F § r~ THE COllRT OF APPEALS FILED IN THE MARRIAGE OF § 12th COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS § LESLIE SUE FLOYD § 2/25/2015 11:19:48 AM AND § 12Tl! CATHY S. LUSK .JUDICIAL DISTRICT Clerk BRADLEY DEAN CODY § § AND IN THE INTEREST OF § BILLY DEAN CODY, A. CHI LD § SMITH COlNTY, TEXAS MOTlOI\ T(' DISMISS APPEAL Now comes Appellant. leslie Floyd. and respeclfully nwves this Ceurt to \",ithdra\" appellant's notice of appeal and lilsrniss thl~ 2:ppeaL pursuant (0 Rule 42.1 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. RI~spcctfully submitted. !.aw OtTice of Samuel ivl. Smith P.c. 219 K Pak:stine Sl. Athens. TX 75751 rei: (903) 675··5005 F2:X: (903) 675-5007 Fmail: ~'~ITlitiJ:(1!S21111ll~Is!l1itbL'J\v"fc:'m I. / ,,/ ( , By:_,~.~2L'_,::-"~~,_..:._\__.i.-.- __~J-~~(XT: ___. SAMUFL M, SMITH State Bar No. =~4044042 Attorney fiJI' Leslie Sue Floyd AFFII[)AVIT - ------_. BEFORE ME, t 'le llll(er~.igncd auth,)rity. on this day personally appeared Samuel M. Smith. 'who after being li uly <,worn slat(:d: MOllO." TO DIS\llSS AI'I>I.\I. I Ilmd I':I( iI' 1 "1 am the al1:omey fix the appellant in the above numbered and enliltled cal.SC. 1 have read the i'oregoing Motion to Dismiss .Appeal anc swea- that all of 1h:' allegations of fact contained therein arc true and correct." ( . . . , '" ./ / ' . L.l i .' .: lA. ~...;?-/4+v, I••. _._-~---- _. _____ ._____ .. iU;;:"'iCR..V~·' ~#": __ SA~'vlU EL M. S1-vlITH SIJBSCRIBED Al~D SWORN TO BEFORE ME on February ~_.~.~ _~_, 2015, to certify wnich witne,!, my hand and seal of uffice. --:..-~- -- / --------=- ---.:..: -~.~ --~ ------ r\otarv-' Public State of Texas Certitkatc of Servke I certif:y that on Ft'Jruar:' .2015. a true copy ofthc above and foregoing document was served on the parlY's lead coumel d.S 1r()llows: Attomey: Marianne T. \N' (men Address of service: 10,1 E.. Cor'.icana Street. Athens. Texas 75751 Vlethod of service: By fac51mik number 903-675-847'1 Date of service: Februar)_~.~ .. __ , ::015. MOTION 10 DIS:"IlISS APPL\1. - .. Flovd PAGF 2
in the Matter of the Marriage of Leslie Sue Floyd and Bradley Dean Cody and in the Interest of Billy Dean Cody, a Child
Combined Opinion