0IZ- is IUTHE:COLKT ORIGINAL DP CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS JOHN BaIARD HALL «W^W /IfPfcLLMlr MAR 10 2015 Abe! Acosta, Clerk THE STATE OP TEXAS eu£ Cte^ii(ntt9o05-ffl-oM~(i __. T MfE&L tttoM CM, HUffflER.'. rOS-GSlM FILED |N ' ) PH&ffl "ME $&* Mm OMT C0URT ofcriminal appeals OP (MmtoniT£$£ HAR 10 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk IIBfnti 6P t* (toufcr toia ?(feS i tok££LS> cM£ Mw CEiwiflLCJBiBtr flouO" ?ftaT fffi&M ft£ OePtioofior DALLAS, Ti -5^01 flmn $mim dine US) Wm^ &t OPtejinr CO TAfeLEOP fiatflEMTS ICEtfTTCl ©P 1HE PUIES » 1ME OF CDtflEltS £ INDEX flF fiUIVlOTl^ 3 drmmi &mm oiul ffM&rr JTfffefifKi Of (USE Slharfiflr OF fOteouflL HM Stoics ax aanau owe SMStec (Vftiisoi^ivJfrT^teiM awoucr Uste ucrr Justified tollman" T& IfoftL Oftlff EOT U fitjffi 1 ll^fto 12. THE Jut}) Ati fKE3UIOTiSkl Af fflffitolflfilE ftQtf MblitntKfT fitoui\flfiD£.Cffliain\tffiE. UTTitifti coutr MO &lJ ftMio wsifticr is jfliMitoT Co(wiiSiiBK» of mueoffi. fteUnaJT u CO I^M OP Aimicsarto n ri CTFX AGP. a&tf) Cole u.snne.^su)^ 749 n LTefCflftuAPP. WW) n LTgjt ftw.-Ccftftfi atecn ftri) PIpO. IA 3-fflrE, T5L>SU>2fl 3W II CTEX. APP. - ftilSTiH ^063^ HlMCE i/. ftjW&iH, LU 7! 507 ld. UoS3.Cr.MS6 dteT) H LTfeCAfli-MoumtLWiteaKHs) t Bt MP.- toJ5T^ LPT 06X7 AoeQ ,3 -7 n HlfeHEb y/. taoE £ltfs.er. m) -7 12 G) /."Te&flflP-TBBHOlMA- RRW 5AMM*j&\ V. maiMlLA, W US -510 \4 t LaiUJS V. JTfrlE, 7QO 5LOOD "3f57 ,* LTe^CEjm. (W- too) Statutes Tfe. PENRLGW ANN- &Dla4 1,05 ,^?3,k Tex, Penal toce M secTiod Sol SecrioM 1.31^ q,»o Te(,.9£MftLmBE. amiu secri*i ^'31 q,l3,lS> -mx. PfcrtftLCo&kAM. SBCTtott ^SKMlOCQirt &' c -TCX. \>£WiVL Co&F. ftUM. 3BCTIOW l.to CWOOlfltft *3*rtJ,b 00 Toe vmt Cdoe to tern R.M. <* TeA. Cwc to. ?ml IWl wt. &.H 10 Tette Crjio. Pfoo to Her. 3L.fi 11 TX te Glim- tooc. Utti. Act '^Ji* /o Cg) -iMOienmn- nsm tatoi -in the a»fe to fti -nt mnvMiTJ) tfPTtestffE op Te« THE, GflWUJffi) OP i)fllJLl&^fcFtl,Ste Of IBflS. to 6&lWIZeO frlflE Der&eefc Teem, Aft &co3 of tU£ GteWtfL oistar tort, Mrfs Cam) umt ft ftaro.ft- toDd ujeftM. m it ftttttee vl^El^B 10 CCLl£r Tt#fT P^lCsil 1) QtamlSSIol o£5fllD DfmKEjtiBWKT uk cmm of ftiM) (rase of Pfissssiwr &f {^t^lleO syflsmwas t»nrt IttlEttt To ffl^BR. A«TUAil 4 &« Out U55 IfoK JM 3flVfi> 6ft( S*flftJ 6F Ifflftt 50(57. MCite* ft*r7lto35 IN THE 3p3cD DSIM flDUfr Of flfllJB, AlO SftB (kuOlTt^ U3ftS RtOfiL U^IHL Kte J6ttt4 AMI £L\bAfcfl UftLl, /WO IT fitted fteaate to awer ~m Pita, to amrtsai of«h smo c*f8s£, MBNDfiw uife cflfchiaa 5f P&j^ GPPaeE of feflau ctes Mil1) 1M foul Vi6LM£ -omafi of me a*j)iw or mm 5003. in ife ot& *ta-St>B iftine CJEi*»i»LO«fttr Cte ^ ,6P mi^ ffiuaSim said CNMCMfc (S ^tOAL UUJtt tag OoJAtsttoMO \tai.. T\fe Jurvi Ser ^KftEto M to Dews* feu&jr rsq ft mentor fl&. £61teft£)ti6 ftlFV »iaOTE\flL CN fiCroBB2^^.50£ff OUT LOW wis)* tfttojw £$e uk fttuofeO wj fl- Gougx GPAWSb <»j LQ